Amazon Tale by mardel nc-17 Summary: Dan from Amazon lives in my version, here's what happened next. Disclaimer I just borrowed them for the story only Jan is my character. This would be owned by who ever brought us Amazon a Robert Davi movie. When the plane went down Dan was cussing up a storm. Kari was even more scared. Dan had learned to fly from a old codger back in Texas before leaving for South America they had cracked up once. It had scared the hell out of him. He woke up with a king size head ache, Kari was unconscious or dead beside him. "Hey, man wake up he nudged him with his shoulder." Dan was hurting all over but he didn't seem to have any broken bones. He eased out of his place behind the control panel and checked Kari. He couldn't get a pulse, so he tried to hear if he was breathing by placing his ear to the other man's chest. Nothing. Damn. He'd done it again, gone and gotten someone killed because he cut to many corners in his life. Well that was the end of their partnership. Damn no it wasn't, Nina and Laya were now his responsibility. He knew, because one drunken night at the bar in Rio Blanco Kari, had confessed to him that he was their last living relative. He'd made Dan promise to take care of them if anything ever happened to him. Damn, damn and damn. He was an instant father, well guardian at least not that he didn't like the girls. They seemed to like him, Nina was a little shy with him still. But they weren't afraid of him or anything. They cooked foods he liked for dinner, when they knew the men would be there for dinner. The girls played the songs he liked on the piano when he was at the cabin. He was going to have to tell them about their father. God he hated it when women cried, it was probably worse when they were still girls. Damn. First things first, he was going to have to find a way out. He had an idea of where He had put down. He was not to far from a village he had once visited for trading. He pulled his gear out of the plane and closed the door. Once he located the Village he would explain that he owned the cargo and he would hire them to help him unload and bury Kari. Dan spent the better part of the day walking towards where he thought the village was. It was close to night when two small boys appeared in front of him and waved. " Hi," He waved in return and the motioned for him to follow them. He was about to pass by their village with out ever having known it was only a few yards away. The elders greeted him and offered him food and water. He knew a few words they understood and he explained he wanted to hire them to guard his plane. They motioned to him that they had seen it go down, but when they checked only the dead man was still with the plane. He had been taken to the burial place and lay to rest. Dan thanked them for Kari. He arranged to be taken as far as the off loading spot by dug out, the next morning. As it was he was going to be three days or more late getting back. The girls and Paula would be worried. He slept in a hammock that night, it was a hot night unusual for that time of the year. He lay stretched out, his shirt off, his wide chest gleaming with sweat. The four strands of dark beads he wore clumped together, resting near the hard rise of his pecs. He hadn't shaved the day before and now his beard was getting darker. He finally drifted off into a restless sleep. A young woman was sent to wake him. How he had managed to sleep past sun up with out having been drunk the night before he couldn't guess. The young woman was rocking his hammock, her eyes fastened on his face, but once his eyes opened he noticed them shift to his chest. She told him something while looking at him, he thought he had an idea of what she was trying to tell him, but he wasn't sure. He made the sign he knew she would understand, it meant taken. That he had a woman back home and she was not to worry about his needs. She indicated her understanding and looked a little disappointed. But she smiled and moved off towards the main part of the village. Dan climbed out of his hammock. He'd left his boots on but loose, he leaned to tighten the laces up again. Then stood and stretched. His arms reaching for the sky, his shoulders rippled as he shook out the kinks. The young woman who had just left watching from the edge of her hut, smiled as she admired his movements. Dan pulled on his shirt and found his hat, he wished he could have just a few sips of some coffee. The man he had made the arrangements with for the ride down river was coming for him. Dan smiled and motioned that he was ready and followed him to the river. It was a long ride, taking almost the entire day. He had a couple pieces fruit during the trip but he was starving. They finally arrived at Rio Heva the first stop on his trip back to where the girls were. "Carlos I need to make arrangements for a plane." He went into the hotel that also doubled as a place where you could arrange for anything, for a price. "American Dan you are over due on you delivery. What has happened?" "I had some engine trouble, but nothing that can't be fixed." "I can arrange for