Touchdown by mardel R A PwP missing scene from the episode with the touch football game. It's smut so if that isn't what you want to read don't proceed. Disclaimer: I just borrowed them for the story, they are owned by Kronish Productions. Sam couldn't believe she had let John talk her into joining the VCTF team for a touch football game against the DEA team. She had learned the different terms for the game and Bailey had coached her a little. But she had never been good at sports. She spotted John, Nathan and George on the field when she arrived. Angel and Chloe were bringing drinks and snacks from the car, they were there to cheer on the team. Grace as there to cheer the team on too. "Hey, Sam over here. We need to practice a few things." John yelled to Sam as she was putting her ready bag by the benches. "OK, I'm coming." "Glad you could make it Sam." John greeted her, "You'll have fun I promise." He smiled at her, his eyes lit up with his excitement. "Hi, guys." She waved to the rest of the team. George and Nathan greeted her and they all moved to form a huddle. "You said Bailey was going to be here?" "He is on his way, he was tied up with paper work this morning." George told her. "OK, guys listen up, Sam and Nathan you are going to be the receivers, so go down the to the other end of the field and I'll throw you some practice passes. George is going to run interference during the game." "Passes, Ok got it." Sam nodded and headed for the other side of the filed. John threw her a couple of passes and she only dropped one, she had forgotten to get her body behind the ball. Bailey arrived while she was distracted, she didn't notice him until h was stand near her and yelling at John to take it easy on her. "Bailey, I'm glad you're here, I'm not to sure about this." Sam said then looked over at him. She was shocked to see him looking so fantastic. He had been recovering from the shooting two months ago, she knew he had been doing extra exercises to build up his stamina. But he looked like he had been working for years. His build was amazing, he was wearing a navy blue bureau tee shirt, that had seen many washings and was taunt across his chest. His very wide powerful looking chest. Sam swallowed. It had never occurred to her what Bailey looked like under his suite. His arms were huge! The last time she had seen arms so large, with bulging biceps, had been a professional wrestler on a television. My God, even his legs looked wonderful, muscular calves and thighs. Thank goodness his shorts weren't tight, but he did have a nice butt. "Hey, Sam you're doing fine, just keep your body behind the ball when you catch." Bailey smiled at her, that suddenly made her nervous. Bailey took John's place and threw some passes to Nathan and Sam. She caught them all, but mostly because Bailey was taking it easy on her. She was glad she couldn't see him in detail now, she hadn't been able to take her eyes off of him when he was up close. The DEA team showed up and they took the field to warm up. Sam as getting a drink of water when she went white as a sheet. Bailey was standing not ten feet away, with his shirt off. He was changing to the football jersey John had gotten for everyone. He was only bare for a few seconds but Sam had looked at just the right time, to get a good view. "Wow, I didn't realize Bail, was put together so well." Grace said close to Sam. Sam was busy staring, her brain had switched off and she was sure she must be drooling. "Earth to Sam, honey are you alright?" Grace touched her arm. "Oh, Grace hi, what did you say?" "Nothing, you looked good out there, are you sure you never played football before?" "No," Sam turned to Grace her mind back to normal now. Bailey had pulled on the football jersey and moved down towards the other end of the bench area. :::::::::: The DEA tam won the game. But Sam made the touchdown that tied the score. She ran all the way to the goal and even on past until Bailey yelled for her to stop. He was sitting on the sidelines for the second half of the game, so as to not over due after his hospital stay. He was congratulating Sam for her wonderful catch. He hugged her tight and held her arm up with the football still clutched in her hand. Sam as smiling from ear to ear, Chloe was jumping up and down and clapping for her mom. Angel and Grace were cheering. Sam as thrilled, she didn't notice how wonderful it felt to be in Bailey's arms. Then it was the only thing she did notice. He was holding her close, but not so tight she couldn't breath. Bailey smelled wonderful, leather, cigar, sweat and his after shave was kind of musky. Then she was looking him in the eyes, his eyes were bright with happiness. She hadn't seen him looking happy in such a long time. "Bailey I made a touchdown." Sam said, feeling silly, it was such a little thing. Bailey didn't know why he was hugging Sam,. He had been caught up in the moment. She felt good in his arms, too good. He was about to release her, when she looked directly in his eyes. Sam was so happy, he