Changes by mardel R Disclaimer: I borrowed the characters for the story they are owned by NBC and Kronish Productions. With love all things are possible, George makes a new friend and his life changes in interesting ways. Not a slash story. George had moved into a new apartment after he and Rich had broken up. He had been more concerned with his career since then and hadn't been seeing anyone. When a young woman moved in down the hall from him he offered to help her. She appeared to be moving alone, not even a family member or girl friend to help her. "Hi, George Farley, I live in 2b." he offered her his hand. "Hi, Becky Allen I'll be in 2g," she smiled and shook his hand. "I can give you a hand if you want." George offered. "I don't want to guilt you into helping me, but my brother backed out on me and there isn't a boy friend." she told him. "Brother's can be undependable like that sometimes." George smiled and took the lamp she was carrying from her. "Thanks." He helped her unload the small u-haul, the couch was the only real heavy thing she owned. "How did you load this thing anyway?" he asked. " I quilted my old landlord into helping me if he wanted me out by this morning." "Guilt works wonders." George laughed. Becky had seen him once before when she had brought a few small things over the beginning of the week. But she wasn't really looking for a man in her life at the moment the last one had been more trouble than she needed. But she did have to admit he was nice to look at, and during the next three hours she got several good looks at his build, he had powerful shoulders and nice arms. Not to mention beautiful eyes and a sweet playfulness about him. Becky offered to buy them both pizza for dinner and while they waited they were cooling off on the couch. "So George anyone special in your life?" she excepted a big yes, and he was in love and they were engaged and everything. "No, not since last year. I've been kind of cooling it for awhile and working way to hard." he joked. He debated about telling her he was gay, this soon. He wanted to give her a chance to like him first then he would tell her and see if it mattered. "You sound like me, after I got rid of that last boy friend I have been concentrating on work. This will be my first apartment of my own the last one I shared with two other girls. But of course they had better things to do then help me move. You'll probably met Jill later she's OK, just lazy. " George laughed. He liked this young woman. "Becky can I ask, what do you do for a living?" "Graphic designer, I've been working for a new company about six months now and making enough for my own place. I can walk to work from here too, only ten blocks." "Your not planning to walk it at night, I hope." he asked. "Sure it's mostly safe around here, as safe as it can be right." George didn't want to scare her, but he didn't like the idea of her walking alone at night in any neighborhood. They shared the pizza and watched some old movies on the television. George hadn't had such a nice time with someone in ages. "Look Becky, I work kind of strange hours but that makes them flexible too, don't you walk home after dark. You call me here or at home and I'll give you a ride or meet you. Promise me, I work in law enforcement and I know what I'm talking about." "OK, George I don't work late that often, I promise to call. Thanks for your help." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. George didn't see her for several days. Then when he was carrying in a few groceries she was coming out of her place. "Hi, George hey are you busy tonight?" she smiled and took a bag from him. "Hi Becky, no nothing special planned." " Do you want to go to the movies with me? The new Richard Gere Julia roberts movie opens tonight." " Those two are a good pair, sure how much time do I have to put things away?" "About ten minutes, the movie starts in twenty-five minutes." " I'll only need five. Come on in for a minute." George carried his stuff to the kitchen and put away all the cold stuff. Becky was looking at his music collection. "You have a wide range of taste in music, but cool." she nodded. " I'll just go change quick, be right back." George told her. He wore dresser clothes to work these days and he wanted to put on jeans and a shirt for the rest of the night. "Ready" he was back in a few minutes. They walked out together, and George opened the doors for her. He thought for a second she was going to protest but she just kind of gave him a look. "How old are you anyway George?" she asked as they walked together. He laughed, "guess then I'll tell you." "I don't know maybe thirty two, that's why the chivalrous thing kind of thru me." "Your right, and I was raised to be courteous to ladies. Living in the south you should be use to it by now. That and I have a boss that sets a good example." "I don't mind, it's just guys my age and up to thirty are the ones your never sure of, maybe they will maybe the won't and if they were ever chewed out for doing nice things for a lady, she was no lady." That made George laugh again. Becky sure didn't mince words. "I'm twenty six by the way I asked you so your entitled to know." she stopped and put her hands on his shoulders. "George I may as well tell you now, I like you but I don't think there could be anything between us beside friendship." " I like you too." he grinned. "I'm a toucher, does it bother you?" I know there are guys that think if you touch them you want to jump in bed with them." "If you do anything that bothers me I'll let you know. If we stand here we'll be late for the movie." he took her hands down from his shoulders. He held on to one of her hands when he moved off down the street and she let him keep hold of it until they were in line at the movie theater. George paid for the tickets and Becky paid for the popcorn and drinks. They still had several minutes before the movie started to talk, and it appeared Becky was in the mood to talk. " I didn't offend you did I? I just wanted to be up front about things, it's not that I don't think your attractive, or built nice or anything. It's more of a your to nice thing than anything." Cough, cough, George had never been told that one before. " I'm to nice?" "Yeah, I'm usually attracted to bad boy types you know? Don't ask me why, they are nothing but trouble." "How do you know I'm not just a bad boy in disguise waiting to jump you at the first opportunity?" He teased her. " Because when you offered to help me, you really helped, you didn't just hold the door and pretend to carry stuff. I've had that kind of help before." The movie started then and it was funny, touching and good. They both had a nice time. George guided her through the crowd with his hand at her back. Then took the outside as they walked home. "That was good, I'm glad you came with me." Becky told him and smacked his arm. "I'm always available to go to a movie, except for those real stupid Porky's kind, those are for teen age boys with to much