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Something About Me



Well, first of all, my name is Cindy,  in case
you haven't figured that out.

Never in my life did I think that life could actually
BEGIN at 40, but I am finding out there are a lot of
things I have missed out on in my life!


There are many things I like to do - sailing, singing, getting on the back of
a motorcycle and feeling the cool breeze flowing through my hair,
cuddling up in front of a warm fireplace with a good bottle of wine,
or soaking in a hot tub and just relaxing.
(We all have to have those solitude moments!)




My kids are my life - make no mistake about that.
Half of the time I never even know what I'll be doing next!
I like to just go with the flow!  Yes, I am a "free spirit", to a
point anyway.  I just love life and all that it has to offer,
and I can't be put down by setbacks, that I have no control over, or that will no longer matter one day.





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