McCue Rides Again by mardel nc-17 This is a story based on Robert Davi's character from the Bad Pack movie. It is the sequel to McCue to the Rescue, my first Bad Pack story. I introduced Katherine in that story, but this story can be read alone. There is also a character borrowed from a USA network show The Huntress, so I guess it's a cross-over. Mac was working on restoring a Harley when he was approached about a new job. "Mr. McCue, my name is Hector Rivera. I understand that you are a man that can help people with problems." Mac looked up from his place beside the motor cycle, "What type of problem?" "My daughter has been kidnapped by a group of men. She is sixteen but she looks older. She wouldn't listen to her mother and I when we told her these men were bad. She hasn't been home for two weeks. I don't think she would stay away that long, willingly." "Maybe she thinks she's in love. If she isn't being held against her will." Mac shrugged. "She is still a minor, she isn't old enough to make that important of a decision." Hector looked distressed, his last hope of help didn't seem interested. "Could you find out if she is being held against her will, at least?' "Who are the men you think have your daughter?" Mac stood up wiping his hands on a rag. He was tall, taller than Hector had first thought. He was powerfully built, with broad shoulders and a wide chest. Even his upper arms looked big, his biceps bulged as he cleaned up. He had a look about him that would put you on your guard. He was dark, hair and eyes, his eyes were hard like there wasn't anything you could surprise him with, anymore. Hector explained all he had learned about the men. Once he was finished he waited and McCue thought it over. "I'll check into, if it looks like she is there against her will, then I'll get her out." "Thank you, Mr. McCue thank you, we will never be able to repay you." Hector clasped his hands together in a sign of gratefulness. "I'll be in touch if you leave you phone numbers." Mac walked towards his tool bench and handed his card to Hector. He took the information from Hector and placed it in a secure place near the shop phone. Hector had been dismissed, Mac was focused on the motorcycle again. But really he was thinking. He had tried to put the word out that he wasn't looking for this type of employment anymore. He just wanted to run his motorcycle shop and live a quite life. But people in trouble always seemed to know someone, who knew about his past. It was pointless to think about, he had accepted the job. He couldn't resist a young woman in distress. As tough as he looked, he was really a push over where women were concerned. Mac checked into the group of men. He learned they were a motorcycle gang, almost. They didn't make a habit out of breaking the law, robbing and stealing like some gangs did, but they weren't angels either. Mac knew for him to learn if the girl was being held against her will he would need the help of a woman. He wouldn't be allowed to talk to another man's "bitch". But his own lady wouldn't have that restriction. He was going to have to give Katherine a call. "Mac I haven't heard from you for a while, how are you?' Katherine answered the phone in her office that same morning. "I'm fine Katherine how are you?" "I'm busy as always, what's going on?' "I want to ask you to dinner tonight to talk over a favor I need to ask of you." Mac got right to the point, he knew Katherine would listen before she said no. "I'm free tonight but not until later, how about I meet you somewhere around eight?" "You like Anton's, I'll meet you there." Mac hung up the phone and called his friend Rich, he could locate information about anyone. Mac wanted any back ground info on the 'gang' he could get. :::: Mac was waiting for Katherine when she arrived he was sitting in the bar. She noticed him the moment she entered. His broad back was hard to miss, even when he was wearing a pin stripe suite. She kissed him on the cheek, while placing a hand on his shoulder. "Mac, I've missed you." He turned to her, stood and hugged her warmly. "I've been staying away for your own good." "I'd like to be the one to decide what is good for me and what isn't." she hugged him in return, her chin resting on his broad shoulder. Her eyes closed for the moment. She had been in love with Mac for a long time, but he wouldn't allow their relationship to become intimate. He told her she was to important to him as a friend, he couldn't jeopardize that friendship. "Let's go in to dinner." he placed a large hand at the small of her back and guided her towards their table. Mac had to remind himself this was business and he couldn't let his attraction to Katherine