a plane, the last American that flew down here has just given me his plane to sell. He had decided to go back to America. It will only cost you the price of the one you first got from me." "Good, good I'll be back in a few days, I'll have the money for the plane then." Dan said knowing if never did any good to barter with Carlos, he never changed his asking price for something as important as a plane. Dan hurried to the road and hitched a ride on a truck to the next town. There he paid for a shower and food. " I can wash your clothes for you while you eat and clean up." the lady offered when he asked about a shower. " Only and extra dollar." she smiled. "I was just going to buy new things I'm kind of in a hurry." "I think you will not find anything to fit here. You are a big man, long legs." she smiled again. "I can have ready quick, we have a dryer for monsoon season." she told him proud of her modern appliances. "OK, thank you." Dan agreed. He took his time in the shower, it was hot water and he needed to get the stink off of him. It was an outdoor shower stall with wooden sides meant for people shorter than him. Dan had to bend over to wash his hair and rinse off soap from his shoulders. He was finishing shaving wearing only a towel around his trim waist, when she brought him his clean clothes. "Here are your things, be careful the metal parts get hot in the dryer." she warned him. "Gracias, that was fast." he smiled at her. "Dan did you get your self a woman yet?" " No, and I'm not looking for one, why are your daughters looking for husbands?" he asked. "There is a woman, she is looking for a man. She is teaching at the village school. She is British, she is tall like you." Dan stepped behind the half wall and pulled on his pants, "Owe! Damn that button is hotter than hell." he jerked his hand away from the closer of his jeans. They had been dried quickly and now fit him tightly. He adjusted himself twice before if felt anything like comfortable. He buckled on his gun belt, settling it low on his hips were if felt best. It tended to ride right across his fly. He made it tight around his body or it rode to low and rubbed him wrong. He pulled on his now clean shirt and grabbed his hat again. He was glad it had survived the crash it was his favorite hat, and it kept the sun from making him ill. He jumped when he heard her say. "You need a woman Dan, it is a shame for so much man to be un appreciated." He came as close to blushing as it was possible for him to, and looked at her. "I don't need a woman, but thanks for the information." he tipped his hat to her and headed for some food. He traveled by hitchhiking for two more days before he was back to he is home territory. He hated to face the girls but he knew it had to be done. He also knew he was going to have to make changes in his life. He was going to have to stop getting drunk all the time. He was going to have to find a better place to live, the girls still needed schooling. His plan for the bulldozer was going to need revised. He still needed help from a partner to raise that monster to the mountain. "Hey, guys where are you?" he called out when he reached the cabin. The place looked ten times better than it had when he had brought them here the first time. Even young women made a place nicer. "Nina? Laya?" he called out a little louder. They came in from the door on the back of the building. "Hi, your back then is dad at Paula's" Laya asked. Nina was watching him, standing a few feet behind her sister. "Your dad isn't with me." Dan said. Laya got a very scared look in her eyes when he said that. She already understood something had happened. "How bad?" "He's dead, I'm sorry." Dan didn't know how else to tell them than straight out. "What?" Nina cried out Laya turned to her sister, to console her. But she pushed away and ran out the door. Dan didn't know if he should go after her, or stay with Laya. "I'm OK, go find her." Laya waved Dan off to help her sister. "I'm sorry to have to tell you like that. He didn't suffer." Dan told her. Hoping somehow that small piece of information would be a comfort to her. Then he went out the door to look for Nina. He saw her running, she was way down the path towards the river. Even with his long legs and familiarity with the path it took him several minutes to catch up to her. When he finally reached her she was sitting on a large flat rock near the water. She was curled into a tight ball, her eyes wet as she stared out over the water. "Nina, I'm sorry." he stood behind her and rested a large square hand on her shoulder. She didn't seem to notice. She was racked by a wave of grief, and lowered her head to her knees. Dan couldn't just stand there he had to attempt to comfort her. He sat beside her on the rock and pulled her into an awkward embrace. At first she was still holding herself in a tight ball, not responding to him. Then gradually she relaxed. She ended up crying in his arms, while he stroked her short hair and tried to ease her pain. "Your sister is worried about you we had better go back." he told her at length. She nodded and moved