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EZ Corkboard Bulletin Board (CFile2002)

1. Open up background of cork file & open up woodgrain file. (Retreive Cork & woodgrain files by "right click & save")

2. Choose new canvas 400 X 400 transparent.
3. Use the preset shapes (choosing whever shape you want) with the outside line dark gray & about 15 width...the inside light gray....
4. Using magic wand, click on the inside of the star or preset shape..
5. Use the clone tool & clone the cork to the inside until it is filled.
7. with ants still marching click on effects & Sharpen. (to crisp up the cork)
8. Again using magic wand, click on the outside of your preset shape.
9. Using the clone tool, clone the wood grain to the outside..
10.Once that is done, with ants still marching, use 3D effects inner bevel.. (color=light gray.)
11. with ants still marching, go to 3D effects again, clicking on drop shadow. Unselect.
12. Add raster layer.
13. Add tubes and or pictures (resizing small so they will fit on bulletin board. Rotate the image if it is a picture (Sharpen after rotate) & use mover tool to move item where you want it. [also at this point use 3D effects & add drop shadows on the images]
14. Add raster layer & place push pin on item or photo. (merging these two layers)
15. Continue steps 12-14 until you have bulletin board the way you want it.
16. Once all items are placed & etc, add raster layer & add name. (putting effects on name.
17. Merge all layers to one.
18. Click on effects 3 D add drop shadow
19. Crop image. (Also if you want to resize, do so now & sharpen)
20. Go to layer tool & Duplicate twice.
21. Add sparkles.
22. Save as PSP file.
23. Open up file in animation pro.
24. Go to edit > Select all
25. File > Save Frame as> (same named file.psp)
26. File > Animation Wizard (following instructions)
27. View animation. If it is too fast or too slow, go to edit >select all
28. Go to Animations > Frame properties > set speed.
29. View animation.
30. [If this is still not right repeat steps 27-29]
31. Save as a gif file

*******Tutorial is written & owned by ChristaFile79. It cannot be copied & posted under ANY circumstances. A link to this tutorial is acceptable & appreciated. *******