testosterone in there blood stream." "You've got that right." she giggled. "George, I noticed when I told you, you have a nice build you were shocked. Have you never had a lady tell you that before?" she teased him. "A lady no, there is something I should tell you Becky." "You mean to tell me in your entire adult life no one has ever told you that you have a nice build?" she persisted. "I didn't say that, you said a lady. You're the first female I can recall ever telling me in those exact words." he replied. " You mean guys have told you then?" she asked. " I'm gay Becky, so you're the first lady." he told her. "You don't seem gay, I have a few friends from school who think they are gay. One is, the other is just really confused." " I'm sure, " "I understand that, but your still not giving off that vibe" she told him. "How is my vibe then?" he asked to humor her. "It's strong, smart, you like to kid people or make them laugh, I told you your to nice for me, but there's something else there too, Come on up stairs." "Can I read you?" ' go ahead." he humored her. "I'm going to hug you, hug me back like you would normally hug a friend." That he could do, Becky was small enough to fit under his chin, her face was pressed in to the hollow of his neck and shoulder. Her hands were spread wide over the expanse of his back. He held her close a just a little bit tight. She held on to him for about ten seconds, "That's nice, can I stay a little longer?" "Is this how you usually give guys the wrong idea Becky?" he teased her but tightened his hold on her. "No, I would never ask a horny guy to let me stay longer. I didn't think you would mind." she moved out of his hold. "I'm teasing." he told her. " I know, but you sounded like it bothered you." She moved several steps away and looked at him. "Do you want me to tell you what I read?" "Sure it could be right." " Let's see strong, sense of humor, smart, determined, kind, generous, dependable and sad. " she told him. "You could have figured that all out from just talking with me that past two times." George told her. "There is more, your care about several people in your life, there is a one who's approval you need. There are at least two you regard as sisters whom you would do anything for. There is one your conflict with hasn't been settled, because he won't accept something you did. " "How could you possibly have gotten all of that from a hug?" George looked at her closely, " Is this some kind of sick game your playing, is this a joke of some kind?" "No, it's just what I got from you, why are you mad?" Becky took several more steps away from him. George didn't normally have much of a temper, but at the moment he was very angry. He realized he was scaring her, so he stopped advancing towards her and sat down. " I'm sorry, look I've heard of people with abilities like yours but, I've always questioned the possibility. I work with a woman who used her abilities in our work, so I should be more open about this." he explained. Becky stayed away from him, and listened. " Everything you said was right." " It usually is very close." Becky told him. " You know you scared me for a minute, even though I know you would never hurt me, that was weird. Who do you think would play a mean trick on you?" " Never mind, " he stood up, "I'm sorry for jumping at you like that, "I understand, it's happened before once a friend of my brothers, one I didn't know because he was from college, came home over the weekend with Jason. Anyway he kept bugging me to read him. I use to not want to, it was usually just trouble when I told people about themselves, kind of like just now. But he kept after me so finally I told him what I knew about him, and he got really mad , I mean he grabbed me and was trying to choke me, if Jason hadn't been there, I mean Jason because he's really strong. I haven't told you about my brothers have I?" she changed the topic. "No, just that you had one that stood you up on moving day." George smiled. " Oh, here look," she pulled pictures out of her purse, " This is Jason, and this is Rick, yeah I'm the little sister in more ways than one." George looked at a picture of a huge massively muscled auburn haired man and next to him was Becky looking even more petit than usual, and on her other side a very handsome tall, blond young man with a smirk on his face. " Rick knows he's good looking and uses it to get his way, Jason was a body builder for a few years, but he's not vain enough to do it professionally. Jason is in the Army JAG corp stationed over seas. So you see when I told you that you have a nice build I know what I'm talking about." Becky told him. "So that guy that Jason saved you from what did you tell him that he was so upset about?" " I told him he was insecure with women, he cheated on his mid terms and he couldn't be counted by his friends." " Well no wonder he was mad but I don't see why he wanted to hurt you." "Jason had to put him in a head lock to get him to calm down." Becky went and put her pictures away and sat down. " You miss your brother." George said. "Yeah, he's been over there for two years. That's why I asked to stay longer before," George was lost for a moment then realized she meant the hug. "Come here." He opened his arms to her. Becky looked up at him from the couch, " You don't know what your starting." She told him. George nodded and motioned for her to come to him. Becky smiled and snuggled into him, her face again pressed in to the hollow made between his neck and shoulder. George closed his arms around her and tightened them until she sighed. This was defiantly a new experience for him. He was feeling protective of her. "You hug real good." she told him while still surrounded by him. " As good as Jason?" he asked. "Better," she snuggled in closer and sighed again. George re tightened his hold and chuckled. "How better?" " He always wants to pick me up, and I don't dislike that, but my head ends up next to his, and I like this position so much more." They stayed together for almost two minutes, when Becky finally had her fill at least for now. George reflected on this new relationship in his life, it was kind of nice to not have to work at being someone he wasn't, Becky accepted him they way he was. Work was becoming heavy again, Bailey was leaving George behind to take care of all the new intelligence gathering equipment. George was working on locating information on the current suspects, but the pro- gram he was using would take at least twenty minutes maybe longer to run through all the possible people. He was thinking about running out to get a sandwich, since he had only eaten once earlier in the day. His phone rang, "Farley" "George, is that you? your voice sounds deeper." "Becky Hi, what's up?" he was glad to hear from her, it had been at least a week since he had seen her. " You made me promise to call you, and well I am but it's kind of late and if it wasn't for this scary guy following me." she told him her voice sounding shaky. "Where