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The Looney Tunes Store
1525 Grove Street
Hampton VA, 23664

Phone: 1-800-BUGS-BUNNY
Fax: 1-800-851-9177

Feedback Form

Tell us what you think about our products, our organization, and our Web site. We welcome all of your comments and suggestions. If you cannot use your browser to submit a form, please print and complete this form and mail it to the address shown.

What is the nature of your feedback?

            Compliment Suggestion Problem

What about us do you want to comment on?

            Web Site Company Products Employees Other

Enter your comments in the space provided below:


Tell us how to get in touch with you:





            Please contact me about my comments.

Will you allow us to use your comments in company advertisements?

        Yes No

Last updated 04/20/2003
Copyright © 2003 The Looney Tunes Store. All rights reserved.