out of his arms. "What will happen to us now?" she asked in a small voice. "I'll take care of you. I made a promise to you dad and I intend to keep it." he smiled at her a little. Nina nodded and started up the hill. Laya had cried while they were gone. But she was wiping her tears away and hugging Nina when they returned. "Dan said he is going to take care of us now. He promised dad." "Take care of us? We take care of him more than anything." she scoffed. "Come here and sit down we need to all talk." Dan pulled out the chairs. "OK, look I'll admit I might not be the best guy around when it come to being responsible. But I'm going to do better, I'm going to lay off the booze and stop taking every flight that someone offers. I need to be here more than once a week. We need to get you guys to a school. The one here can't teach you anything but Spanish." "I heard there is a new mission school back at Rio Heva." Laya said. "Yeah I just heard about that the other day. I'll check into it. "First I have to get a new plane, that means dipping into the money we had saved for the dozer freight. Do you agree to that?" "We have a say in what you do?" Laya asked. "Sure we're partners now, it's your money, it was your dad's" "Could we go to America instead could you take us with you to Texas?" Nina asked biting her lip. "It would probably be difficult, here no one asks if I'm your legal guardian. In the US there would be all kinds of questions." "We can't take that chance, we have to stay with Dan." Laya spoke up. " You believe me then?" "About what?" Laya asked. "That I'm going to do my best to take care of you." "Yes, but I think it's time you told us a few things." "What did you want to know?" He half smiled, not sure where this was headed. "Your last name for one, and do you expect us to be more to you than." "Wait right there don't even say it." he stood up and paced to the other side of the room. "Have I ever given you the idea that I wanted anything from you?" "No, unless you count that first day when you remarked about not stopping for us if you had known how young we were." Laya said. "Laya," her sister urged her to be quite. "I have to make sure, Nina I'm the oldest." she commented. "Look if your afraid of me, afraid that I'm going to pressure you in that way maybe we had better just call it off right now." Dan didn't know how to deal with these girls, especially Laya. He held up his hands palms towards them in a gesture of defeat. Nina pulled at her sisters sleeve and talked to her so low that Dan couldn't hear. Laya shook her head several times, like she didn't like what her sister was telling her. Dan stepped out side and lit up a cigarette. He didn't need this. He had no idea how to raise these girls. He didn't like that Laya had even gotten the idea that he had any designs on them. Sure he was forever going to the village to visit the professional ladies. It didn't coast much to get laid here. It was easier than keeping a girl friend happy. He was just about ready to walk off and leave them to them selves. He was grinding out his smoke, pacing in front of the cabin. He was surprised when Nina was the one who came out side. "Dan, please come back in side." she asked from the doorway. He exhaled and followed her. "I'm sorry but in my country it is not uncommon for older men to want very young women as their mates. You have never treated us with any disrespect." " You have spent more time with us than dad did, after he met Paula." Nina added. " We would like to stay with you, if you still want to be our guardian." she told him not sure if she had insulted him so badly that he would accept. "Daniel Patrick McNeil." was his answer. Nina smiled at that and Laya nodded that she understood. "I'm going down to speak with Paula, I'll be back soon." Over the next several weeks they settled in to a routine. Dan flew only five days a week, making sure he was home at least several nights and at least one entire day. Laya was taking charge, giving her sister homework to study from several book he had located. She even had him look over work she was giving her self. He had never been much for school work, but he made the effort to take an interest in her efforts. He finally found himself in Rio Heva long enough to look into the mission school. It was just after school had let out, he'd seen all of the children rushing off to home or play or whatever. It was a long walk up hill to the small building. "Hello, anyone still here?" he called entering the dark interior, his eyes took a second to adjust after the bright sun outside. Jan looked up from her position behind her desk, she had just scattered a pile of papers on the floor. She could hardly believe her eyes. He was magnificent. It was like a dream, if she had ever harbored ideas of what a real American Cowboy would like in the flesh. He was tall, wide shouldered, powerful looking build. He was dark she thought although his straw western hat hid his hair. His legs were long but looked sexy as hell in the snug jeans he was wearing. He even had on a gun belt, slung low around his hips. It drew her eyes to