are you? Are you safe?" "I'm in a 7-11 on center St., you know the one in the middle of the block." "I'll be there to get you in a couple of minutes, stay where there are other people." George hung up and checked on his program, he had at least fifteen minutes. He was driving his car out of the garage three minutes later, he was only five minutes from the part of town she was in, but there was never an easy way to get anywhere in Atlanta. He saw her looking out the window and waiting from him when he pulled up. "I'm sorry to call you at work George." she told him, " But that guy was following me, and it creped me out." " I told you not to walk home this late at night Becky." George told her as he pulled out and drove towards the apartment building. He took her up stairs, and once the door closed behind them she launched herself into his arms. He hugged her hard, harder than ever before. " What am I going to do with you?" he told her, " You won't get in trouble at work for leaving will you?" she asked. "No, not if I get back soon.' Becky was still shaking, but she eased herself away from him. "I'm OK, you can go back to work." she told him. " I have a minute." George told her and moved to sit with her on the couch. Becky sat sideways and jiggled her foot, she wanted to climb back into his embrace, she felt safe there. George took her hands and looker her over she was flushed and pale all at the same time. "What kept you at work this late?' " A super rush project that came in this morning. The firm will be paid double if we finish by the dead line of tomorrow COB." George frowned, "Look if it's a matter of not being able to afford taxi fare, I can give you the money for it." "Don't worry from now on if I have to work late I'll go with out lunch for a week if I have to." She was fidgety, so George released her hands. "I want you to calm down before I go back to work." he told her, not sure how to help her do so. Becky chewed her lip and then decided. " If you would hold me a little more it would probably help." He nodded and she crawled on to his lap and hugged him hard. He returned her embrace but not with as much force as before. George had never felt emotions like he was experiencing now. It was a jumble of concern, love, protectiveness, and he had been scared. How he could possibly care so much for this young woman so quickly he didn't even begin to understand. He had never been quick to make friendships, with either sex. Becky had never been so scared in her short life, and she knew there was no possible relationship between her and George other than the one of friends. But when his arms closed around her she felt saved. Like he could protect her from anything. George was back at work when Bailey called but it was close, he had only just brought up the new data a few minutes before the call. " I have a few possible suspects for you." George read off the most likely ones first and Bailey thanked him for the leads. The team was gone another two days before they managed to break the case and a suspect was arrested. George wanted to talk with someone about his situation. He leaned towards asking Sam since she might be able to help him understand his feelings. But the more he thought about it, he decided to ask Bailey first. "Come in George, that was good work you did on this case." Bailey greeted him. "Thanks Bailey, can I talk to you about something." "My door is always open, sit down." Bailey waved him to a chair. " I have a friend, who is very emotional and free with her way of living. She is a little bit of a free spirit and a little scatter brained. But she is smart, sweet and full of the joy of life. She sees things in people like Sam does, she can read them like someone with a crystal ball in a fairy tale. She was in trouble the other day and I came to the rescue." " Are you alright George, was she hurt?" Bailey asked. " No, it was more of a huge scare for both of us than anything, not that it couldn't have been worse." "How can I help?" Bailey was puzzled by what George wanted. "I've never felt protective of anyone other than the other team members, But Becky has activated a emotion in my I've never had before. I've only known her a month, we are friends. What makes you protective of people Bailey? What's the trigger?" " I personally feel protective of anyone I care for, and that includes all the members of my team, family, friends. I'm also triggered by any female in distress, I have a high protective impulse. You say this is a new experience for you?". "Other than that time Sam was in jeopardy, I've never felt a need to protect someone. It was so many emotions at once, I felt like I could have fought off and entire army." " That was the adrenal rush, what else?" Bailey asked. " Did you control your anger, or did you lose your temper? Did you feel the need to comfort her?" " I was angry but there was no one to vent it off on, and I did need to comfort her. That wasn't there with Sam, I mean I could have if she had needed it but you were there and it was just all new to me." Bailey smiled, George was having male protective instincts for a lady. " I'd say congratulations you've matured. But I think there is something else happening." Bailey told him. " You think she has a crush on me." George said. " I think you might just have a situation here that's unexpected." " do you feel fatherly towards her?" "No, she needs guidance but she isn't helpless. She is twenty six, she's not that much younger than me." " As long as your truthful with her, George, your just going to have see what happens. It's possible your going to care for Becky in a way that is different than anything your use to." George thought about all of Bailey's advice, it sounded to him like Bailey thought he was going to have a normal male female relationship with Becky. He didn't think so himself, there was no attraction between them she had told him the second day that he was nice. That didn't mean she wanted to jump his bod. He felt nothing even remotely like attraction for her, it was concern and friendship, the protective thing was probably because she was so small. Becky invited him to another movie that week and he actually had free time. They again had a great time together. And she didn't even demand a hug from him. So he asked Sam what she thought was happening to him. " I'd say you might just be enjoying her company. As long as your not leading her on, she knows your sexual preference. Have a good time George, you deserve to be happy too." Sam hugged him. George smiled he had never been hugged by woman so much in his entire life. Not that it was un pleasant, but there was difference between Sam's hug and the one Becky shared with him. " Sam she told me the very first time we went out to a movie that I wasn't her type and I told her she was the wrong gender. She understood that but she is still very touchy with me, she needs a hug every time I see her?" " You and Bailey the curse of being willing to hug when asked. You will be