To Serve and Protect by mardel R Disclaimer: I just borrowed them for the story, they are owned by Kronish Productions. Spoilers for the end of season one and the first half of season two. Special Thanks to Isis for beta reading this one. "You have got to be kidding me, that's you?" Grace laughed. She had come into Bailey's office while he was opening a box of stuff that Janet had sent to him. It contained all kinds of pictures, from their life together. The picture Grace was laughing about was of Bailey at about nineteen years old he had been in his local Boys club boxing team, and been awarded a silver medal in his weight class. He looked very young even for nineteen, but he was handsome in a dark Vinny Barbarino kind of way. Grace had never pictured Bailey as a pretty boy. He was a handsome man but it was more rugged than classic. "Wait until Sam sees' this." Grace said. "I don't know. It's the type of picture they used to take in those days. You didn't smile if you were a boxer, you were supposed to be a tough guy," Bailey told her. "I never said you didn't look tough. You look so young Bail, I just never pictured you as a boy." She giggled. "What's so funny?" Sam asked as she entered the room. "Check this out." Grace handed her the picture. Sam's eyebrows went up when she saw that it was a picture of Bailey. But she didn't so much as crack a smile. "You won a silver medal in boxing?" "It was a very long time ago." Bailey shrugged. He was glad that Sam hadn't laughed. "OK, people back to work." Bailey finally collected his stuff from the ladies. "Sam, did you have something to tell me?" "Yes, George has located the information, he's ready for us in the com center." While George was briefing them about the new set of information on the current case, they were called by a representative of Richmond Police Department. He felt they had a serial killer in their city, there had only been three killings so far but the MO was the same the victims looked enough alike to be sisters and he wanted their assessment of the situation. When Bailey escorted Sam to the most recent location where a body had been found, he was a little preoccupied. Sam had asked him twice to check with George about identification of the latest body. She finally called George herself. "Yes, I have a ID. I'll send you the info at the police station," George told her. "Thanks George I knew we could count on you," Sam said and hung up. "George? Did he have new information?" Bailey asked. "Bailey I don't know what is bothering you but don't you think you should talk to me about it?" Sam touched his arm. She hadn't seen him this distracted since Frances had shot him and then disappeared. Bailey removed his sunglasses and half grinned at Sam. "I can't hide anything from you, can I? I was notified that one of the first serial killers we put away fifteen years ago has made some threats. He was allowed to be interviewed for a book. He has a following now. He is going to get revenge on the men who captured him." "Bailey, you have had threats before. Why take him seriously?" "Because the wife of one of my former co-workers from that time was almost killed a few days ago. Her break lines had been cut. They live in San Francisco. If her car didn't have airbags, and she hadn't been an excellent driver to aim for a low impact place to wreck, she would have died." "This is a serious threat then?" "I'm afraid so. I'm worried about Frances, I've had an agent posted to Baltimore to watch over Ariana and Janet. But Frances refuses to leave college." Bailey returned his sunglasses to his face. "If you can justify sending an agent to Ariana, can't one be sent to watch over Frances at college?" "Yes, I wanted to send John. Despite their past history, Frances does trust him. She wouldn't have called him after the shooting if she didn't. What's the situation here? Are we going to need John to a lot of leg work?" "The Richmond Police only asked for our assessment of the situation, it's still their case. I think we will have plenty of help on this case, the top three men on the crime team here have been to the National Academy at Quantico. They understand how important profiling can be if used correctly." "John, can speak with you?" Bailey pulled John aside once the team returned to the Richmond field office. "Sure, boss. What do you need?" "I'd like to ask you to take an undercover assignment." Bailey filled him in on the trouble. "I'll be glad to help, but will Frances co-operate with me? She was angry with me the last time I saw her." John shifted his weight to the other foot. He understood her anger. He had forced her to turn herself in after she had shot her father. "She promised me if she could stay in school, she would co-operate. I'm counting on you, John, even if she is difficult, you can handle it." Bailey put a large hand on John's shoulder. "I'll