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MKKomplete - Killer Instinct (1994) - Move List/Bios - Game Boy (Universal) Choose Your Game
Killer Instinct (1994)
Move List/Bios - Game Boy (Universal)
B. OrchidChief ThunderFulgoreGlacius
JagoSabrewulfSpinalTJ Combo
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Last updated: 03/23/19
Note: All commands are assuming your character is facing right.
If you are facing left, you must reverse the directional commands.
Backwards becoming Forwards and Vice Versa.
It's recommended that your controls match the default setting.

U = Up/Jump
D = Down/Crouch
F = Forward/Toward
B = Back/Away/Block High

(D+B) = Block Low

(Charge B) = Charge Back
(Charge F) = Charge Forward
P = Punch
K = Kick
KI Game Boy:
P = B
K = A

Combo Breaker:
The opponent must be executing a combo on you.
All characters have some moves that are enhanced after they have broken a combo.

Quick breaks Medium.
Medium breaks Fierce.
Fierce breaks Quick.
Ultra Combo:
The opponent's Health Bar must be flashing while red, and you must be in the middle of a combo.
You must finish the combo with the listed input for the Ultra Combo.
No Mercy:
The opponent must have lost all of their Health and the announcer says "DANGER!".
You have limited time to input the No Mercy command. You must be in the listed distance from the opponent.
The opponent must have lost all of their Health and you must still be on your first Health Bar.
You have limited time to input the Humiliation command. Distance from opponent is irrelevant.
Selectable Characters:

B. Orchid B. Orchid
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 125 lb
Age: 23 years old
Black Orchid is a secret agent, sent by an unknown group to investigate the mysterious disappearances that surround the Killer Instinct tournament. Her true identity and abilities are shrouded in secrecy.

For many years, Black Orchid has been amongst the code named elite of a professional spy organization working for the greater good of society. Her past remains hidden, including some things of which even she is unaware; she won't find out for some time yet that Jago is actually her brother. Realizing that clear evidence of Ultratech's crimes and dark ambition is proving impossible to come by, she eventually decides that the only way into the company is also the most dangerous: straight through the open front door. Once her superiors are persuaded of the necessity, she goes ahead and enters the tournament.
Special Moves:
Lasaken: D DF F P
Ichi (Ni-San): DF D DB P
Niguu Girl: DF D DB (Hold P)
Flik Flak: (Charge B) F K
Fire Cat: (Charge B) F P
Combo Breaker: B F (P/K)
Ultra Combo: B F P
Danger Move: D DF F B K, K (Close)
Chief Thunder Chief Thunder
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 280 lb
Age: 42 years old
Mystical defender of Native Americans. Thunder enters the contest in order to uncover the mystery surrounding his brother's disappearance in the previous year's tournament.

Long months have passed since the previous year's Ultratech tournament, and despite the wide-ranging searches of his tribe's supernatural phoenix allies, the Chief's beloved but overambitious younger brother has failed to return in either triumph or defeat. After much agonizing over the matter, and to great protest from his tribesfolk, Thunder decides that he must suspect the worst concerning Eagle's fate, and pacifies his people by nominating himself as avenger. The Chief has no dreams of glory, taking up Ultratech's challenge with nothing but vengeance and a primal justice in mind.
Special Moves:
Triplax: (Charge B) F P
Sammamish: F DF D DB B P
Phoenix: D DF F K
Tomahawk: D DB B P (In Air)
Combo Breaker: F DF D DBB (P/K)
Ultra Combo: B F P
Danger Move: F DF D DB B P
Fulgore Fulgore
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 560 lb
Age: 1 year old
A prototype cybernetic soldier developed by UltraTech, entered into the contest as a final test of its capabilities before mass production can begin.

One of Ultratech's latest creations and possibly the most dangerous to date, Fulgore is the first in a planned series of cybersoldiers boasting state-of-the-art armories, worked at feverishly over the last few years by a particularly erratic Ultratech genius and his team. Dark rumors abound as to where the prototype's human parts originated - the kind of rumors nobody dares voice. Before the Fulgore Mk. I model is even finished, the scientists are already working on an upgrade: and to prove the prototype's ultimate worth, it is entered into the tournament with orders to destroy all opposition.
Special Moves:
Laser Storm: D DF F P
Double Laser Storm: B B D DF F P
Triple Laser Storm: F B B D DF F P
Plasmaslice: F D DF P
Plasma-Port: B D DB P (In Front)/K (Behind)
Reflect: D DB B P
Cyber Dash: (Charge B) F K
Eye Laser: DF D DB K
Combo Breaker: F D DF (P/K)
Ultra Combo: F D DF P
Danger Move: B DB D DF F K (Stand 1 Character away)
Glacius Glacius
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 300 lb
Age: Unknown
Glacius is an alien being from a distant planet. When his spaceship crash landed on earth, he was captured by Ultratech. Hoping to prove these alien beings to be inferior, Ultratech forces him to fight for his life in the Killer Instinct tournament.

Wandering the galaxy in search of new life, a curious Glacius skims too close to the Earth and, sucked in by its gravitational field, crashlands deep in the heart of a snow-bound mountain range. Groggy but counting himself lucky to be alive, he surveys the damage and sets out in the hope of finding the parts he needs. The history books of Glacius' race warn of the humans' unreasoning brutality, but surely they exaggerate? Unfortunately, the alien will soon have time to regret his trusting nature when Ultratech capture him for use in their own unique brand of 'scientific research'.
Special Moves:
Shockwave: D DF F P
Ice Lance: DF D DB P
Cold Shoulder: B F P
Liquidize: D DF F (Hold P) (In Front)/K (Behind)
Combo Breaker: B F (P/K)
Ultra Combo: B F P
Danger Move: F DF D DB B P (Sweep Distance)
Jago Jago
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 190 lb
Age: 21 years old
A Tibetan warrior monk who calls on the power of the tiger to discover his destiny. Overseen by the tiger spirit, Jago must enter the contest and destroy the evil within.