hadn't seen her really happy in a long time. Something passed between them. A little tingle of awareness. Bailey had love Sam for a long time, it was a feeling he was familiar with. But this time, he knew, she had felt it too. Sam moved out of his embrace, still holding the football. Her team mates had arrived to congratulate her. John high fived her. George patted her on the back and Nathan was going "hoo, hoo, hoo yeah Sam" he end of the game was an anti-climax. "Sam are you free this evening?" Bailey got her off to the side a little and asked. They agreed to meet at a restaurant they both knew. ::::: Bailey was nervous about meeting Sam, he had gone home to clean up and change. Sam arrived a few minutes before him, so she waited in her truck. She didn't know what she was going to tell Bailey. Should she apologize or wait and see how he handled it. She was lost in thought when he tapped on her truck window. She startled. "Sam, sorry come on out" Bailey offered her a large hand to assist her out of the tall truck. Sam looked at his eyes when she was climbing down out of her truck and she miss stepped. Falling against his chest. Bailey's arms came around her, and that was all it took. He kissed her then, his mouth warm and tender at first, then more demanding after she responded. Sam's hands were resting on his hard chest, he was making her want him already. She had cared about Bailey for a long time. But she hadn't realized she was falling in love with him until that afternoon. "Do you want to go eat dinner?" Bailey asked once he ended the kiss. "I'd like to go back to your house, if you want too?" :::::::::::::: Bailey unlocked the door and ushered Sam inside. Sam liked his house she had been there once before, when Frannie was in trouble. Sam turned to him once the door was closed and lifted her mouth to his, he kissed her again like before. First tender then more demanding, her mouth opened to him and he touched her tongue with his, he tasted of cigar and scotch. Sam traced the feel of his tongue with hers'. He pushed back with his and the tangled in the warm of their combined mouths. Bailey was stroking a large hand over her back, the other was cupped over her breast, squeezing slightly. "Bailey I never knew, until today." "I love you Sam, I have for a long time." He lifted her into his arms and moved towards the bedroom. He stood her by the bed and kissed her deeply again. "You're sure?" "I love you too, I'm very sure. I want you so much." That was all it took for him to lift her on to the bed and step out of his shoes. He lifted off her shoes and slipped his shirt off, Sam watched and admired. He was so powerful. He was so male and he was all hers. Bailey leaned down to kiss her again, then eased the shoulder of her dress down and kissed her exposed breast. Sam was soon naked under him and he was pushing his long hard erection deep. "Oh, Bailey that feels so good." Bailey took his time, using long slow stokes to build her pleasure until she cried out. Then he waited a moment and began again. He built her to the brink of pleasure again then backed off slightly, then he quickened his pace and brought them both to climax together. He groaned her name as he reached his finish. Sam was moaning his as she clutched at his strong back. Her finger nails digging into him as she cried out her joy. Sam was laying in his arms after their first time. She was very satisfied but she wanted more she began caressing his chest then eased her mouth down to taste him. She kissed a trail down his body, following the line of dark hair that accented his upper body. Bailey was enjoying her exploring. He lay back and let her go. Sam licked the back of his knee, then her tongue found the sensitive place at then inside of his thigh. He groaned she was so close to his throbbing erection. Then finally she took him in her mouth, she wrapped her warm tongue around him and sucked him deep. He moved towards her, then stopped. He had to keep some control. Sam tongued him, then teased him, licking the very tip of his hard cock, then taking him all back in her mouth again. She was going to bring him to climax with her talented tongue, but he lifted her up. He wanted to bury himself deep inside her again. "Sam will you let me do it from behind?" She nodded and rolled on to her stomach, he lifted her to her knees and pushed his distended cock between her legs. Sam pushed back he felt wonderful. Bailey wanted to trust hard this time, he really wanted to ride her hard. From this direction he knew he couldn't hurt her. He pushed deeper then deeper still, with drawing and thrusting until he was pumping fast, Sam cried out. He was close to his end. He withdrew the entire length of his strain cock and rammed it hard to it's climax. He was jerking over her, breathing deeply. Sam was still on her knees but only because he was helping to support her with an arm around her waist. They lay together again. Sam resting on him as they enjoyed the after glow. "I love you Bail." "I love you Sam, I always will." end