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  I am 17 years old and I am in the 11th grade.  Even though it is a few years old, my mom says this picture is perfect for me, since I do like to talk a lot!   I take Spanish and I like that a lot. I am in Honors Spanish II.  I am still learning it though!  I am in FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), Work Ethics, a member of the Y-Street Team and on the High School Soccer and Cross Country Teams.

I have a Golden Lab named Charlie, and he's pretty nifty to have around.  We also have Scoot, and he is a Springer Spaniel.  We had another dog named "Shadow" that was my best friend, but he was killed after we brought him all the way across the United States to Virginia from Washington State.

We live in the country, and that is just fine with me, as I like to cut wood, make forts in the woods and build things, not to mention hunting on the 69 acres of land we live on.  We also have a beach, and so we get to go swimming a lot in the summer.

I have a girlfriend named Beth.  We've been together now for over a year.

I have a Golden Lab named Charlie, and he's pretty nifty to have around.  We also have Scoot, that is a Springer Spaniel.  We had another dog named "Shadow" that was my best friend, but he was killed after we brought him all the way across the United States to Virginia from Washington State.

I have good friends here, Andrew and Kyle.  They are brothers, and are my neighbors.  My best friend here is Charles, and he lives next door, that is when he isn't at my house!

I have a sister named Rachel, and a nephew named Tyler.  His dad was my brother, Nathan, who died.  I was very sad when he died, but Tyler is kind of fun.  I can't wait until he gets older so I can teach him things like playing basketball, soccer, or my favorite - WRESTLING!!!!

My favorite band/performer is Bare Naked Ladies, food is chicken, drink is water or Gatorade, because I learned to like that for wrestling, and color is blue.

Well, that's about it.  Don't forget to check out the rest of the family, and drop me an email so I will know you came by to visit!