The Wonderful World of Undefined

Undefined is a 3-piece punk trio out of Chicago, Illinois. Undefined combines straight punk with metal, ska, alternative, and even reggae to create a unique blend of sounds all their own. Their sound lives up to their name, as no 2 songs sound the same. Download some mp3s, fall in love, check out some shows and join the street team! Undefined won't disappoint you.

Quick Updates

  • UNDEFINED IS NO MORE. Joh has made it clear, through not talking to us, that he wants nothing more to do with Undefined. That being said, we're going to call it quits. Free MP3s will be posted at some point. Thanks to everyone who supported us and still looks at this site.
  • Looks like many shows from Logan have been rescheduled at the Bottom Lounge (our not included, though). So check for info on all those shows. Hopefully we'll be able to reschedule with mpshows, we'll keep you posted. Sucks, though, Chicago no longer has any permanent all-ages venues. Stay strong, we'll keep you all posted.
  • With no real notice and little explanation, mpshows decided to cancel all upcoming shows at Logan Square Auditorium, so we're sorry to say we won't be playing on the 8th. has a little statement, I wish we could tell you more. Sorry, we're bummed out about it too.
  • The new EP is COMPLETE! To hear 3 songs off of "Die To Feel Alive" go HERE. Once the artwork is complete we'll be selling the EP for an estimated $4 (subject to change). Now GO LISTEN! Send feedback to the band. We want to hear what you think!
  • Show the love for the Stephens clan. And have another laugh.
  • Go have a good laugh!

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