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Mortal Kombat II (1993)
Move List/Bios - Arcade/Home (Universal)
Liu KangKung LaoJohnny CageReptile
Sub-ZeroShang TsungKitanaJax
SmokeJadeNoob Saibot
KintaroShao Kahn
You can e-mail corrections/additions to The Webmaster
Last updated: 05/23/17
Note: All commands are assuming your character is facing right.
If you are facing left, you must reverse the directional commands.
Backwards becoming Forwards and Vice Versa.
It's recommended that your controls match the default setting.

U = Up/Jump
D = Down/Crouch
F = Forward/Toward
B = Back/Away
HP = High Punch
LP = Low Punch
HK = High Kick
LK = Low Kick
BL = Block
XBOX 360:
HP = X
LP = A
HK = Y
LK = B
HP = X
LP = A
HK = Y
LK = B
BL = L/R Trigger or /
HP =
LP = X
HK = Δ
LK = O
BL = L1/R1

Super Nintendo:
HP = Y
LP = B
HK = X
LK = A
BL = L/R Trigger
Genesis 3 Pad:
HP = (Back+A)
LP = A
HK = C
LK = B
BL = Start
Genesis 6 Pad:
HP = X
LP = A
HK = Z
LK = C
BL = B/Y
Sega Saturn:
HP = X
LP = A
HK = Z
LK = C
BL = B/L Trigger

Babalities & Friendships: You must not press LP/HP in the final round.
Stage Fatalities available: DeadPool, Kombat Tomb, Pit II.
Selectable Characters:

