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The TV's On, So Everyone Stays Calm
(The Summer War)

As the rumors and theories abound
A summer war is raging on and on
What will it take to make you realize
that things have changed since you've been gone

As I dig back into my bank of memories
I say to myself, "I don't want to be 23"
And you could say what you want
but i'd rather you say what you mean
(say what you mean)

Cause we're living and dying in a corrupt world
Where friendships are altered over the contents of a letter
Yean. We're living and dying in a corrupt world
One we wanted to shatter and replace with something better

As the rumors and theories persist
They talk about the one that he kissed
And though the temperature keeps rising
There's a coldfront on the horizon

So we spend winter constructing our walls
By August's end, we will have won
And you could say what you want
but i'd rather say what you mean
(Say what you mean)

Cause we're living and dying in a corrupt world
Where friendships are altered over the contents of a letter
Yean. We're living and dying in a corrupt world
One we wanted to shatter and replace with something better

And now the notebooks are piling up like traffic on the freeway
and I've got a guitar in a box but I doubt I'll ever play
And I've got some songs I wrote but I'll never get to sing
All The dreams I kept locked up are slowly vanishing
As you salivate for the spotlight, stay starved for attention 
Cause I'm always going to be one step away from retaliating 
So go out with your friends, Go fuck up your head
I'll stay home tonight making plans for my revenge
I need one more line, I want it to make it sense
Forget it, the truth is out,I just want to kill you, dead!

I just want to kill you,dead
I just want to kill you, dead!

I just want to kill you (softly sung)