asked over and over and over again. Does it bother you?" she asked. " No hugs are nice, but she hugs me more like you hug Bailey." " How is that?" Sam asked not aware there was a difference. " Head buried, face pressed into chest or shoulder, her arms around my body not around my neck." he explained. Sam thought about it, when she hugged Bailey she did bury her face against him sometimes. But sometimes they hugged and they were ear to ear. "If your honest with yourself and her about your feelings, just let things develop." Sam told him. " Don't be afraid of the experience." George worked very late that night, and finally went home at two in the morning. The only real reason he had gone home at all was to get fresh clothes. He could shower in the gym at work, but he was out of clean clothes to change into. He saw a light on in Becky's apartment from the street. But he didn't knock. He was just stepping in into his shower when he heard a knock at his door so the threw on a robe and when to see what was going on. " George, can I come in for a second?" Becky asked, she looked disheveled. She was wearing a baggy sweatshirt and stretch pants, no shoes. "Yeah, what's the matter you look upset?" he asked. He tightened the belt of his robe and followed her to the living room. " I had this really bad feeling all day and then I had a bad dream. I was just falling back to sleep when I got a phone call from home. My dad had a heart attack, I have to go home as soon as possible." " I'm sorry to hear that Becky can I do anything to help?" George took her hand. "George I would never ask this if there was any other way, but I don't have enough money for the plane ticket, my card is maxed out and I'm about fifty dollars short." "Of course, it's not a problem, I can take you to the airport, in the morning. Are you going to call work from home or wait until your know how much time off you need?' " I can take 72 hours emergency leave, then I have to apply for more if I need it." George nodded, it was late Wednesday if she was allowed three days she would be alright. " I was just going to take a shower why don't you go back to your place and I'll come over when I done OK?" he offered. " Thanks, George you're the best." she nodded. Becky was pacing, they were going to leave for the airport in a few minutes. " Did you pack a wide variety of clothes, you never know what you might need?" George asked. He had given her sixty dollars and had offered to get more out of the cash machine for her if she wanted. He had called Bailey and asked for a hour or so off, he hadn't gone into why. George carried her bag and waited with her for the plane to board. "Your dad will be fine, you'll see." He hugged her hard, and this time she put her arms around his neck. "Thanks George, I'll call and leave a message on your machine when I know something." she promised. He checked his answering machine twice before he found a message from her. " George, he's better you were right, they want to due a value replacement but his condition is good and they said he should make a full recovery. Thanks for everything I call you again tonight." George was glad to hear it, he was relieved that her dad was going to get well. He had work to do but every so often he would think of Becky, holding her at the airport. Fighting an impulse to kiss her goodbye. That had been the most strange impulse ever. He couldn't ever remember wanting to kiss a female, since he found out he liked guys better. He was thinking his sex life had been non existence for so long now that it was possible he was so desperate he would even look at women for pleasure. But there were plenty of beautiful women were he worked and not one of them had ever shaken his composure like Becky was. George had offered to pick her up at the airport when she came home. Becky was worn-out but happy her dad had come through the procedure well. His prognosis was good. She smiled when she spotted George waiting for her a the end of the ramp. They hugged Hello, parting after only a few seconds. Becky explained all the details, and George listened carefully asking a few questions. " I have to go back to work, you should get some rest. I'm sure they will have all of your work saved up for you." He teased her. " I talked to Phil he said they hired a temp for some of the stuff I do but the creative stuff is still there waiting for me." They didn't see each other after that for over a week. Becky left a few messages for him on his machine to keep him informed. She was working hard to make up the time she had taken off. George was working on a new case that was requiring more of his talents than usual. Her dad was doing much better, and she wasn't so worried about him now. Becky had been having dreams about George, dreams that were of a sexual nature. But she wasn't attracted to him like that when she was awake. He was one of the nicest men she had ever met. They shared several interests and enjoyed spending time together. She would even admit he was a hunk and a half but he wasn't looking for a lady partner. But the dreams were starting to get to her. One in particular had them making love together in a bed that was huge, all white and elevated. She was sure there was all kinds of symbolism in this dream but she wasn't about to tell anyone about it. The thing that was really getting to her was, when she first woke up the feeling was so powerful that she had been satisfied, she didn't need the real thing. Not that being in need was a good thing, but if she was having great sex she would at least like to be experiencing it for real with him. Not that she doubted that George could be wonderful in bed, he was wonderful period. It was all just so confusing. Two weeks past and she had the dream three times a week. She finally decided to try and ask him about it. "George, have you been having any strange dreams recently?" As a matter of fact he had been, but they had been so unusual that he had tried to forget them as soon as possible. On three occasions he had dreamed about sharing his bed with a lady. He had even been fairly sure the woman had been Becky. But he wasn't about to confess that to her. "Dreams no nothing much lately. Why?" Becky quickly looked away from his direct gaze, 'I have been dreaming a lot lately, and I remember things when I wake up." " Good things?" " Yes," she nodded avoiding looking at him. " So tell me what are you dreaming about?" George asked praying he didn't know. " You mostly." she said. "You know I've been meaning to tell you that I have a friend at work who wants to meet you." George changed the subject quickly. " I don't want to be fixed up George." she finally looked at him. He was the one to look away. "His name is Doug, he's tall, blonde blue eyes, he works in the evidence section, he likes movies, and books." " There must be something your not telling me if he's so nice." " He broke up with his last girlfriend over six months ago and hasn't found the right person. He wants a long term