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Langley High School


Second Quarter

NOTICE TO STUDENTS: Homework assignments are listed by the due date, not by the day their were assigned.

Due Date Assignment Description

Week #10
Jan. 28 (6th Period)
Jan. 27 (7th Period)
No Homework Due
Jan. 26 (6th Period)
Jan. 25 (7th Period)
Study for Midterm
Jan. 24 Study for Midterm

Week #9
Jan. 21 No Homework Due
Jan. 20 (7th Period)
Jan. 19 (6th Period)
Study for Chapter 6 Test using pg. 313 (#1-34)
Jan. 18 No Homework Due
Jan. 17 No School - MLK Holiday

Week #8
Jan. 14 Section 6.6, pages 302-304
#11-23, 27, 28, 31, 32, 37, 38, 41
Jan. 13 (7th Period)
Jan. 12 (6th Period)
Section 6.5, pages 296-298
#13-27, 34, 35, 38, 39
Jan. 11 Section 6.4, pages 290-292
#11-18, 23-26, 31-34, 39-44
Jan. 10 No Homework Due

Week #7
Jan. 7 Section 6.3, pages 283-285
Study for Quiz on Sections 6.1-6.3
Jan. 6 (7th Period)
Jan. 5 (6th Period)
Section 6.2, pages 276-279
#11-33 odd, 34-40 even
Jan. 4 Section 6.1, pages 270-272
#7-26, 28-42 even
Jan. 3 Section 6.1 Definitions

Week #6
Dec. 31 No School - Winter Holiday
Dec. 30 (7th Period)
Dec. 29 (6th Period)
No School - Winter Holiday
Dec. 28 No School - Winter Holiday
Dec. 27 No School - Winter Holiday

Week #5
Dec. 24 No School - Winter Holiday
Dec. 23 (7th Period)
Dec. 22 (6th Period)
No School - Winter Holiday
Dec. 21 No Homework Due
Dec. 20 Study for Chapter 5 Test

Week #4
Dec. 17 Section 5.6, pages 255-258
#8-12, 14-23
Dec. 16 (7th Period)
Dec. 15 (6th Period)
Section 5.5, pages 249-251
#11-17 odd, 21-33 odd, 34-37
Dec. 14 Section 5.4, pages 243-245
#7-19 odd, 20, 24, 25, 28-34
Dec. 13 No Homework Due

Week #4
Dec. 10 Section 5.3, pages 236-238
#9-27 odd, 31-35 odd, 41
Study for the Quiz which covers Sections 5.1-5.3 using the Mid-Chapter Self-Test, page 239
Dec. 9 (7th Period)
Dec. 8 (6th Period)
Section 5.2, pages 227-229
#2-22 even, 28, 29, 30-34
Dec. 7 Section 5.1, pages 221-223
#9-13 odd, 21-27 odd, 31-34, 35-39 odd, 41, 42
Dec. 6 No Homework Due

Week #3
Dec. 3 Study for Chapter 4 Test
Dec. 2 (7th Period)
Dec. 1 (6th Period)
Constructions Worksheet handed out in class
Nov. 30 Section 4.6, pages 199-201
#1-13 odd, 16-19, 27-30, 31, 33
Nov. 29 Section 4.5, pages 193-195
#9, 10, 14, 16-19, 23, 24, 28-30, 31 (a, c, e)

Week #2
Nov. 26 No School - Thanksgiving Holiday
Nov. 25 No School - Thanksgiving Holiday
Nov. 24 (6th Period)
Nov. 23 (7th Period)
No Homework Due
Nov. 22 Study for the Quiz which covers Sections 4.1-4.4 using ...
  • Mid-Chapter Self-Test, page 189
  • Study Guide (handed out in class; contains sample problems)
(This work will not be checked off, but should be used to prepare for the quiz.)

Week #1
Nov. 19 Section 4.3, pages 180-182
#9, 13, 15 (no proof), 17, 23-25
Section 4.4, pages 186-188
#9-13 odd, 17, 23
Nov. 18 (7th Period)
Nov. 17 (6th Period)
Section 4.2, pages 172-174
#11-29 odd, 31-36, 37-43 odd
Nov. 16 Section 4.1, pages 166-168
#12-22 even, 23-26, 31-47 odd
Nov. 15 No Homework Due

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