go Bailey. I'll keep her safe." Grace knocked on the door to Bailey's borrowed office. "Come in, Grace. What have you learned?" "There are some strange marks on all of the victims, I've only been able to examine the last two on the bodies. The others were from the autopsy photos. See here, it's almost like the killer stuck a fork in them. A dinner fork. It was after they were dead, from the amount of bleeding, it's on all four of them on a leg, the thigh area." Grace showed Bailey a picture. "That should help us nail him. He's almost signing his kill." Bailey nodded and handed the photo back to her. "Good work, Grace." "Thanks, boss. Are you OK?" She had also noticed his distraction. "I'm fine. John is taking care of things for me." "Bailey, there has been a development to the other case. We need to go to Ohio." Sam was standing in his doorway. "Great, it's going to be one of those weeks. Alright, Grace, are you done with the bodies here?" "Yes, there isn't much more I can do." "You and Sam will come with me, Marcus will stay here and head this team. The jet leaves in one hour. Get your things together." Grace joined Sam and Bailey in the field, the site of the third killing at a horse ranch in the past two months. It was the unusual location of the bodies that had gotten the VCTF called in so quickly on this one. The victims were all found hanging from crossbeams in barns." "Agent Malone. Detective Mills, I'm glad of your help on this. I attended the National Academy two years ago. I know I'm in over my head." "Det. Mills, this is Dr. Sam Waters, and Dr. Grace Alvarez," Bailey introduced his team. "Drs., I'm glad to meet you. I hope you can help us with this case." Mills led them to the barn. A woman's body was still hanging from the far end of the building. Her hands tied in front of her, her face marked with the small burn mark that had been found on all three of the previous bodies. "We have taken photos and prints, but I though you might need to see how she was found." "Yes, it is helpful, thank you." Sam circled the woman, she was getting impressions. A man, who wasn't tall. Fire and pain. Sam nodded and moved back out of the way. Grace examined the woman's body once she was lowered to a plastic sheet, to preserve her clothing from the floor debris. "Same as the others from first look. She was knocked unconscious, branded, then hung." Frances was not really looking forward to being followed around by one of her father's agent friends. But if she could keep up her class load until the end of term she would be happy. John had arranged to attend all the same classes Frances did. He had his cell phone with him so he could keep a hand in with what was going on with rest of the team, but he was supposed to blend in so he couldn't be taking on his cell phone all the time. "Hello, Frances," he offered to shake hands with Frances when he arrived to check in with her on Sunday night. "Hi. You got here fast. Come in and tell me what the plan is." Frances shook his hand and waved him into her room. Her roommate was out with her boyfriend so they were alone. John was in the middle of explaining that he was just going to be there and watch over her. He had arranged to take the same classes and he would act like a new friend. When there was a knock at the door, Frances opened it to two of the girls from down the hall. "Hi, Frannie. Who's the cute guy?" Frances' eyes grew wide and she didn't know what to say. "Hi, girls. Do you take art history like Frances does?" John came up behind her and opened the door wider. He was doing a very credible geek act. "No, we are in Poli Sci. Hey, if your free later come down to your room." They waved and went on down the hall. "Don't worry about it." John saw the look on her face. She was embarrassed. "I'm sorry, the last thing you need if for a bunch of college girls flirting with you while you're here on business." "No problem, it will be a change," he smiled. John spent several days following Frances to classes. He only saw one person he didn't think was supposed to be on campus, but he turned out to be a husband following his wife. "I've checked in with your dad, he just got an second warning. So, he wants me to stay here for a while longer," John told her at lunch that afternoon. He didn't always eat with her, but on campus is was easier for him to see her between classes than it was for him to be going to her room now that her roommate was back. " I was going to the movie at the theater in town tonight with a few friends. Is it still OK if I go?' Frances asked. "Only if you don't mind my company, I'll have to stay close in a place like that," John told her. "You can pretend you like me and I'm putting up with you." Frances teased him. "Actually, I was thinking that something like that might work." " I was only kidding! You don't want to pretend to be my new boy