show. She was a beautiful woman, tall auburn hair, almost green eyes. A figure that was natural, shapely and lush. Once they had ordered Katherine looked over at him, "What did you want to ask me?" "I have a new job, there is a young woman who's family thinks in being held against her will. I'm going to need a lady with your skills to help me get her out." Katherine nodded. "You think she might have been drugged? Or they got her hooked on something to keep her in line?' "Yeah, it's one or the other. If she is there against her will." "Why do you need a lady?" "The group that has her, is a motorcycle gang. I would never be allowed to talk to another man's lady. But my lady could, and if she is drugged you can probably tell quicker than I can." Mac explained. He knew Katherine wouldn't be able to turn down his request, once she knew it was a young woman in trouble. "I'll help you Mac, but I'm going to want you to do me a favor in return." She smiled and took a sip of her water. "Anything, anytime, you know that." He covered her hand with his, and squeezed slightly. Katherine wanted him in return for this favor. She just didn't know if she was brave enough to come out and tell him. She looked into his dark brown eyes, his eyes hide so much. But at the moment his eyes just looked kind. Katherine told herself to be brave and said " I want you to...." she stopped. "You want me to, what Katherine?" he was teasing her now. But he couldn't resist she had been so serious just then. "I'll tell you when the job is over." "Fine, I'll look forward to it." :::: Katherine was a little nervous waiting for Mac to pick her up. He was riding his Harley over to get her. She hadn't ridden with him but once before, and that had only been for a few minutes. When she heard the rumble of the motorcycle engine she looked out the front window. She watched Mac pull in and park his bike. It was a huge machine, but he handled it with skill and reverence. She almost wished he would treat her that way. Katherine watched him from the window. Knowing he wasn't aware of her gaze. Mac was a attractive man. Tall, broad shoulders, wide strong chest. His leather jacket just made him seem larger. His legs were long and the black jeans he was wearing hugged his body. Katherine noticed, not for the first time, how much of him was packed into those tight jeans. Mac knocked on her door. "Come in, it's open" "Hi, you look like your ready." he looked over her outfit. Katherine was wearing her auburn hair pulled back into a thick braid. He had borrowed a jacket for her to wear. Under the jacket she had on a black tee shirt that showed off her figure. Blue jeans and boots. She looked good enough for him to want to peel her out of those clothes and spend the afternoon making love to her. She looked a littler nervous too. Mac stepped close and touched her cheek , "I won't let anything happen to you, Katherine. You know that don't you?" Katherine nodded, looking at his eyes." I know, I'm safe with you around." She smiled a weakly. It wasn't that she didn't believe him, it was that she wished for once, he wasn't so in control. She would never get the reaction she wanted out of him if he was always in control. " I have a few things we might need." Katherine handed him a small zipped cosmetics bag with a few medical supplies inside. "I'll put these in my pack." Mac escorted her to his bike and stowed the small bag. " Just hold on to me and lean into the turns like I do. If you watch the back of my head you'll catch on in no time." Katherine liked the 'hold on to me part'. She could feel his tight abdomen under her hands. Once he pulled out onto the highway and they were away from most of the traffic, Katherine was enjoying the ride. Mac liked the feeling of her pressed into his back. He had to fight his feelings for Katherine every time he saw her. He didn't want to hurt her, and if they were ever to become involved he would hurt her. He knew he wasn't capable of making a commitment to only one woman. Katherine deserved a man that could. So he held his emotions in check, pretended to not notice the looks and touches. He knew she wanted more from him, he just didn't let her know, he knew. Mac drove up the Coast Highway until he reached the road house the gang was known to hand out at. He parked his bike. "Just stay close to me until we see if she's here." Katherine knew she was supposed to act like his lady. So she followed close beside Mac. The inside of the bar was dark, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Mac took off his sun glasses and looked over the men and woman present. "Hey, Tank how's it hanging, man?' Mac greeted a few of the men. "Bill, Preacher." "Hey, Mac long