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The support staff of Honaker Elementary/Middle School

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Picture of Secretaries Rebekah Musick and Kathy Tiller
Secretaries Rebekah Musick and Kathy Tiller
Picture of Head Custodian Raymond Barton
Head Custodian Raymond Barton
Not Pictured Rick Hess and Rick Hart

1.  Judy Sargent-----Manager
2.  Patsy McGlothlin
3.  Wanda Sauls
4.  Sue Harris
5. Cristy Honaker

Picture of Cafeteria Manager Judy Sargent
Cafeteria manager Judy Sargent

1.  Tracie Cordle
2.  Leigh Dye
3.  Geneva Crabtree
4.  Wanda Stinson
5.  Cynthia Hess
6.  Diane Owens
7.  Charlotte Hess
8.  Robin Herndon
9.  Cathy Maxfield
10.  Carrie Haun
11.  Truedell Dye