friend, do you?" Frances looked worried. "I'll do what ever I need to do to make sure you're safe, Frannie." Frances was worried, mostly because she had once before fallen in love with him. "I'll keep the kissing stuff down to a minimum, but if we act like a couple it might discourage whoever is after you. He might decide that you're too hard of a target if you're hardly ever alone." John held her hand while they were buying tickets and he was very attentive to her. While they were in line for drinks and popcorn, he made sure she was comfortable, and he offered her his jacket when the cool air came on during the movie. "Gosh, Frances where did you find him? He's wonderful," Debbi asked her as they were making their way outside after the movie. "He's in several of my classes, and he asked me out tonight, so I suggested he come with all of us to the movie," Frances told her. Frances had to keep telling herself that he was just acting, but it was very nice to have a man treating her like she was the most important person in the world. John was beginning to think it had all been a huge hoax. If he had to pretend to be her boyfriend for very much longer, he was sure he was going to have to tell her. John helped her study the following night and then they went to the campus alcohol free dance club and listened to the music. Frances danced a few times with people. John had to keep his eye on the crowd, so he refrained from dancing. He had just lain down for the night in an empty room one flight up from Frannie. When the fire alarm went off, he grabbed his gun and tucked it unto his jeans as he finished pulling them on. He was outside her room in a couple of seconds and was about to knock on the door when Frances came out, wearing sweat pants and a dorm shirt. "Come on, it might be the real thing, or it might be a distraction." John guided her towards the stairs. Frances was used to seeing male students in all states of undress around campus, but the sight of John's bare chest was making her breath funny. He had a swimmer's build with wide sloping shoulders and a nice amount of muscle making his pecs defined and his arms well rounded. "John, your gun, I can see the handle sticking out of your jeans." She moved in close to his back and put a hand on his waist to help hide it. " I forgot, I should have pulled on a shirt too." He moved so that she was a little closer. He was still scanning the crowd but he spotted no one that looked like a possible killer. Frances stayed close to his back as they all formed up to go back inside. It was a real fire, but it had been put out by a couple of students before the firemen even arrived. "Mary's out again. Why don't you come in for a little while?" Frances offered. John was about to decline the offer and get some sleep, when he noticed the whole experience had scared her. "Sure but only if you feed me," he joked. Frances opened a can of coke an offered him a glass. " I didn't take any of this stuff seriously but when that fire alarm went off, I was really glad you were here," she told him. John realized that she could probably use a hug just about then, so he moved towards her with open arms. Frances was pressed up against his bare chest, a tight grip around his ribs before he knew she had moved. "I was scared too. I'm glad it was all just a big nothing after all." He hugged her tight and rubbed her back with one hand. Having been raised in the Malone household, Frances knew a good hug when she was taking part in one. John might not be Italian, but he understood how to make her feel better and didn't end the hug until she was ready. "Thank you," she told him as she moved to sit on her bed. "Your welcome, I think maybe I'd better go on back to my room. It doesn't sound like there are very many people out there now. Good night, Frannie." John nodded off in class the next day, and Frances had to wake him when it was time for them to walk to another class. "Dad should have sent more than one agent, you can't keep an eye on me alone," she told him as they were walking. "I can handle the situation, and he didn't really have any choice in sending more agents." "Forget I said anything." That evening, as he was escorting her back from studying for mid terms at the library, there was a scream. John's first instinct was to run towards the scream, but he prevented Frances from doing so. "John, we have to find out what's going on," she insisted " I know, but I have to keep you safe. Stay next to me and keep your eyes open." They moved quickly together towards the scream. Around the side of the dorm building, there was a small group of kids, one girl was crying. "What happened?" Frances asked. "Patty was almost kidnapped. Some guy grabbed her and was carrying her towards the parking lot." "He only dropped me when he saw that group of guys come running this way," Patty said between