time since we saw you around these parts, where you been?" The man Mac had called Preacher asked. "I've been working on restoring a Classic, for a customer. But to much work never did anyone any good, so we came out for a while." Katherine, moved closer to him when he indicated her to his friends. Most of the Harley riders on the west coast knew Mac, or knew about his shop. If you needed a part for your bike he was the one to see. Mac had been working on bikes for twenty years. Mac put an arm around Katherine and smiled," Let me buy you all a beer and we can talk over old times." Katherine stayed near Mac, while he talked and joked with the men. A few men who had been playing pool went back to their game. She wasn't sure why they were staying, the only other woman present was sitting on the lap of a big bearded biker over near the door. She was older than the young woman they were there to help. During the time they spent at the bar, several men came in. Two had women with them. Katherine talked with one of the for a minute, when her man went to the bathroom. "Hey, you're new around here." "Hi, yeah I just met Mac a few weeks ago." Katherine told her. He's the tall one at the end of the bar. "Yeah, I know Mac, my old man has gotten parts from him. I'm Rose you'll see me around. There are a couple of other ladies that hang here." "I'm Kate, nice to meet you." "Has Big Mike been here today?" "I don't' think so, unless it was earlier." "I wanted to check in with Teresa, she wasn't looking to good the last time I saw her. Big Mike is to hard on her. Us ladies have got to stick together." Rose nudged Kate in the arm. Mac waved Kate over and talked low so no one would hear " Did you find out anything about Hector's daughter?" "If her name is Teresa, she's with a man called Big Mike." "Great, now we have something to work with." Mac kissed Kate quickly on the mouth and patted her butt, so everyone would notice. There was laughter from around the room, but Kate was just trying to get her mind back on track. Mac's quick kiss had been disturbing. "Hey, Mac there is going to be a party at Brohter's house, bring your old lady and come with me." Preacher waved to Mac. Seven men from inside the bar, went outside and mounted up. Mac told Kate to relax, this bunch wasn't anything to worry about. He was hoping Bib Mike would be at the party. ::: "I told you to get ready to go, I'm not showing up at the party with you looking like something the cat dragged in, fix your hair." Big Mike was yelling at Teresa. She had been with him for several weeks now. She knew she had made a big mistake the first time he wouldn't let her leave. He had even given her something to make her sleep. Teresa had hoped he would leave her behind if she didn't get ready, Big Mike always wanted to be early to a party. ::: Mac parked his bike in a spot a little ways off from the rest of the group. "I want to be able to get out of here in a hurry if we have to." "We aren't going to try three on this thing are we?" "No, if Teresa is here I'm going to put in a call for backup, I have a friend who will come help me out. You might know him Tiny has help me out a few times." "Tiny that name doesn't sound familiar. Should I know what he looks like?" "He's taller than me, has long dark hair and a short beard. Deep voice, but he talks soft, you'll be riding with him if we have to sneak out." Kate nodded she wasn't sure she wanted to ride with Tiny she didn't even know him. " Mac, if Teresa has been drugged we can't just take her back to her family. She will need treatment." "I've made arrangements for that if we need to there is a place up the coast we can take her." He looked Katherine over carefully, she seemed on edge. "Are you doing alright?' he placed a large hand at the small of her back. Katherine nodded. She was suddenly afraid he was going to kiss her again. Not that she didn't want him too, she did, but she wanted it somewhere else. Not here in front of all these strangers. Mac pulled her into a gentle hug. " Your doing great." Katherine melted into his embrace, she would never get enough of being in his arms. Mac was the first 'bad boy' type she had ever fallen for. Not that he really was a bad person, he just seemed that way. Mac hugged Katherine close, he could feel the tension in her back and neck. She was wound tighter than a spring. Mac was beginning to wish he hadn't asked her to come on this job with him. But if it hadn't been for her, he wouldn't have learned anything about Teresa. ::: The party was going full blast when Big Mike arrived. Teresa was being escorted by her arm there was already a big bruise, just above her elbow. Big Mike didn't treat his lady very well, by