that part of him she shouldn't be examining. But she let her gaze linger on him a moment longer before announcing her presence. "Hello, I'm back here." she stood up and faced him. The papers she hadn't picked up forgotten. "I was looking for the person in charge?" he asked taking several steps forward. He saw her now that his eyes had adjusted, she was young, tall and red haired. It was hard to tell in the clothes she was wearing but he would bet she was round in all the right places too. "That would be me, what little there is to be in charge of, what can I do for you?" she asked. Lady if you only knew. Dan thought. Visions of her and him naked together flashed through his brain. "I was wondering if I could enroll two students. If you are teaching anything they haven't already learned." Dan explained. " I offer a wide range of class topics, I can supervise a home schooling type arrangement if you like. Or they can take classes here. I do have a large supply of textbooks. What age are your children?" "Fourteen and twelve, they have gone as far as seventh and tenth grades in US terms." "I think I can offer them several choices of study, if you would send them to me we can make some decisions based on what they are interested in. Oh, by the way my name is Janelle Henderson." she offered her hand to Dan. "Dan McNeal, we haven't found a place here yet but once we do I'll bring them by to meet you." he explained. " That would be fine," she smiled as his hand closed around hers, his hand swallowed up her hand. He was a big man. To bad he was already taken. Dan reminded himself not to squeeze to hard, she seemed kind of petit to him even if she was tall. The hand shake ended and he remembered to ask "Is there a fee for school?" "No, it is funded by the missionary group that sent me. What children will be coming to school? Boys, girls one of each?' "Oh, Nina, and Laya my girls. They like school so they won't be any trouble." he promised. 'I'm eager to meet them, you might try down past the ferry landing for a house. I believe there is one available." she told him. "Thank you Miss Henderson, I'll do that." he nodded and turned to leave. Jan watched him, go God he even looked good from behind, and she didn't just mean his ass. His shoulders were nearly as wide as the door when he passed through it. She need some of that, and she needed it bad. She blew out her breath, it almost made her wish she was the kind of woman that would poach another woman's husband. Dan hadn't noticed she was checking him out, his eyes hadn't adjusted. But he would like to meet her again, he was going to have to check into if she was some kind of a sister or religious missionary. He didn't want to go making advances to someone if they were already taken. "Hey, guys I'm back!" Dan yelled when he arrived after a really long day. Nina was inside and she rushed out to greet him, it was funny she still was shy with him most of the time. But she would sometimes run and hug him, if he had been gone a while. He lifted her off her feet in a bear hug, which made her giggle. "Laya is with Paula she is helping with school today." Nina told him. "Isn't it kind of late for school?' "They are practicing for a play for Easter." "Oh, if she's not back by sun down we are going there to walk her back." He sounded protective of her. "I found a place in Rio Heva, and the school teacher there is willing take you as students." "Do we have to leave?" Nina asked. "Don't you want to keep up with your studies?" "Yes, I've almost finished those books you brought. Laya has had nothing to study for a week now." "I'll leave the decision up to you both, but you have to decide quick. I told the man who had the house available that we would be back soon." Laya arrived right as the sun was setting, she looked pale and scared. "What happened, did some one bother you?" Dan was instantly aware that she was acting strange. "I'm fine it was just boys." she told him. "If it was just boys then why do you look like you just saw a ghost?" "Was it Tomas, and his group again?" Nina asked, going to her sister. That was when Dan saw that her shirt was torn. He was mad, he wouldn't allow this to happen. He kept control of his temper, went to Nina and lifted her chin gently so she would look him in the eyes. "Did they hurt you?" "No, they tried to corner me, one grabbed me but I'm taller and faster I out ran them." "She's telling the truth." Nina knew that, she could read her sister well. "This has happened before? When I was gone?" "Yes," she nodded. Dan gathered her into his embrace and held her while she regained her composure. Laya was tense in his arms at first but she relaxed against him. She wasn't crying, he almost wished she would it was no good to hold everything inside. When she pushed against him, he released her. "I'm not going to allow this to happen, where can I find Tomas and his gang?" Dan meant business. "You can't do anything, they are only boys." "If they are going to pretend to be men then they can take a whipping like a man." He slammed out of the cabin. He located the place Nina had told him to look for