To teach the arts to a group of students and share their talents with the community.
All of my teaching experiences have been in the public school system where I have been employed as the band director. My job has included teaching grades five through twelve at as many as five different schools.
My work in sales has involved the retail and the wholesale music markets. I managed and was a buyer for two music stores.
I also organized several businesses:
"Entourage" a five-piece traveling band 1978-81
Creator and organizer - "Music On The River" Summer band camp, 1995-present
Northampton Jr.High School
Eastern Shore of Virginia
Northampton Middle School
Northampton High School
Goochland County Schools
1987 to the Present
Graduate Assistant, Music Department
Virginia Commonwealth University
Professional Trumpet Player
Asheville, N. C. Richmond, Virginia
Guest Conductor - All Shore Band
Eastern Shore, Virginia 1975, 1989, 1992, 1994, 1998
Conductor, Host and Reorganizer - Quad County Band
1988 to the present
Host - District III Solo & Ensemble Festival
Goochland High School, 1994 & 1998
Host - District 111 Concert Band Festival
Goochland High School, 2003
Assistant Head Counselor and Private Instructor
Mid-Atlantic Band Camps
Ferrum College, Virginia 1988-94
Guest Conductor - Henrico All-County Band
Henrico County, Virginia 1992
Guest Conductor - Hanover All-County Band
Hanover County, Virginia 1995
Guest Conductor - Chesterfield All-County Band
Chesterfield County, Virginia 2000, 2003
Private Trumpet Teacher
Richmond, Virginia 1986 - Present
Conductor and Organizer
"Music On The River"
1995, 1996, 1997, 1998. 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
Adjudicator - Farmville Christmas Parade
Farmville, Virginia 1991,1992,1994, 1995, 1997
Adjudicator - District 1, 111, V Band Festival
Henrico, Bealton, and Staunton, Virginia 1996, 2000, 2002
Sales - C. Bruno & Sons Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia 1982 -1983
Sales & Music Buyer - Boykins Music
Richmond, Virginia 1986 -1987
Manager - Breck Music Company
Largo, Florida 1978-1979
Organizer & Manager
5 piece entertainment group 1979-81
I feel my strongest asset is building a music program. I have had good success with continuing a program, as well as building, in a manner which improves the quantity and the quality.
Masters of Music
Virginia Commonwealth University - Richmond, Virginia
Bachelor of Music Education
Mars Hill College - Mars Hill, North Carolina
Music Educators National Conference MENC
Virginia Music Education Association VMEA
Past Member - Phi Mu Alpha Music Fraternity
Past Member -Virginia Coaches Association