the looks of her condition. Katherine waited for nearly a half hour after their arrival to approach Teresa. Mac put a call in for Tiny "Hey, this is a great party, I'm Kate." Katherine carried over a plate of chips and started talking to Teresa. "Hi, Teresa, who is the guy your with, I've never seen him here before?' "Mac, I've been with him awhile now, who's your man?" "Big Mike, over there the one with the vest." Teresa nodded towards the pool table. The ladies talked about nothing important for several minutes. Then Katherine pretended to go use the bathroom. She reported to Mac. "That's her, I don't think she is staying with Big Mike out of love. He's been keeping a tight rein on her. She looks tired and worn out but I don't think he's gotten her hooked on anything, there are no tracks on her arms." "I sent for back up, he should be arriving soon. Once Tiny gets here try and move Teresa towards the back door. So long as a guy isn't anywhere near you and you step outside, no one should notice." The party had been roaring along for a couple of hours when Tiny arrived riding his soft tail. He was known to most of the men, so he was welcomed as soon as he arrived. He stood out front talking with the men for nearly an hour, it was past midnight. Mac had been right about her not having a hard time telling who Tiny was. He was taller than any of the present group, he had a manner about him that made him stand out. Teresa was just sitting on a chair, with a beer in her hand. Kate had been trying to monitor her alcohol intake but she had lost track. "Teresa could you come help me for a minute." Kate guided the young woman towards the kitchen and the back door. "What's the matter, where are we going?' "Listen, do you want to get away from Big Mike, I can help you get out of here." That got Teresa's attention, she looked very alert and ready to pay attention. "Yes, you can get me out of here, are you sure?' "Come with me." Kate stepped out the back door. Tiny was there with his bike and Mac was bringing up the rear. Kate helped Teresa mount up behind Mac. "This is Mac, he'll make sure you get to safety." Mac told her she was going to be alright and started his motorcycle. Katherine she hurried over to Tiny. "Hang on we can talk later." Tiny helped her get situated, then started up his motorcycle. They were away from the house before anyone noticed. Katherine was exhausted, she was holding tight to Tiny's waist he was built on a slightly larger scale than Mac, but he felt nice and warm. His broad back providing her with a solid place to rest. Tiny liked this lady already, she was snuggled up to his back like they were old friends. Mac signaled for them to pull over at a motel, he got a room and they called Teresa's parents. "We didn't have a chance to meet officially, I'm Tiny Bellows." he helped Katherine climb off his bike. "Nice to meet you Tiny, I'm Kate." she wasn't sure if she was supposed to tell him her real name or not. "I'm sorry about ...." she trailed off, embarrassed to have leaned so heavily against him. "Don't worry about it. It's been a long day for you I'm sure." he smiled and guided her towards the room. Kate had never met a man as courteous as Tiny, who looked the exact opposite. "Good work both of you, Thanks for you help." Mac shook Tiny's hand and pounded him on the back in a manly hug. "Glad to help." Teresa was on the phone with her father, talking in Spanish. "Mr. McCue he would like to talk to you again." "If you will come and pick up Teresa it would be safer for her. I don't think Mike will come after her at her house. But you put the restraining order in on him like I told you and if he shows up you call the cops." :::: Teresa embraced her parents when they arrived. Everyone was thanked. Mac waved them off glad he was done with that job, and it had worked out. Tiny was talking with Katherine about books when Mac returned to the room. He was thinking he would like to get to know Kate better. But he had picked up on the way she looked at Mac. He knew her heart was already taken. "Well it was nice to meet you Kate. Give me a call and we'll have a beer at my new place." he shook hands with Mac again. Mac smiled, "I'll do that, thanks again for your help." Once Tiny was gone Katherine didn't know what was going to happen next. It was two in the morning and she was asleep on her feet. "You better get some sleep, we don't have to leave until noon tomorrow." Katherine nodded and slipped her boots off. She needed to wash up some but she was just to tired. She leaned back against the pillows for a moment and was sound a sleep in a few seconds. Mac smiled. It had been a new experience for her. He watched her sleep for a