sobs. John noticed that Patty was the same general size and hair color as Frances. "We would have got him too, if he hadn't pulled a knife on us," one of the male students added. "I got a license number on his van," yet another student said. "We called campus police." The campus police arrived then and took everyone's statement. John took the officer in charge aside and identified himself. He wanted the license plate number himself so he could check it for possible connections to Frances's situation. Frannie knew it was possible that the man had been after her and had just gotten the wrong girl. The Ohio case was stalled. There had been no new killings. Other than the branding of the victims, there wasn't much to check into. But George had noticed a pattern in the killings. It was following a show circuit, the middle-south-mid-west circuit. The first killing had been in Tennessee, the next in Western Virginia, the next in Southern Ohio, and if the pattern held, the next would be connected with the show in West Virginia. "Sam, are you sure about this?" "Yes, Bailey. I want to go undercover at the horse show that is coming up in a few days. I can borrow a horse from my in-laws, I ride often enough still that I can pass as an entrant." "You aren't posing as a decoy, you just want to observe?" "Yes, I think he is killing women that have turned him down in the past. He wasn't a man they knew well, so when he made advances they rebuffed him. He may have a fantasy build up about them in his mind." "Alright, but only if I go with you," Bailey smiled. "I just heard from John. He thinks they have a lead on the man that has been causing all the trouble at Frances' school." "That's good news. Now if we can just spot the man we are looking for." Sam patted the neck of her horse. "You're really going to ride in the next event?" Bailey asked. Sam never ceased to amaze him. "Yes, of course. I used to do stuff like this all the time when I was younger." "I'll keep my eyes open. I haven't met all of the other grooms." Bailey held his hands together for Sam to mount by placing her knee in his laced together fingers. Sam smiled down at him from her horse. Bailey looked amazingly good in jeans and a denim shirt. His wide shoulders and powerful build made anything look good. Sam had been noticing him more and more of late. She had known him for so long, it was strange to suddenly notice things. Like details of his build, when his shirt sleeves were rolled up like now, his arms rippled with muscle. The strong column of his throat when his shirt was open at the neck. His graceful way of moving, no wasted motion. "Sam, it's almost your turn. Don't you have to get into position?" Bailey interrupted her train of thought. "Oh, right. Wish me luck." Bailey watched Sam during her ride. She did well, but on the last jump her horse tipped the top bar and it fell. They almost had a clear round. Bailey noticed how happy she looked during the ride. Her face was peaceful for a change. He wished he could keep that look on her face more. He wished he were brave enough to tell her his feelings. That evening they were still at the show grounds, it was a two-day event. Bailey and Sam had a trailer with an area for people to sleep, very narrow bunks that pulled down from the inside wall. "This isn't as comfortable as the last time we were undercover," Bailey joked. Sam had her back to him when he spoke. She blushed remembering. Bailey had kissed her that time, as part of their cover story. She remembered that kiss. It had been disturbing and gentle. "No, but these bunks aren't so bad." Sam turned to face him. They were in close quarters. She looked into his eyes for a moment only inches away. Then moved outside. Bailey had felt the electricity in the air between them. He felt a strong urge to kiss Sam. He was sure she had also felt it, but then she broke away. "I'm going to check on my horse one last time," Sam said as she moved towards the stable. "I'll come with you." Bailey ran a few steps to catch up with her. "Sam, you know I care about you?" he started, then was worried he had begun badly. "I care about you too Bail, you know that." She continued to walk, afraid to look at him. They had reached the stable already, Sam looked in on her horse who was munching hay in the corner of his stall. "What I mean to say Sam is: I love you." Bailey turned her to face him and kissed her gently, but with passion. Sam was surprised for a second then wrapped her arms around his shoulders and opened her mouth to him. It was wonderful, finally having his arms around her when it wasn't for comforting. Bailey deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring the warmth of her mouth, tasting her sweetness. Sam sighed, loving every second she was in his arms. Bailey ended the kiss and looked into her eyes. They were bright with happiness. "I