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Hi, I'm Kitty and I am so glad you found my website. Momma and my Auntie Ree is helping me. They say I can put anything here as long as I keep it family friendly. I have seen so many homepages about cats that I decided to make one too.

I am still in high school, 17 years old and soon to have a baby. It's A Boy. His Dad is in Iraq fighting the war against terrorism. He enlisted because he wants to do all he can do to insure a safe future for our son.

I love pastel colors, especially green and pink. I like to read, paint nature scenes with oils, shopping, working on the baby's room and generally getting ready for my baby boy to be born.

I like the sound of the accordian, cajun fiddling & polka music and love cajun food. Momma says I just like to EAT!

I would love to hear from you so email me and let me know how you think I am doing. I don't have a computer, have to go to the library to use one, but I can hog my aunt's Webtv when I visit her! :)

If you find something that belongs to you, and you don't want it on my pages, please let me know and I will remove it.

Change The Music

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