minute then went to take a shower. He needed to release some tension of his own, and a hot shower would help. Mac stripped out of his clothes quickly and stepped under the hot water. He exhaled, it felt good, the hot water hitting him in the neck and shoulders. He soaped up, running his hands over the hills and valleys of his chest, under his arms. He washed his crotch quickly not wanting to stimulate himself into an erection. He didn't need that to deal with at the moment. He rolled his shoulders under the water, moving his neck from side to side. Some of the tension of the day was leaving. ::::: Katherine woke up and sat up she was in a motel room. She looked over at the other bed Mac was sleeping on his back one arms throw over his eyes. He was wearing a tee shirt and Katherine could see the mound of muscle that made his upper arms bulge. She had missed her big chance, alone with Mac in a motel room and what did she do but go to sleep. With all of her clothes on. She climbed out of bed and rummaged in the back pack for her spare tee shirt. She took a shower, even washed her hair, she hadn't heard any noise coming from the room. So she came back out with a towel wrapped around her hair. Mac was up, drinking coffee, he must have gone down stair and gotten somewhere. "Good morning." "OH, sorry Hi." Katherine felt foolish letting him see her with her hair all wet. "There is a cup of coffee there for you on the side table." Mac told her, moving to look out the window, he wanted to make sure no one was looking for him. They probably wouldn't come looking for him, there had been several ways for Teresa to escape. He was just one of them. "Thanks." Katherine finished braiding her hair and put the towel back in the bathroom. She took a careful sip of coffee, it was good but really hot. "Did you want to tell me what you wanted for you favor?" Mac asked turning back towards Katherine. He knew she liked him, but he had no idea she was planning to ask him for a night together for her favor. Katherine blushed when he asked, turning away from his direct gaze. "I haven't decided yet, I'll let you know when I do." ::: The ride back to town didn't take long, but Katherine enjoyed the ride. She could hug Mac, without him knowing she was loving every minute of the contact. Mac escorted her to her door. "Thanks Katherine, I couldn't have done this one with out your help." "I was glad to help, I hope Teresa gets herself together." Once the door was closed, and Mac was gone Katherine collapsed against the inside of the door. "I'm such a stupid idiot. I don't deserve a man as nice as Mac." Katherine thought about how she could have gotten Mac to make love with her. But it all came down to the fact that she was afraid he would turn her down. Unless she did make it her favor in return, but then it really sounded like she was begging him. :::: Mac kept thinking about Katherine, the following week. He finally decided he wanted to see her, so he called her Thursday. "Mac? I'm surprised to hear from you again, this soon. Is something the matter?" His voice sounded like music to her, she had it for him so bad. 'No, I just want to see you again, are you free tonight?" "Yes, Thursday is never very busy. What did you have in mind?" "I thought I'd leave that up to you. What would you like to do?" Mac asked, he sounded pleased about something, his voice was happy. If you only knew, Katherine thought. " How about the old standby pizza and a movie?" "I'll pick you up at seven." ::::: Katherine was waiting for Mac when he arrived. She was nervous, she was determined to make him notice that she wanted him. If she had to she might even just ask him to make love to her. Mac was wearing blue jeans that clung to his well muscled thighs, not to mention his groin. They showed his endowments off almost as well as a bathing suite. Katherine was sure well hung, described Mac perfectly. He was wearing a shirt with the collar open, she got a nice glimpse of his hard chest, with just a touch of dark hair at the center of his strong throat. Mac took Katherine to the neighborhood pizza place. It was packed with people but they managed to get a booth in a corner. "I never pictured you as a lady that liked pizza, Katherine." "I might surprise you with the things I like." Mac was flirting with her a little, but he wasn't sure if she was nervous or sacred. "Would you like to dance Dr.?" He was teasing her now, thinking she wouldn't dance with him, especially to the tune that was playing. It was an oldie, from the big bands days, "Sentimental Journey." "I'd like that." Katherine took his offered hand and he swung her onto the small dance floor. It was a slow dance, Mac held her close, but