relationship." George told her. " I don't want to be fixed up George." she said again. " Besides I don't care for blonde men very much." she added. "How about John, you said he was gorgeous when you saw him drop me off two weeks ago, when I was having my car worked on?" " I said he was gorgeous just to see what you would say, you told me he was a nice guy, except when it came to the woman he dated, then he was a jerk." ' You could have a good time with him, just nothing meaningful." "I'm not looking just for a good time for a little while." Becky smacked George on the arm. " You must need something if your subconscious is matching us together when your sleeping." " I know, but now that I've told you, you won't even let me near you." She complained. " That's not true, I think I can fight you off if you try to take advantage." He teased her. " I couldn't talk you into giving us a try?' "Those must be interesting dreams if your asking me that." he shook his head. "They are and I'm sure the real thing could never live up to them." She was goading him now, to see if she could challenge him into doing what she wanted. " I told you if you just want to have a good time, John it the one to be hooking up with." George attempted to get her focused on anything but him. "But I'm not dreaming about him, I dreaming about you, and it's disturbing how real they seem." Becky touched his arm and looked into his eyes. George exhaled, "Becky as you just said, there is no way I could possibly live up to the dream. Your just going to have to accept that." he patted the hand on his arm. "What makes you think having John would put you out of my dreams?' " From what I understand he's very good." " Who's told you, him?" she scoffed. "Well he does like to brag, but in this case it appears to be true. I know some of his lady friends. And while he lives in the moment, he does seem to be aware of his partners needs, although he isn't into cuddling much." George told her. " No man is." she complained. " There are some," " Oh, please you have held me more than any of my boy friends ever did." "Then you have been with the wrong men." "Fine, if you won't even consider it." she was mad now. George exhaled, and shook his head. "Becky would you consider it, if say Jill had asked you the same thing?' "Well no," she looked at him beginning to see things from his point of view. "Could I have a consolation hug then?" she asked half teasing, but wanting a hug from him. "Of, course." Becky sighed when his arms closed around her, at least he was willing to hold her once in a while. It wasn't the same but it was better than no hugs at all. George had been avoiding touching her, he was afraid of his own reaction. It was always times like this that he had the urge to kiss her. He almost concluded the hug without being tested. It was that last look into her eyes that did it, as she was moving out of his embrace. Becky was so surprised after he had just told her it wasn't going to happen. George was testing himself as well as her, but he was enjoying the taste of her. The kiss ended, and he looked at her, his eyes dark. Becky returned his gaze, it was like part of her dream. "Oh, my God you kissed me." she whispered, then added," do it again." The sound of the pleasure in her voice when she asked for more spurred him forward. George pulled her up against him as he covered her mouth with is own. Their tongues touched for the first time, his thrusting and stroking, hers teasing and sweet. Becky had to stretch up to him while they kissed, so she put her hands around his neck and pulled him down to her. They kissed for several minutes, each of them becoming turned on by the other. George lifted his head for a moment, " Do you want to keep going?" " Yes," He lead her to his bedroom. Becky was relieved to see his bed was not all white. George started to remove his shirt and she stopped him. "Let me, I've been dreaming about this too." Becky reached to unfasten the buttons, she went slowly teasing both him and herself. She was pleased with what was revealed once she had opened them all. His upper body was nicely muscled, the swell of his arms blending with his wide shoulders. " I knew it, you felt to much like Jason, for you not to look this nice." " I don't think I'm in the same class as your brother." But her caressing him was making his eyes darken, he was being incited even more. Becky pulled his shirt off and pressed her lips to his chest, she kissed the hollow of his throat, while stroking a hand up each side of his upper body. She was licking his nipple next, teasing it into attention. Then the other one, by the time she had aroused it too, he was ready for the next step. "Becky, your going to miss your chance if you don't stop that." "I won't miss it." she pushed him back on the bed. George regained some of his composure once her touch was gone. He helped her pull off her top and they lay together in his bed. " Your turn." Becky told him. He returned to kissing her, his tongue showing her what was coming next. But she was ahead of him, her hand stroking him even as her hips were moving against him. They joined together in a fevered rush and matched each other with every thrust. Becky cried out first but George was only a few seconds behind her. He was so involved in the moment that he ended with a extra deep thrust of completion. "That was incredible." She told him, breathing hard. He was still above her, he was breathing even harder than she was. Not only had he been aroused by her, he had been powerfully satisfied. George swallowed, and kissed her tenderly. Then rested his head against her shoulder as he regained his normal heart rate. Becky rather liked the heavy feel of him on top of her. He wasn't complete laying on her, he was supporting some of his weight on his arms. "I like the feel of your chest against my breasts, it feels sexy." Becky told him. " I liked that sound you made, it sent a chill down my spine." He made a move to slide next to her, "Stay this way a while yet." she asked, and arched her lower body under him so that she could feel that he was still partly joined with her. " Greedy are we." he smiled, liking the feel of her undulating against him. "For you I am," she moved beneath him urging him into action a second time. "I need a little time before." he told her. " I don't think you'll need much." she whispered, she could feel him already responding to her movements. "That feels so good." Becky told him as he swelled into hardness. He was liking the effect she was having on him. " Do you want it fast again, or slower this time?" he asked while rocking forward. "What ever you want." she gasped. George took slightly longer this time but as she had demanded more he was being rougher. He was thrusting hard and long, making her groan with each forward motion of his hips. "George please I need" she asked of him. But he continued his measured pace making her wait for her final pleasure. He grunted to his own finish several dozen strokes after