Baraka Baraka
He led the attack against Liu Kang's Shaolin temple. Baraka belongs to a nomadic race of mutants living in the Wastelands of the Outworld. His fighting skills gained the attention of Shao Kahn who recruited him into his army.
Special Moves:
Blade Swipe: (B+HP)
Blade Spark: D, B, HP
Blade Fury: B, B, B, LP
Double Kick: HK, HK (Close, Quickly)
Fatality 1 - Blade Decap: B, B, B, B, HP (Close)
Fatality 2 - Blade Impale: B, F, D, F, LP (Close)
Babality: F, F, F, HK (Anywhere)
Friendship - Present: (Hold BL) U, F, F, HK (Anywhere)
Stage Fatality (Deadpool): (Hold LP+LK), (D+HP) (Close)
Stage Fatality (Kombat Tomb/Pit II): F, F, D, HK (Close)
Jax Jax
His real name is Major Jackson Briggs, leader of a top U.S. Special Forces unit. After receiving a distress signal from Lt. Sonya Blade, Jax embarks on a rescue mission. But, this one leads him into a ghastly world where he believes that Sonya is still alive.
Special Moves:
Energy Wave: F, D, B, HK
Gotcha Grab: F, F, LP (Tap LP Rapidly, For Extra Hits)
Body Slam: (Tap HP Rapidly, While throwing your opponent)
Ground Pound: (Hold LK 3 sec.), (Release LK)
Backbreaker: BL (In Air, Close)
Fatality 1 - Arm Rip: BL, BL, BL, BL, LP (Sweep)
Fatality 2 - Head Smash: (Hold LP), F, F, F (Close)
Babality: (Hold BL) D, U, D, U, LK (Anywhere)
Friendship - Paper Dolls: (Hold BL) D, D, U, U, LK (Anywhere)
Stage Fatality (Deadpool): (Hold LP+LK), (D+HP) (Close)
Stage Fatality (Kombat Tomb/Pit II): (Hold BL) U, U, D, LK (Close)
Johnny Cage Johnny Cage
After Shang Tsung's tournament, the martial arts superstar disappears. He follows Liu Kang into the Outworld. There, he will compete in a twisted tournament which holds the balance of Earth's existence- as well as a script for another blockbuster movie.
Special Moves:
High Green Orb: F, D, B, HP
Low Green Orb: B, D, F, LP
Shadow Kick: B, F, LK
Split Punch: (LP+BL) (Close)
Shadow Uppercut: B, D, B, HP
Fatality 1 - Decap Uppercut: F, F, D, U (Close)
Fatality 2 - Torso Rip: D, D, F, F, LP (Close)
Babality: B, B, B, HK (Anywhere)
Friendship - Autograph: D, D, D, D, HK (Anywhere)
Stage Fatality (Deadpool): (Hold LP+LK), (D+HP) (Close)
Stage Fatality (Kombat Tomb/Pit II): D, D, D, HK (Close)
Kitana Kitana
Her beauty hides her true role as personal assassin for Shao Kahn. Seen talking to an Earth realm warrior, her motives have come under suspicion by her twin sister, Mileena. But only Kitana knows her own true intentions.
Special Moves:
Fan Swipe: (B+HP)
Fan Throw: F, F, (LP+HP) (Also in Air)
Fan Lift: B, B, B, HP
Square Wave Punch: F, D, B, HP
Fatality 1 - Kiss of Death: (Hold LK), F, F, D, F (Close)
Fatality 2 - Fan Decap: BL, BL, BL, HK (Close)
Babality: D, D, D, LK (Anywhere)
Friendship - Cake: (Hold BL) D, D, D, U, LK (Anywhere)
Stage Fatality (Deadpool): (Hold LP+LK), (D+HP) (Close)
Stage Fatality (Kombat Tomb/Pit II): F, D, F, HK (Close)
Kung Lao Kung Lao
A former Shaolin monk and member of the super secret White Lotus Society, he is the last descendant of the great Kung Lao who was defeated by Goro 500 years ago. Realizing the danger of the Outworld menace, he joins Liu Kang in entering Shao Kahn's contest.
Special Moves:
Hat Throw: B, F, LP (U/D to control)
Teleport: D, U (Quickly) (HP/HK after to attack)
Diving Kick: (D+HK) (In Air)
Whirlwind Spin: (Hold BL) U, U, LK (Release BL), (Tap LK Rapidly to keep spinning)
Fatality 1 - Hat Decap: (Hold LP) B, F, (Release LP) (D/U to Aim at neck) (Full Screen)
Fatality 2 - Body Slice: F, F, F, LK (Sweep)
Babality: B, B, F, F, HK (Anywhere)
Friendship - Magic Trick: B, B, B, D, HK (Anywhere)
Stage Fatality (Deadpool): (Hold LP+LK), (D+HP) (Close)
Stage Fatality (Kombat Tomb/Pit II): F, F, F, HP (Close)
Liu Kang Liu Kang
After winning the Shaolin Tournament from Shang Tsung's clutches, Liu Kang returns to his temples. He discovers his sacred home in ruins, his Shaolin brothers killed in a vicious battle with a horde of Outworld warriors. Now he travels into the dark realm to seek revenge.
Special Moves:
High Fireball: F, F, HP (Also in Air)
Low Fireball: F, F, LP
Flying Kick: F, F, HK
Bicycle Kick: (Hold LK 4 sec.), (Release LK)
Fatality 1 - Cartwheel Uppercut: (Hold BL) then make a 360° turn (F, U, B, D, F) (Sweep)
Fatality 2 - Dragon's Bite: D, F, B, B, HK (Close)
Babality: D, D, F, B, LK (Anywhere)
Friendship - Disco Ball: F, B, B, B, LK (Anywhere)
Stage Fatality (Deadpool): (Hold LP+LK), (D+HP) (Close)
Stage Fatality (Kombat Tomb/Pit II): B, F, F, LK (Close)
Mileena Mileena
Serving as an assassin along with her twin sister Kitana, Mileena's dazzling appearance conceals her hideous intentions. At Shao Kahn's request, she is asked to watch for her twin sister's suspected dissension. She must put a stop to it at any cost.