not so close she was plastered to him. Katherine was already in heaven, she rested her head on his shoulder after a minute, and he pulled her a little closer. By the time the song ended, there was no doubt in Mac's mind as to what was happening between them. He was so close to being publicly aroused he couldn't believe it. He hadn't allowed himself to be so hungry for a lady in a long time. "Katherine do you want to get out of here?' he looked into her eyes, they were almost glazed over with passion. "Yes." Mac paid the bill and walked her to his truck. He kissed her once they were inside. Their first real kiss hungry, insistent and passion filled. Katherine, opened her mouth to him the instant he lowered his mouth to hers. His tongue was thrusting with her tongue. He was stroking her back, she was moaning that she liked what he was doing to her. "Do you want to go to my place or yours?" he asked, dragging his mouth away for a minute. "Which is closer?' Mac drove them to his place, he escorted Katherine inside. He pressed her up against the door, kissing her, his tongue thrusting deep into her mouth. Katherine was attempting to undress him, she could feel the hard huge arch of his erection pressing into her, when he kissed her. She opened his shirt and caressed his chest. He was magnificent, all hard muscles, dark hair, power and grace. She stroked her hand over his chest, testing the feel of him beneath her fingers. "You are so amazing Mac" "Your feel pretty amazing yourself", he had one breast in each hand and was squeezing them gently. He had removed her blouse, and was moving on to her skirt when he stopped to fondle her. He licked her nipple and she moaned. He sucked her into his mouth, she arched into him. Katherine had to stop caressing his body, when he was nuzzling her that way. She was becoming more and more aroused. "Mac, OH, Mac that's..." He lifted her into his arms after she cried out. Carrying her into the bedroom. Mac slipped her out of the rest of her clothes, he kicked off his boots and was about to unzip his jeans. "Let me." Katherine reached for his fly, she caressed his hard arch of arousal a moment then slipped the zipper down. His long, hard erection surged up and stretched to it's full length. She caressed him but she was so hungry for him she couldn't wait any longer. " Take me Mac, I want to feel you deep inside." Katherine lay on the bed and watched as Mac stepped out of his jeans, and positioned himself over her, he pushed forward testing to see if she was ready for him. He found her wet and open. He thrust in, pushing deeper then deeper. Katherine moaned, her hands locked around his back pulling him down, urging him on. Mac pumped hard, he was needing to finish, he had been holding back while he was kissing her, and touching her. He thrust his hips fast, his breathing roaring in his ears. He opened his eyes and looked down at Katherine she was in a state of bliss, she cried out again when she reached another climax. He was fulfilling her needs. Mac groaned he was there, he made a final couple of thrusts and his cock emptied deep inside Katherine's body. He stayed mounted over her a moment, then moved to her side. Mac pulled her into his side, she was rubbing her cheek against his chest, practically purring she was so satisfied. "I've been wanting to experience that for a long time." she told him, knowing she couldn't tell him more. He wouldn't want to hear she loved him. Mac pulled the cover over them. He wanted to think a minute. He had decided that he could have a relationship with Katherine. But now he wasn't sure, she hadn't said anything at all about her feelings. Woman always told you they loved you, either during sex or after. " Katherine I've been wanting to court you for a long time, but I've always felt that if we were to break up you wouldn't want to patch up my men. I guess I was wrong about that. I care about you, I want to keep seeing you." "Really?' "Yes, you don't believe me?' He lifted up to look at her face. "I'm afraid to, I must be dreaming, I've wanted to hear you say this for such a long time. I've been in love with you for years." Mac didn't know how to respond to that statement, so he remained quite. He had known she loved him, he had just not acted on her feelings until now. Katherine was laying on him, her face snuggled into the spot wear his neck and shoulder met. She had dreamed about this, she remembered one dream that had kept her distracted for days. Katherine remembered one particular dream, she decided to see if her imagination had been accurate. She moved under the blanket, her hand stroking down Mac's body. She felt the hard mass of muscle that was his thigh, the roughness