her, taking her over the edge a second time. This time he stayed over her while his body pumped, his hips still making motions of completion against her. He had been so aroused it took time for him to subside. Becky was stroking the small of his back, as he continued to pump into her. "Your still hard, I thought you finished." she gasped. " I did, just relax." he told her. Afterwards as they lay side by side. She told him." Forget the dream, that was totally incredible." " You have a very stimulating effect on me." he told her. Other than the physical bond they now shared their relationship was only improved. George found her to be just as pleasant to spend time with. She wasn't demanding in fact he was the one that initiated their next lovemaking session. Becky was happy, she had found a man that liked the attention she gave him. He enjoyed her touch, he enjoyed the hugs, he even liked to cuddle sometimes. He was totally confused by his reactions to her, he wasn't attracted to other women. But he was going with his current feelings. Becky knew it wasn't going to be a forever kind of thing, he had made sure she understood that. It was several weeks later when Bailey called him into his office. Bailey hated this part of his job, but it was better than receiving bad news from a total stranger. He had been notified that Rebecca Allen was in the hospital. " George your friend Rebecca has been injured. She's at Atlanta Memorial Hospital." "Becky's hurt, was she in accident?" George had gone suddenly pale. " I'm afraid she was attacked, and raped." Bailey told him, his eyes full of pain for his friend and for the woman in question. " I have to leave." George told him. " I'll have John take you to the hospital. Take as much time off and you need, but keep me informed." Bailey told him. Bailey had already explained to John that he would be needed to drive. Bailey had also told him to visit the Atlanta Police and get all the information they had on the case and any similar cases. Becky was under sedation when George arrived. He looked through the window of her room's door before going into her. She looked so small and pale. He was filled with rage that this had happened to her. He had asked John to learn as much as possible about her attacker from the Police. " Bailey has already sent me there, I'll take care of it, you just help her." John had told him. "Becky, it's George." he said softly as he touched her cheek. But she was out. He stayed in her room for the next several hours until the nurse made him leave. " She won't be awake until morning, you go get some rest and food and come back." George had called John. " What do they have?" "Not much yet, they didn't get very much out of Rebecca at the scene." John told him. " This is what we do know, are you sure you want me to tell you this on the phone?" "No, I'll come there." George caught a taxi back to work. "Tell me." he demanded. " Sit down," Bailey told him. "John will tell you everything, but you have to control your anger, George." " Rebecca called for help from a pay phone, she was curled up inside the phone booth when the patrolmen arrived. Officer Green and Officer Thomas, when they tried to get her to come out of the booth she was in shock. Officer Thomas had to inch his hand between the door and move her feet so they could reach her. He covered her with a blanket and carried her to the patrol car. He told me he has only been on a few rape calls before and he hopes he never has to see one again." John explained. " Was she beaten more than her face?" John asked. " Her ribs and back are bruised, her face, head and vaginal tears." he said with a clenched jaw. "Did she give them any information about her attacker?" " Not a lot, they have been waiting to interview her." Bailey added. "John learned that she could possibly be the third victim of a man that just started his spree three weeks ago. There are similarities, but they need to talk with her first." George was more angry then he could ever remember having been before. "We will help with the investigation, but unless we are invited we can't take it over." Bailey told him. George nodded. He knew that if he learned who had hurt her like this he was going to take matters into his own hands. " Sam said she can help you understand how you can help Rebecca." George returned to the hospital. He stayed outside her room until the shift change then he went back inside and waited. He managed to sleep sitting in the chair by her bed. Becky woke up sore and then remembered why. She saw George and touched the hand he had resting next to her. " Becky, your awake." he tried to smile at her but he saw how bruised she was and it was only a half smile. " I couldn't stop him, he just picked me up and carried me to his van. I jabbed him in the ribs with my elbow and it didn't work. He covered my mouth I couldn't breath." " Hush, you don't have to tell me." George told her, his heart in pieces that he couldn't have prevented this from happening. George knew a little about rape victims, and how they responded to the men in their life after the attack. Some resisted all contact, some only accepted it from father's or father type figures, and some needed to be held by the man that was closest to them. He knew he had to wait to see which Becky was. " I fought him, but he tied me down." she sobbed. " I know you did, I know you fought him." George was looking at her, her eyes were clouded over, she was remembering it all again. "Becky, stop it, you don't have to relive it, look at me." he shook her gently. She focused on him. " George, I couldn't stop him." she sobbed, she leaned towards him and he half hugged her, mindful of the I-v in her arm. A rape crisis counselor visited her that morning and offered to be there when she was interviewed by the police. George talked with Mrs. Keith after she talked to Becky. She told him things to expect, and gave him a booklet of information to read. " The most important thing you can do for her now it to listen to her. Thinking about revenge is wasted effort. If she wants to be held then do so, if she doesn't leave her be. It's going to take time, she won't get over this by the time the bruises heel." She warned him. " Thank you, I'll keep that in mind." George answered. The Police came to do the interview after noon. Detective Maxwell was the interviewer. " Miss Allen can you give us a description of the attacker?" "He tied something over my eyes, but I could see a little, he was young, twenty-ish, with long stringy blonde hair, she wasn't big, but he was strong." " Big in height or body size?" "He was short, but in shape when he was carrying me he wasn't breathing hard. His van is tan or light brown, when he dumped me off, I took off the rag tied around my eyes. The license plate said demon and there was Grateful Dead music playing when I was in the van." "Demon is the name of a Club band." George told the depictive. "Thanks, I hadn't heard of them before. With any luck his guy was stupid enough