Found abandoned as a baby at a Himalayan monastery and taken in by the Monks of the Tiger, Jago showed great promise from the start and, under the tutelage of the ancient Abbot, has swiftly become one of the Order's star pupils. During meditation he is visited by the very Tiger spirit his Order serves, which grants him great powers and Chooses him to battle the sinister evil of Ultratech. At first the power threatens to overwhelm Jago's sanity, but he soon masters it and becomes the finest warrior the Order has yet fathered. The ever-present uncertainty as to his origins, however, still troubles him.
Special Moves:
Endokuken: D DF F P
Tiger Fury: F D DF P
Wind Kick: DF D DB K
Laserblade: DF D DB P
Combo Breaker: F D DF (P/K)
Ultra Combo: DF D DB K
Danger Move: B F F P (Stand Near)
Sabrewulf Sabrewulf
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 400 lb
Age: 45 years old
Afflicted with the rare disease, Lycanthropy. Although he has spent most of his life as a recluse, he enters the Killer Instinct tournament on the promise of a cure if he is victorious.

Since the day when a wolfbite left him afflicted with a particularly virulent strain of lycanthropy, Count Von Sabrewulf has lived in exile in his remote mountain tower, shunned by society, struggling with insanity as his disease grows steadily worse. A handful of years back his worst nightmare was realized when he failed to revert to human form at all. Every rumor of a possible cure has been at best a hoax, so when a message arrives promising salvation should he enter and win the Ultratech contest, Sabrewulf is highly suspicious but obliged to seize any chance that comes his way.
Special Moves:
Sabre-Slap: (Charge B) F P
Sabre-Pounce: (Charge B) F K
Sabre-Spin: B F P
Sabre-Roll: F B K
Flaming bat: D DB B P
Howl: DF D DB P
Combo Breaker: B F  (P/K)
Ultra Combo: F B K
Danger Move: B B K (Close)
Spinal Spinal
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 110 lb
Age: 2650 years old
Spinal's origin is a closely guarded secret of Ultratech. A secret branch of the corporation, using a variety of special techniques, have succeeded in reviving an ancient warrior. With only the vaguest memories of his past life, Spinal knows how to do only one thing: fight!

A legendary warrior over 2000 years ago, the thing now known as Spinal has been torn from the peace of death by Ultratech's cell regeneration experiments. Trapped in the new world, he has no choice but to obey orders despite his reluctance, and to make things worse he begins to suffer tormenting flashbacks to the ancient life he can never quite remember. After the awe and wonder he inspired when first unveiled to the public, this year Spinal finds himself in the shadow of Ultratech's latest creations (Fulgore, Riptor et al): and, filled with resentment, he sets out to prove his worth.
Special Moves:
Bone Shaker: F F P
Soul Sword: (Charge B) F P
Skeleport: D D P (In Front)/K (Behind)
Power Devour: (Hold B) K
Searing Skull: D DF F P (After absorbing opponents special move)
Sliding Kick: DB D DF K
Combo Breaker:
Bone Shaker: F F P
Ultra Combo: D DF F P
Danger Move: B B B K (Stand 3 Characters away)
TJ Combo TJ Combo
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 220 lb
Age: 25 years old
T.J. Combo was once the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world for five years straight. He was stripped of his title for his brutal methods of punishing opponents. He now fights to regain his fame and fortune.

Having fought his way from a seedy backstreet gym to the world heavyweight title through sheer raw power and aggression, after 5 years at the top T. J. "Combo" Garrett is brought crashing down by his own overwhelming greed. Having blown most of his cash on titanium arm implants to ensure that the title remained his, Combo is stripped of belt, wealth and public respect when the Ultratech surgeon who performed the operation sells his story to the media. Furious and humiliated, Combo returns to his old ghetto haunts and vows to defy the world at large in reaching the top once more.
Special Moves:
Powerline: (Charge B) F (Hold P)
Runstop: B P (During Run)
Run to Roll: D P (During Run)
Rollercoaster: (Charge B) F P
Knee K.O: (Charge B) F K
Turn Punch: F B P
Cyclone: (Hold P) for 2 sec., Release and P again
Combo Breaker: B F  (P/K)
Ultra Combo: B F P
Danger Move: B B F F P (Stand Near)
Boss Character:

Eyedol Eyedol (Boss)
Height: Too Tall
Weight: Really Heavy
Age: That Would Be Telling
Eyedol is Ultratech's trump card. Remember the warlords from the Prologue story? Well, Eyedol is one of them. Ultratech's scientists snatched him out of Limbo to do battle with the finalist in this year's Killer Instinct tournament. Little did they realize what kind of power they were releasing when they set Eyedol free from his magical prison...

Eyedol and his greatest rival, Gargos - known only in the modern world to the Monks of the Tiger as the great Spirit they serve - were the last surviving Warlords of ancient times, battling for ultimate control of the land. The heroes of the age joined together to banish them to Limbo, and for 2000 years there they stayed: but now Ultratech's meddlings have resulted in a device that can scan the void for life, and despite their efforts to shut it down before anything nasty gets out, a weakened Eyedol manages to break through at the last minute, right into the company's scheming hands.
Special Moves:
Bum Rush: B F K
Batter Up: B F P
Fireball: D DF F P
Stomp: (B+P)
Retaliation: B F P
Combo Breaker:
Batter Up: B F P
Play as Eyedol:
Pick any character. At the VS screen, (Hold F) and press Select, Start, B, A.

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