Special Moves:
Sai Throw: (Hold HP 2 sec.), (Release HP) (Also in Air)
Teleport Kick: F, F, LK
Ground Roll: B, B, D, HK
Fatality 1 - Sai Stabs: F, B, F, LP (Close)
Fatality 2 - Man-Eater: (Hold HK 3 sec.), (Release HK) (Close)
Babality: D, D, D, HK (Anywhere)
Friendship - Flower: (Hold BL) D, D, D, U, HK (Anywhere)
Stage Fatality (Deadpool): (Hold LP+LK), (D+HP) (Close)
Stage Fatality (Kombat Tomb/Pit II): F, D, F, LK (Close)
Raiden Raiden
Watching events unfold from high above, the Thunder God realizes the grim intentions of Shao Kahn. After warning the remaining members of the Shaolin Tournament, Raiden soon disappears. He is believed to have ventured into the Outworld alone.
Special Moves:
Lightning Bolt: D, F, LP
Torpedo: B, B, F (Also in Air)
Teleport: D, U (Quickly)
Electric Grab: (Hold HP 3 sec.), (Release HP) (Close)
Fatality 1 - Electrocution: (Hold LK 3 sec.), (Release LK),
   (Tap LK+BL Rapidly) (Close)
Fatality 2 - Explosive Uppercut: (Hold HP 10 sec.), (Release HP) (Close)
   (Start charging before the words "Finish Him/Her" appears)
Babality: (Hold BL) D, D, U, HK (Anywhere)
Friendship - Kidd Thunder: D, B, F, HK (Anywhere)
Stage Fatality (Deadpool): (Hold LP+LK), (D+HP) (Close)
Stage Fatality (Kombat Tomb/Pit II): (Hold BL) U, U, U, HP (Close)
Reptile Reptile
As Shang Tsung's personal protector, the elusive Reptile lurks in the shadows stopping all those who would do harm to his master. His human form is believed to disguise a horrid reptilian type creature whose race was thought to have gone extinct millions of years ago.
Special Moves:
Acid Spit: F, F, HP
Forceball: B, B, (LP+HP)
Slide: (B+LP+LK+BL)
Invisibility: (Hold BL), U, U, (D+HP)
Fatality 1 - Yummy!: B, B, D, LP (Half Screen)
Fatality 2 - Hidden Slice: (While Invisible) F, F, D, HK (Close)
Babality: D, B, B, LK (Anywhere)
Friendship - Buy a Reptile Doll: B, B, D, LK (Anywhere)
Stage Fatality (Deadpool): (Hold LP+LK), (D+HP) (Close)
Stage Fatality (Kombat Tomb/Pit II): D, F, F, BL (Close)
Scorpion Scorpion
The hell-spawned specter rises from the pits. After learning of his enemy Sub-Zero's return, he again stalks the ninja assassin-following him into the dark realm of the Outworld where he continues his own unholy mission.
Special Moves:
Spear: B, B, LP
Teleport Punch: D, B, HP (Also in Air)
Air Throw: BL (In Air, Close)
Leg Takedown: F, D, B, LK
Fatality 1 - Slice: (Hold HP), D, F, F, F (Close)
Fatality 2 - Toasty!: (Hold BL), U, U, HP (Sweep)
Fatality 3 - Toasty!!: (Hold BL), D, D, U, U, HP (Anywhere)
Babality: D, B, B, HK (Anywhere)
Friendship - Buy a Scorpion Doll: B, B, D, HK (Anywhere)
Stage Fatality (Deadpool): (Hold LP+LK), (D+HP) (Close)
Stage Fatality (Kombat Tomb/Pit II): D, F, F, BL (Close)
Shang Tsung Shang Tsung
After losing control of the Shaolin Tournament, Shang Tsung promises his ruler Shao Kahn to shape events that will lure the Earth warriors to compete in his own contest. Convinced of this plan, Shao Kahn restores Shang Tsung's youth and allows him to live.
Special Moves:
Single Flaming Skull: B, B, HP
Double Flaming Skulls: B, B, F, HP
Triple Flaming Skulls: B, B, F, F, HP
Baraka: D, D, LK
Jax: D, F, B, HK
Johnny Cage: B, B, D, LP
Kitana: BL, BL, BL
Kung Lao: B, D, B, HK
Liu Kang: B, F, F, BL
Mileena: (Hold HP 2 sec.), (Release HP)
Raiden: D, B, F, LK
Reptile: (Hold BL) U, D, HP
Scorpion: (Hold BL) U, U
Sub-Zero: F, D, F, HP
Fatality 1 - Inner-Ear Explosion: (Hold HK 2 sec.), (Release HK) (Sweep)
Fatality 2 - Soul Steal: (Hold BL), U, D, U, LK (Close)
Fatality 3 - Kintaro Morph: (Hold LP) 30 sec., (Release LP) (Sweep)
Babality: B, F, D, HK (Anywhere)
Friendship - Rainbow: B, B, D, F, HK (Anywhere)
Stage Fatality (Deadpool): (Hold LP+LK), (D+HP) (Close)
Stage Fatality (Kombat Tomb/Pit II): (Hold BL), D, D, U, (Release BL), D (Close)
Sub-Zero Sub-Zero
Thought to have been killed in the Shaolin Tournament, Sub-Zero mysteriously returns. It is believed that he traveled into the Outworld to again attempt to assassinate Shang Tsung. To do so, he must fight his way through Shao Kahn's tournament.
Special Moves:
Freeze: D, F, LP
Slide: (B+LP+LK+BL)
Ground Freeze: D, B, LK
Fatality 1 - Ice Shatter:
   Part 1 - Deep Freeze: F, F, D, HK (Sweep)
   Part 2 - Finishing Uppercut: F, D, F, F, HP (Close)
Fatality 2 - Ice Grenade: (Hold LP), B, B, D, F (Full Screen)
Fatality 3 - Grenade Shatter:
   Part 1 - Deep Freeze: F, F, D, HK (Sweep)
   Part 2 - Ice Grenade: (Hold LP), B, B, D, F (Full Screen)
Babality: D, B, B, HK (Anywhere)
Friendship - Buy a Sub-Zero Doll: B, B, D, HK (Anywhere)
Stage Fatality (Deadpool): (Hold LP+LK), (D+HP) (Close)
Stage Fatality (Kombat Tomb/Pit II): D, F, F, BL (Close)
Hidden Characters:

? Jade Jade (Hidden)
Special Moves: (Copied from Kitana)
Fan Swipe
Fan Throw (Also in Air)
Fan Lift
Square Wave Punch

(Jade is invulnerable to most projectiles)
Jade's Clues:
"I Am Called Jade"
"Before The ?"
"Ermac Who?"
"I Will Meet You In Goro's Lair"
"Chun Who?"
"I Am One Of Three"
"Restrict Yourself"
"Alone Is How You Will Find Me"
"One Day We Will Fight!"
"Bring On Kano And Sonya!"
Fighting Jade:
1.) Fight your way up the tournament until you reach the fighter just under the question mark.
Defeat the opponent only using LK.
You will go to Goro's Lair to fight Jade.

2.) SNES VERSION: At the character select screen, enter Up Down Down Left Right.
This code will take you straight to fight the deadly female ninja, Jade.
? Noob Saibot Noob Saibot (Hidden)
Special Moves: (Copied from Scorpion)
Teleport Punch
Air Throw
Leg Takedown
Noob Saibot's Clues:
"Who Is Smoke?"
"Where Is Sonya?"
"Who Is Jade?"
"Where Is Kano?"
"Where Is Goro?"
"Ceamr Odse Nto Exits (Ermac Does Not Exist)"
"Emro Batmok Ot Meok (More Kombat To Kome)"
"Sruep Ghih Miptac (Super High Impact)"
"Three Rae On Stniiiaamel (There Are No Animalities)"
Fighting Noob Saibot:
1.) Get 50 wins in a row to travel to Goro's Lair and fight against Noob Saibot.

2.) SNES VERSION: At the character select screen, enter Left Up Down Down Right.
This code will take you straight to fight the ominous secret character, Noob Saibot.
? Smoke Smoke (Hidden)
Special Moves: (Copied from Scorpion)
Teleport Punch
Air Throw
Leg Takedown
Smoke's Clues:
"I am called Smoke"
"You can Start finding me"
"Ermac who?"
"You can not defeat me"
"I am one of three"
"I will meet you in Goro's lair"
"Mortal Kombat One"
"Prove yourself"
Fighting Smoke:
1.) Play in a 1 or 2 player mode until you reach the Portal.
When you do, uppercut your opponent until you see Dan Forden and hear "Toasty."
Quickly press (Down+Start) while he is on the screen to go to Goro's Lair and fight Smoke.

2.) SNES VERSION: At the character select screen, enter Up Left Up Up Right Select.
This code will take you straight to fight the elusive male ninja, Smoke.
Play as Smoke (Sega Genesis Version):
SEGA GENESIS VERSION: To play as Smoke, you must have a Game Genie.
Attach Mortal Kombat 2 to the Game Genie and enter the password: B4MT-BE76.
Start the game, then switch to Controller two.
Choose your character, and when you go into battle you will be Smoke.
Boss Characters:

Kintaro Kintaro (Sub-Boss)
With Goro missing, Kintaro steps up to take his place as supreme ruler of Shao Kahn's armies in the second Mortal Kombat tournament. Stronger and more agile than his predecessor, he is enraged by Goro's defeat. Kintaro vows to take revenge on the earth warriors responsible.
Special Moves:
Fireball Spit (1 to 4!!!)
Power Uppercut
Grab and Pound
Four-Handed Slam
Teleport Stomp

Shokan Roar
Fighting Kintaro:
1.) Beat all kombatants in the tournament until you reach Kintaro.

2.) SNES VERSION: At the character select screen, enter Up Down Down Right Right Select.
This code will take you straight to fight Kintaro.
Shao Kahn Shao Kahn (Boss)
The Supreme ruler of the Outworld, Shao Kahn governs the Astral Planes of Shokan and all surrounding kingdoms.  Five hundred years ago he banished the shape shifter Shang Tsung into the Mother Realm (Earth) to pay for his crimes.  Shang Tsung was to unbalance the furies and create a weakness in Earth's dimensional gates.  This weakness in the gates would allow Kahn and his minions to forever walk the Earth and plague its inhabitants to a dark and chaotic existence.  Only then would Shang Tsung be cleared of his offense and the curse be lifted.
Special Moves:
Green Lightning Spear
Shoulder Charge
Shao Kahn's Taunts:
"You will never win"
"That Was Pathetic"
"I Win"
"Feel The Power of Shao Khan"
"Don't Make Me Laugh"
"You're Still Trying To Win?"
"You Suck!"
"Prepare to Die!"
"You are Nothing!"
"I Rule This World!"
"You Will Die, Mortal!"
(Evil Laugh)
Fighting Shao Kahn:
1.) Beat all kombatants in the tournament (including Kintaro) to take on Shao Kahn himself.

2.) SNES VERSION: At the character select screen, enter Right Up Up Right Left.
This code will take you straight to fight Shao Kahn.

Mortal Kombat Komplete