to have used his own or a friends van. Do you remember anything else?" "When he first grabbed me, he hit me in the middle. I couldn't breath, then he just picked me up and carried me to the van." she told him. Becky was holding on to George's hand in a death grip. " This sounds like a repeat offender, your information should put the final nail in his pine box." Maxwell told her. " I'll keep in touch, thank you for your statement." Mrs. Keith talked with Becky again after she made her statement. She said she would be nearby to talk with her when ever she wanted. George stayed until mid-afternoon, then Becky managed to get some sleep. He checked in with Bailey and John. " It looks like they have a lead on the guy, I'll know more in an hour." John told George. " Sam still wants to talk with you." Bailey told him. " How is Rebecca?" " She's holding on, she has talked with a counselor a few times, and so did I." George explained. " I just feel so angry, Bailey it's making it hard for me to listen to her talk about what happened." " That's why I think you need to talk to Sam. She is trained for things like this." " George, come in." Sam looked up from her desk, she stood and came around to hug him. " I'm so sorry this happened to Rebecca." George hugged her back, but it was just reflex. I can help you understand what she is going through, and also help you get past your feelings of guilt and anger." Sam told him. Becky was released from the hospital the following day. Her ribs were taped, she had stitches above her eyebrow and her bruises were still dark purple. George drove her home. Even though her keys had been found, he had changed the locks on her door. He had taken the day off, to be there for her, he expected she wouldn't want to be alone just yet. " Thanks for coming for me." Becky told him. " you didn't have to." " Yes, I did, Becky stop telling me things like that. I care about you." George told her. " I don't know how you possibly could." she said. George counted to ten under his breath before replying. " Becky we were friends before we were lovers, I'm still your friend." " I know, you are I just feel like nothing." " Phil called and said he's holding your job open until your ready to come back." She nodded. She was supposed to see her therapist for the first time tomorrow. They went to her apartment, Becky felt at loose ends, she didn't know what to do she tried to watch TV, but it just irritated her. She tried to read but she couldn't concentrate. George had his lap top with him so he was working on something. " I'm getting kind of hungry do you want something to eat?' he asked. "No, I'm not hungry." she finally settled on the couch and closed her eyes. George heated up soup he had put in her fridge, in case. He was eating when Becky joined him at the table. "That smells good." "You sure you don't want some?" he offered. "Maybe later." At work George kept after John for information about her case. The license plate had been lifted off a truck and reported stolen over two months ago. John was still checking, if the guy driving the van liked the band and taken the license plate. It was a long shot. There was a fourth attack two weeks, after Becky's attack. The victim was beaten even more than Becky had been. And she hadn't gotten much of a look at him. John told the detectives working the case of the possible connection to the band Demon. They located a possible suspect and were moving into to grab him for questioning, when he bolted. He hopped in a pickup truck and drove off, they pursued him and he ended up wrecking his truck, being thrown from the vehicle and killed. The attacks stopped after that. Grace matched a DNA sample from him to the rape kit samples taken from Becky and the fourth victim Becky continued to see her therapist for several months. The fact that the man that had attacked her had died helped her feel a little more safe. She didn't like being alone. George was mostly living at her apartment, sleeping on the couch. She returned to work after a week off, work seemed to be one thing she could keep her mind on. She was driving George's car to work or he was dropping her off. It was three months later when she first felt any desire to try sex again. George hadn't offered her more than to hold her since it had happened. She didn't know if his momentary attraction for her had past. But she had decided to find out. "George, are you busy?" she asked coming up behind him while he was at his computer. " Nothing special." he told her but kept typing. " I was wondering, are we still a couple, or are you just staying with me out of friendship?" she asked all in a rush. " I thought we were a couple, are you asking me if I still want you?' George asked her. " Well, yes I guess so, you've been supportive of me all this time, but you never so much as kissed me." she asked. " I didn't want to pressure you, I figured you would let me know when you were ready." He told her pulling her on to his lap. " Did you want to try something?" he asked while placing a very gentle kiss behind her ear. " Just some closeness maybe more." she told him. " Lead the way." George told her, expecting her to take him into the bedroom. But instead Becky kissed him while still sitting on his lap, it was very like their first kiss, tender, and passionate. George responded, but he kept his response easy and not demanding. Becky continued kissing him for several minutes, it wasn't until she wanted more that the problem arouse. "Becky there is no way for us to go much further in this chair." George told her. " I know," she stood and lead him to the recliner in the living room. 'You want to do this here?" he asked. " Mrs. Keith said the first few times should be different from normal, so this is as different as I can imagine at the moment." she told him, while unbuttoning his shirt. It had been ages since she had wanted to touch him, but now she did want to, she wanted to feel his strength. George had to keep control of himself and not become to stimulated by her attention. He knew she might never get to actual sex this soon. Becky wanted control, and he was letting her take it. She caressed his chest, she tasted him, and learned something that she had never known before, he had been removing his chest hair. But he had neglected doing so over the past several months. " I like this, why do you?" she told him, while stroking her fingers through the dark hair on his body. " It was just a habit," he told her, but he was struggling with his growing desire for her as she touched him. Her hands were traveling lower they grazed over his arousal. Becky kept going she pushed his shirt off, and stroked her hands over his body. George fought for control, he needed to stay calm for her. He couldn't become assertive and push her faster than she was able to go. Becky slide out of her baggy shirt and was wearing only a pair of panties underneath. She unfastened his jeans, her fingers barely touching his erection. Once he stepped out of his