love you too, Bail. I'm in love with you." She smiled, and kissed the hollow of his throat where his shirt was open, then pressed her face into his neck and chest and tightened her arms around him. Bailey hugged her closer, his hands roaming over her back. "I've dreamed of holding you like this so often, it seems unreal." "You feel real to me," Sam laughed, noticing he was aroused. She moved her lower body against him, liking the feel of him hard against her, because of her. Bailey loved her reaction to his erection, even if he couldn't do what he would like to, make love with her. He lifted her mouth for another kiss. This one held nothing back, all his love and passion came through, his tongue thrusting into her mouth, teasing her to respond. Sam returned his passion, she was turned on by his attentions. She broke apart their mouths for a moment. " Are you ready to back that kiss up with some action, cowboy?" Bailey was shocked and pleased by her statement. He smiled and lifted his eyes brows. "There is a hayloft just up there we could put to use," Sam nodded towards the ladder. "Ladies first," Bailey flourished his hand towards the ladder. Sam moved to climb up first, moving towards the back of the loft, once she was to the top. "If you take off your shirt we can lie on it, so the hay won't be so prickly," Sam suggested. Bailey had noticed the playful change in her demeanor, he walked forward a few steps and popped the snaps open on his shirt, all in one good rip. He shrugged out of the shirt and handed it to Sam. She was staring at him, as if she had never scene a man with his shirt off before. His shirt fell from her fingers. "You're magnificent Bail, I never knew." She reached to touch his chest, her fingers stroked over the hard rise of his left pectoral muscle. Bailey inhaled in reaction to her touch. He didn't know why she was surprised by his build, but he was pleased by her reaction. He covered her hand on his chest with his. " You used to not care for this type of build, as I recall," Bailey teased. "It's the personality that usually goes with it I don't care for. You're different." Sam looked into his eyes. Bailey pulled her closer and kissed her, his hands roaming over her back. Sam rubbed against him as they kissed. She wanted to feel all him. She reached for the button on his jeans. "You need to take a few things off first don't you think?" Bailey stopped her. He kissed her under the ear, along the jaw and down the front of her open blouse. Sam was unbuttoning, he was following, kissing each newly bare spot. "You are so beautiful, sweetheart. I want to love you." Bailey helped her slip out of her riding pants. Her boots had long ago been removed, she was only wearing slip on shoes. "Now your, turn." Sam reached for his fly again, then faltered when she learned there were all buttons. Button fly jeans. She worked to unfasten each button, caressing his erection with the backs of her fingers as she went. Bailey groaned in reaction. There was a moment of frantic pulling and tugging when he had to get his boots off. Then Sam was lying on his shirt, Bailey was covering her with is body. Bracing his weight on his arms, kissing, touching. "I need you, Bail. Let me feel all of you." "Easy, Sam. I want this to be right." He tried to slow her down, but she wanted him, and she wanted him now. "It is right, I love you so much! Please." He couldn't refuse that request and pushed forward, burying himself deep inside her warmth. Sam moaned as he took her, "Oh, Bailey so perfect..." "I wish our first time could have been in a bed, in a four star hotel." Bailey kissed her temple as she rested against him afterwards. " It was perfect. You were perfect." Sam sighed again, she was so content. "Do you think we will both fit in one bunk?" "No, but the floor will make a good bed if we pile up a few blankets: It's rubber coated for easy cleaning, so it's not hard like this." Sam giggled. "I guess we have to get dressed and go back to the trailer." "Frances! It's over the guy was arrested an hour ago. He confessed to being a member of the followers who threaten your dad." "Thank God. Was anyone else hurt before they got him?" "No, you were his prime target, but he kept missing." "You're leaving now?' She sounded disappointed. "Soon. I want to make sure there are no other followers around." The following morning, Grace knocked on the door of the trailer. "Hey, Bailey, Sam are you in there? We have been trying to reach you since last night." Bailey opened the door and stepped out, he was fully dressed and looked happy. "Gracie, what's the matter?" "Is your cell phone working? There was another murder in the Richmond case. I have the results of the autopsy for Sam to look over." she stepped back to allow him room. "Where is Sam?" "She was waiting for me to leave the trailer, so she could get dressed." "She was