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A Compliation of GORGEOUS Notes

Thanks to all of those who have contributed! I hope these notes are useful. Please help me to build this note archive by sending your notes to or posting them on the forum.


Charles de Secondat Baron de Montesquieu: By, the one and only, me. Yeah, he was part of the Enlightenment in France.

French Revolution Notes: Again, by me.

Bismarck and German Unification: A section of my friend's History Extended Essay, which she got an A on. It contains really useful historiography and I promise you that after reading it once, you'll be able to write an essay on paper 3 essay about German Unification. Oh, it starts off with some information about Arab unification, so don't be alarmed. Just scroll down a bit.

Historiography: Again from my wonderful, brilliant friend. Contains historiography by Paul Preston and John Roberts on European History from the French Revolution to the end of the Second World War.

German Unification and the Background to WWI: I haven't looked over these in a long time. They might be good. I might add to them later, to make them better.

pre - Russian Revolution: The Failure of Tsarism: I must say, these are quite good... they're by me

Comparing Architecture in Mussolini's Italy to that in Hitler's Germany: I don't know if this is useful, at all, but... here ya go anyway. (By me.)

Random History Notes: Here are general notes on a variety of topics: Revolutions of 1848, German Confederation & the Unification of Germany, Pre-WW1 Germany, a general background to WW1, Russia between the Russian Revolution and the Cold War, the Cold War itself, and a brief section on Khruschev. I believe these are my friend Shilpi's. Thank you!

Communist China Under Mao: I'm pretty sure these are not mine. I don't know where I got them. From a site somewhere probably. Thank you to whoever these are!

*New!*How To Read A Document Part 1: Sorry, these got a little cut off! It's not my poor scanning abilities... it's my old history teacher's inability to use the photocopier

*New!*How To Read A Document Part 2

*New!*Tips For Papers 2 & 3 Part 1: A couple of these files are on a slant. That is a result of my inability to scan things... I admit it this time.

*New!*Tips For Papers 2 & 3 Part 2

*New!*Tips For Papers 2 & 3 Part 3

*New!*Tips For Papers 2 & 3 Part 4


For those of you who have a TOK exam, need ideas for your TOK essay, or are taking IB Philosophy these may be of use to you.

Philosophy Definitions: From A Priori to Validity... By my friend Leenah...I've tried to alphabetize them. (Emphasize tried ) Oh, also contains the names and authors of important publications.

Notes on Philosophers: Ideas from Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and some other people. Yummy. By Sharon

Descartes Module 3 Notes: Descartes in detail. This, and the next 3 files are from an anonymous IBscrewed member. Thanks! (6 Pages)

IB Philosophy Ethics Notes: All about Ethics. This is certainly helpful for both TOK and IB Philosophy (1.5 pages)

Philosophy of Religion Module 2 (Section I): The Philosophy of Religion (9 pages)

Philosophy of Religion Module 2 (Section II): The Philosophy of Religion Continued! (4 pages)

See History Section for Charles de Secondat Baron de Montesquieu notes.


Atomic Theory and Periodicity: My notes again... this does not contain everything on either subject, and some things about other random subjects... but they could be helpful.

Stoicheometry: This one looks like I started typing up notes on Stoich and then abandoned the idea. So, here are some notes.

Nuleophiles: These are some notes I took in class and then scanned. I took them in pencil, so they might not be very visible...

English A1

How to Write a Commentary: Don't worry, I didn't write these. My English teacher gave us this handout. It's very pretty.

*New!* Poetry Analysis: This was a handout my English teacher gave us to prepare us for analyzing poetry. We had to do presentations on William Blake, but everything on that sheet, except for the last point, is what you should look for in a poem when writing English Commentary, or for your Oral Commentary