of the hair at his groin. Then she found the smooth skin of his cock. He was subsided after their lovemaking. She hoped her attentions to him would change that. Katherine began to fondle his long cock, he was large even now. She was a doctor she knew about such things. She cupped his testicles, rolling them between her eager fingers. She stroked his shaft, she could feel him begin to respond. She stroked all of his length, his cock began to swell. Katherine smiled, he was becoming aroused again. She continued to fondle him until his cock was swollen to a massive hardness. Her dream hadn't been generous enough. Mac allowed Katherine to bring him to another erection. He wanted to see what was next. Katherine took his long hard cock in her mouth and licked and sucked him until his hips were moving up to meet her warm mouth. "If you don't want me to finish you had better say so now, Katherine." "I want you to finish, but not like this" she moved to lay back on the bed, and Mac rolled to cover her. He pushed his cock deep and rode her fast and hard. Katherine urged him on, moaning his name and crying out her climax when it came. Mac groaned out his own climax several hard thrusts after her his cock buried deep. "You like it hard, don't you Katherine?" "I like you hard," she praised him, " I've never had a choice in how forceful it is before. Isn't that the way you like it?' "I like all kinds of ways, but for now you need to sleep." he pulled the covers back over them and they settled in to rest. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Katherine was back at work the following day, Mac had kissed her good bye in the morning and promised to call her. She prayed he meant it. She loved him so much it hurt. It was nearing quitting time, her office staff had just gone home. She was locking the door when there was a knock on it. "I'm sorry unless it's an emergency," she opened the door then say it was Mac. "It's an emergency alright, but I don't need medical attention." he closed the door behind him and locked it again. Katherine was staring at him he was wearing his black leather vest, blue jeans and black leather chaps, she had never seen him in chaps before. They made his groin seem fuller, or perhaps his groin was fuller. Mac turned to Katherine and looked her over, her white doctor coat made her look all prim and proper. He lifted a hand to her hair and freed it from it's clip. "What did you want?" she played along with him. "I want sex, Doc hot and heavy." he told her and pressed himself up against her. He moved her backwards into the wall and kissed her hard, his mouth not gentle. Katherine returned his kiss, her teeth nipping his lower lip. Mac captured her hands in one of his large hands and held them over her head. "I want it now Doc," Mac kissed her again, his hand pushing her coat open, so his hand could squeeze her breast. He lifted her shirt and pushed her slacks down, he rubbed his huge throbbing erection against her crotch. Katherine lifted a leg to better feel his massive hardness. Mac unfasten his jeans, and his cock was freed. He fondled himself for her. Katherine watch in fascination as his thick, long hard shaft hardened still further in his hand. Then he was mounting her, pushing his length up between her legs. Pinning her against the wall, his hips pounding his throbbing erection into her. Mac rode her hard, but he wouldn't reach climax until he knew she had. He was just giving her a different kind of love making this time. He was showing her he was able to try the role playing if she wanted it. Katherine moaned, "Mac that's so good, Oh so good." she cried out her climax. She dug her nails into his back, if he hadn't still been wearing his vest she would have made marks in his skin. Mac finished, after her, his own end reached in a haze of pleasure. He groaned, his cock thrust to the hilt as he came hard. He slipped free and stuffed himself back in his jeans. "Mac, don't leave." Katherine was afraid he was going to play the game out all the way. "I'm not leaving." he turned back to her, "That was incredible, but you don't have to role play to make me crazy for you." "I just thought you would like it." "I did but you don't have to, I love you as yourself." she kissed him softly. "I couldn't stop thinking about you all day, that's how I thought up this idea." Mac told her, then kissing her urgently his mouth hot on hers. "I realized something else today," "What?" she was suddenly worried he had decided they weren't going to keep seeing one another. Mac looked her in the eyes, "I realized, I love you." "Oh, Mac!" Katherine hugged him around his neck, he hugged her back hard, his arms taking her breath away. end