undressed?" "I slept in these," Bailey indicated his sweats. "Oh, right got ya." Grace smiled, thinking there was something going on between them. Finally. "Grace, hi. You said something about another killing?" Sam distracted her while Bailey went back in the trailer and got dressed and washed up. Grace explained her findings, gave her the new information George had found since they had left for the horse show. "We think we might have a useable finger print, let's hope the killer has prints on record." "This is good work Grace, thank you." Bailey joined them outside he was wearing jeans and a plaid shirt. "I just talked to George, the print matched one on record. Marcus and the Richmond PD are on the way to pick him up, if he hasn't gone into hiding." "That's great," Sam turned towards her boss. "Do you need a hand here? It's the last day of the show right?' "You could help us scan the crowd. We are looking for a thirty-year-old white male, probably around five seven, regular looking. He might have a speech impediment," Sam explained her profile. "You want me to circulate, meet people, look around?" "Right, that's the plan. We will meet back here in two hours," Bailey nodded. Grace didn't return for the agreed on meeting. Bailey met Sam at the trailer. "I don't like this. I'm calling for back up." "I'll check the other barn, it's out of the way." Sam walked back towards the tree line where the first barn built on the farm was located. "Grace? Are you here?" " Hello missy. I see you were telling me the truth." A short balding man pressed a gun to Sam's head as she entered the barn. "Sam!" Grace yelled a warning, but it was to late. "You have been looking for me. Well, now you have found me. Hold up your hands." He tied her hands together, then moved her to stand beside Grace. She was already tied, and a rope was around her neck. Sam tried to reassure her, "Bailey is still out there." 'I know. I feel so foolish letting him take me." "Quiet! I'm thinking." He paced in front of them. His plan didn't include two women. Bailey realized Sam had not returned by the time he was done calling for back up from the local police department. He retrieved his gun from the trailer and moved towards the barn Sam had gone towards. He heard voices when he got near and circled around to the back, there was a side door open in the hayloft for ventilation. He managed to climb up a make-shift stairway to crawl into the loft and peer down at the scene below. A man was holding the two women captive. They were both tied, and he was heating something in a small ferries portable furnace. Bailey guessed it was his branding iron. Bailey gauged his firing line. His gun was so powerful, it could go right through his target and hit Grace. If the suspect didn't move, he was going to have to think of something else. Grace and Sam notice him moving in the hayloft above. "You're going to brand us. Why? We haven't hurt you?" Sam tried to distract the man. "Be quiet! I'm in control here," he yelled, moving towards Grace with the hot iron. Bailey knew he didn't have a clear shot, so he jumped, taking the man down heavily as he landed on top of him. Bailey had him cuffed and lying stretched out away from the furnace. "Bailey that was some jump you made." Sam smiled as he untied her and Grace. "Wow, Bail, that was somethin'. I'm sorry I laughed before, I'm glad you're a tough guy," Grace said as he freed her and hugged him. "I'm getting to old for those kind of heroics." Bailey hugged her and Sam both, one in each arm. "Are you alright?" Sam asked. "I'm fine. Did he hurt either of you?" Grace was enjoying his returned embrace but eased back to look up at him. "He scared me to death, but I'm not hurt. I'm going to get you the biggest box of cigars my mother has." She kissed his cheek and moved back. "Gracie, that isn't necessary," Bailey protested, but knew she would anyway. "That must be a record. We wrapped up two and a half cases in one day." John entered Bailey's office with his report. "Two and a half?" Sam asked from the couch. "The Richmond case, the Horse show cases and my little undercover case." "I think that counts as a whole case, John. You did keep Frances safe and helped to locate the man trying to hurt her." Bailey looked up from his desk, a cigar in one hand, his pen in the other. He had way too much paper work to catch up on. "She asked me to have you call her tonight." "I plan on it. Thanks John, you have my gratitude." Bailey stood to shake his friend's hand. "You're welcome. I glad to help. See you all tomorrow." "Goodnight John," Sam added. Bailey put his cigar down and moved around his desk, he took a seat on the couch next to Sam. Putting an arm around her and kissing her hair, "I wish we didn't have to hide from everyone." "It's just for now Bail. Once we catch Jack we can be open about our love." End Bottom of Form