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This Weeks SPECIALS!


About Us!

LessThanWholesale was founded in July of 1997. We started out selling small items on eBay and made "side cash". We saw that we were progressing very much and moved onto becoming a "Power eBay Seller". We sold on eBay for many years and finally discovered that it was just to much to keep up with everything and the fees etc. We then gave up eBay and thought of something else. We worked from e-mail. We e-mailed many people who were looking for distributors, and basically made an online catalog.

We soon found out that we had so many people e-mailing us each day looking for products. So we decided to open We only had few hits a week, but word got out. We coninued our steady growth to today, receiving several hundred hits a day, along by being recognized by many major wholesale magazines. We are here to help... we are

21317 Comus ST

Ashburn, VA 20147

Dealer fees, & Membership fees are non-refundable. Our return policy.


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