them. "Tomas come out here and answer for your actions." he yelled. Several boys came to the door of the meeting house and looked out. "I can always come in, but there won't be much of the building left when I'm done." Dan warned. A young man who was wearing a faded red t-shirt stepped outside. "Are you the one who gave my daughter trouble?" Dan asked. "She is nothing but a whore, she is not your daughter." he accused. "If you were a man I would beat you to with an inch of your life." Dan had hold of him by his shirt front before he knew what had hit him. Dan slapped him several times, knowing that it was an insult to slap a male here as much as is it was back home. "She is my daughter, and even if she wasn't she is not available to you or any of your friends. If you ever come with spitting distance of her again I'll kill you." Dan threw him back towards the house, where he landed hard on his butt in the dirt. Nina had food cooked and waiting when Dan returned. He didn't mention what had happened. Laya looked pale still but she wasn't shaking or hiding. " Do you want something to eat?' Nina asked. "Yeah, I haven't eaten since noon." Dan pulled out his chair after washing up at the sink in the mock kitchen. "We want to go to Rio Heva, as soon as you want." Nina told him. "Good, I'll make arrangements." he wasn't sorry because he didn't think those boys had taken him seriously. If he continued to be away from home the girls would be in danger. Dan escorted the girls to the school the first day they were in Rio Heva. They were going to un pack the boxes of household stuff later. He timed it so that is was mid-day and the kids were playing in the school yard. He had learned that Miss Henderson was not as far as anyone knew a missionary, nun or religious celibate. "Hello, Miss Henderson these are my girls, Laya and Nina." "Hello, Nina, Laya nice to meet you. Hello Mr. McNeal nice to see you again." She smiled at them all. You've got that right, even if all I get to do is look it's nice to see such a virile hunk of man. He had taken his hat off this time and she saw that his hair while a bit ragged was full dark drown. He was wearing a pair of tan jeans that seemed more snug than the last pair. Was it getting hot in here? Dan smiled at the teacher, he hoped the girls would like her and be able to make friends here. If their teacher was as nice as she seemed it would help. He was going to have to put his idea of getting to know her on the back burner for now. "Hello." they answered in unison. " Why don't you come with me and I'll show you the different books I have for your age." Dan stayed at the back of the large room while the girls went with Janelle to the supply area. He had been working on a plan for his trips, he needed to find a route to fly that didn't require him to follow the river. He needed to master route flying like a real pilot. He took out his manual and was reading it when they all returned. "If you'll send them to me tomorrow we have made a plan for their first study course." Miss Henderson smiled again. "She has several books about geography, and space exploration." Laya told him. "See and you were worried you had learned everything already." Dan touched her shoulder as she came to stand beside him. Nina was watching her new teacher, who was studying Dan. It was clear to her even at her age that Miss Henderson liked what she saw. On the walk back to the new house she told him. " Miss Henderson likes you.' " How would you know, are you physic or something." he teased. "No, but she does, she was not just looking at you she was admiring you." "Maybe she was that doesn't mean she likes me." Dan held the door for them when they reached the house. Wondering if it was true. Had he managed to make a favorable impression on her. Since he had stopped drinking he felt a hell of a lot better. Maybe he looked a little better too. "Come on we have a lot of work to do now." Laya broke up their little argument. Dan learned the hard way to fly the instrument only route. But he learned and he managed to only be away at night once a week now. He was starting up the fund for the dozer again. It was going to take time, but he was still determined to at least try to get it to the mountain. An entire month past and Miss Henderson had not seen Dan once. She wanted to but there was really no reason. The girls were doing well with their studies. She had just though since it wasn't that big of a village she might see him from time to time. She had not heard anything about the mother. She had even inquired discreetly if she was living with them here. When she learned there was not a mother or wife or anything she was sorry for the girls but happy for her self. The monsoon season came late but it came as always. It pretty much put an end to Dan's little flight service for days at a time. He could only accept cargo that didn't have to arrive by a certain date, and that wasn't perishable. He was stranded at the house all day the first week of the season. He was so boarded that at the end of the school day he walked in the down pour to meet the girls. "Children, be