1. Open up new blank canvas (400X400) so you have plenty of room
2. click on A tool & put in text (with dark gray foreground, light gray background)floating checked, antialias checked.. (I use 72 size then resize later)
3. with ants marching on text, click on effects (using blade pro, eye candy etc) and choose color for text. click on okay
4. click again "with ants still marching" click on effects 3D inner bevel. click okay
5. click again "with ants still marching" click on effects drop shadow. click okay
6. go to select, select none.
7. go to layers, adding raster layer.
8. click on tube tool (paintbrush with inkbottle) choose tube to put on signature. User mover tool '+' and place tube where you want it.
9. click on effects> 3D> drop shadow okay.
(Note: if you have multiple tubes you want to add, go back to step 7 & repeat steps 7-9)
10. When graphic is the way you want, go to layers & merge all viewable.
11. go to edit > copy
12. go to edit > paste as new layer
13. go to image > flip
14. using mover tool, line up flipped graphic on layer '2' to bottom of merged layer 1.
15. click on layer pallette, layer 2. (flipped graphic) next to the layer is a slider tool. slide the slider until your reflection is anywhere from 65 to 50 on the scale so it looks like a reflection.
16. go to layer tool & merge visable.
17. with crop tool, crop image (clicking on edit/crop)
18. click on edit : resize to around 75%.
19. click on effects > sharpen
(if image is still too big, redo step 19 again)
20. save as file.gif or jpg
21. go to free storeage site upload & post signature!
*******Tutorial is written & owned by ChristaFile79. It cannot be copied & posted under ANY circumstances. A link to this tutorial is acceptable & appreciated. *******