clothes, she moved him to sit in the huge chair. She straddled him and lowered herself over his groin. George held her carefully his hands spanning her ribs, just under her breasts. He saw the emotions change in her face, as she rocked over him. He knew she didn't expect to find pleasure this time but it seemed she was gaining some measure of control over her feelings. Becky was moving on him for her own desires, giving little or no thought to his comfort. George was helping her to balance as she sought answers and gratification. He was relieved when she achieved her goal, and while she was still joined with him he managed to reach completion. He gathered her up in his arms and carried her to her bed, then he stayed with her. Becky slept peacefully for the first time in months. When she woke up George was with her, his arms around her. " Your so good to me, I wish our relationship wasn't so one sided." " It's not one sided, you do things for me. We love each other. " he told her. "You have done so much more for me." "Shush, don't start talking like that." He tightened his arms around her. Becky turned to face him and inhaled deeply, the scent of George always helped her stay calm. " I think I need to get my own car so that you can have your life back." "Your part of my life Becky, and when your ready we will handle it together." He kissed her temple and stroked a hand over her hair. "OK?" She nodded, and sighed. Her therapist had telling her of a new style of therapy he was trying with willing patient. It was called Hug Therapy, it was supposed to help attack victim become comfortable with men again. The thing was she needed to recruit several men that she knew but not well as assistants. " It you want to try this I'll talk to John and Bailey." George told her. " I'll check with Sam too, she will give us a second opinion about it." " George I've talked to Bailey on the phone a few times. Do you think he counts as a possible assistant?" " Bailey will be a better choice than John, he is a natural when it come to hugging." George told her. "But he sounded so stern and controlled on the phone, what is he like?" Becky asked. "Bailey is a teddy bear in a three piece suit, if he agrees to help, I'll have a hard time getting you out of his arms. You can talk to Sam yourself, she can tell you about Bailey." "No, you ask Sam and if she thinks this is a good idea then I'll tell my Dr." George knocked on Sam's door. " Can I talk with you a minute?" "Sure come in, how are things going?' she asked. " Better, that's one of the things I've come to ask you about. Have you ever heard of Hug Therapy?" "Yes, but it's kind of experimental, there are so many variables in the choice of the male assistants and the patient herself has to have experienced positive male role models in her life for it to be helpful. Is Becky considering it?" " Her therapist feels it will help, but we need to recruit Bailey and John." " Bailey would probably be glad to help, John may resist the idea. What do think about the idea?" Sam asked him. "Becky use to be a very huggy person, but aside from me I don't think she has touched another person since it happened." "Let's find John and Bailey." Sam moved towards her door. John looked unsure about the idea when Sam explained it, But Bailey spoke up immediately. "I'll be glad to volunteer, George. Anything I can do to help a nice lady like Rebecca heal after her ordeal." he nodded. "Thanks Bailey I appreciate your help." George told him. John shook his head and looked cornered, " I'll volunteer too, but I'm not sure I'm going to be a good choice." "You'll be fine John, you forget I know how good a hugging you are." Sam teased him. John looked embarrassed, and thought, yeah, but I know and like you, that makes a difference. When the day came for the first session. Bailey and John were on time and the Dr. was slightly delayed. Becky was staying calm only because she was holding tight to George's arm. "I'm going to explain briefly and then arrange us in order of difficult to easy. George being the person here Becky feels most comfortable with, then myself and then." He looked towards Becky questionably. "I don't know," " I think John shall be last then if you have no preface." the Dr. said. Becky started with a quick hug from George, then her Dr. who was a older bearded, gentleman who reminded her of Wilford Bremley. When she first was hugged by Bailey she was not excepting to like the experience. But a wonderful sense of calmness came to her in his arms. John was the one that was the most difficult. He was nervous, and while he held her close, it was still impersonal. But she was not panicked by his nearness. The Dr. had her hug each of them three times. "Good it may not have seemed like much but, this will be very helpful to Rebecca in the future. I thank you gentlemen for you kind participation." "That's it?" John asked surprised it was over. "Yes, Mr. Grant thank you for agreeing to assist us." he inclined his head to John and shook his hand. Then he shook Bailey's hand and spoke with George and Rebecca quietly. "Thanks Bailey, John for helping out." George told them both. " I'm glad to George." Bailey told him. " I'll see you both tomorrow." " If I had know that was all there was to it, I hope it helps." John said. "Why was I the most difficult, I didn't scare Becky did I?" " I think it was because Bailey is a little more fatherly to someone Becky's age." George told him. "Oh, right I guess so." John nodded. " I'll see you tomorrow, you take care." On the drive home Becky asked him. " Why was John nervous, you said he's had tons of lady friends?". " I don't know, maybe because it was in front of other people." "You were right about Bailey, but I bet what you didn't know was that the overriding emotion I got from him was calmness. I felt so safe and protected in his arms." Becky told him. "That's Bail, when it comes to comforting women, he is the master." George smiled. "Do you think he and Sam will ever admit their attraction for one another?" " Where did you get that? I never told you anything about them." "Hugging him told me, he loves her very much. The rest is just from the way you told me to talk to Sam about him." " I thought you weren't picking up on people like that anymore?" he asked. " I guess it's back, do you want to know what I got from John?" "I'm not sure, was it good?" " He is very puzzled by our relationship. He wants Bailey's approval as much as you do, and he only goes through so many woman because he is afraid to let himself get close to one. His parents hurt him and he doesn't want to let anyone that close again." she explained. George nodded, he knew something about John's past be he didn't know all of the details. Becky continued to improve in her recovery, and by the time the first anniversary of her attack came around. She was living her life as normally as she probably ever would. She and George were living together officially in his apartment. It wasn't forever, but it felt right. end