careful it's slippery, don't run." Miss Henderson was calling after the kids as they escaped from school. "Wow, I couldn't be more wet if I'd swam over here." Dan jumped up onto the porch of the school building. Nina and Laya were still inside in no hurry to go out into the rain. Jan looked over in his direction and had to bite the inside of her mouth to keep from exclaiming when she saw him. He was soaked to the skin. But it was the clothes plastered to his skin that were making her eyes bug out of her head. She knew she had been away from men other than the locals for a long time. But she didn't think she'd forgotten this much. His shirt was glued to his broad chest, the hard rise of his pecs evident. His shirt was also partly open she could see the cluster of dark hair at his throat. His shirt was sleeveless in the dampness it was easier to forgo some of the wet cloth. His arms were huge, they actually bulged with muscles. What she wouldn't give to caress the mound of power in his arm. Then she noticed the jeans. My God she was going to hell for that, they were, if it was possible, even more snug than usual. His groin seemed crowed into, to small of a space. This she noticed in about three seconds so she hadn't made a complete fool of herself staring at him. "It is a bit damp out isn't it." Jan said. Then wish she hadn't a second later. Dan laughed, he had a deep male rumble of a laugh. Maybe she wasn't sorry she'd said if after all. " I've been home all day, and I'm bored. Do you have anything I might borrow to read?" he asked. That was when she noticed two things up until then she had over looked about him his voice was so beautifully deep and expressive. And his eyes, they had long lashes any woman would die for, but they too seemed especially expressive. He's bored I could suggest a few things he might like to spend time doing. She thought, but answered him. " I have a nice collection you may come in and look them over." She waved him towards the door. "Thank you." Dan smiled again, and indicated she should proceed him. He liked the way she moved, even if she was wearing a skirt so long is reached her ankles. "Here they are, Mr. McNeal take your time. I have papers to grade." Dan thanked her again and looked through the books he found two he thought he might enjoy reading and tucked them inside the plastic bag he had brought along. Nina was standing next to him waiting for him to choose before she spoke softly to him. " We thought it would be nice to ask Miss Henderson home for dinner tonight. If you don't mind." she added. Dan smiled, he had a feeling she was trying to match him up with her teacher. Not that he had anything against the idea. "That sounds like a good idea, do you want me to invite her?" "No, I'll ask her." Nina told him. She moved to the front of the room and stood in front of the big desk. "Miss Henderson would you come to dinner at our house tonight?" Jan was surprised by the offer, and looked up. Nina was standing directly in front of her. "Yes, that sounds very nice I would like to have dinner at your house. What time?" " Six we usually have dinner at six. You know where the house is?" :::::::::::::::::: Jan arrived on time and surprising dry at the house that night. She owned a huge umbrella that she had brought all the way from England with her. "Come in and bring your umbrella inside we don't want it to blow away." Dan opened the door for her. He was closer now to her than he had ever been before, holding open the door as she ducked under his arm. She managed to close the umbrella and scoot inside all at the same time. Dan was standing directly behind her, she could feel the heat of him behind her. She could sense him above her, a sensation she had not had since leaving home. She was taller than most men here, only the men from America and Europe were taller than she. "Can I take that for you?" He asked, reaching for the handle of the umbrella. "Yes, thank you, Good evening to you all." she smiled to the family. God his voice made her weak inside, she'd never known a male voice to have such an affect on her. Laya spoke up "Dinner will be ready in a few minutes if anyone needs to wash up." Nina had been helping with the meal so she was already clean. Dan held up his hands like a school boy for inspection, "All clean here." "I think I might take you up on the offer." she moved towards the sink and scrubbed her hands. Dan waited for her to return to the table and held her chair for her. She nodded her thanks and tried not to stare. He was wearing a white cotton shirt that had been ironed. It made his skin seem darker, and his eyes darker still. Before he took his seat she hadn't managed to get a look at his current pants selection, but she hoped for a chance later. The meal was wonderful, the girls had been taught to cook by someone who knew. They laughed and talked easily. Ever time Dan laughed a thrill went up Jan's spine. His deep base laugh was music to her ears. She was sorry for the evening to end. "I'll walk you home." Dan offered moving to get his poncho down from the wall. "You don't have to, I'll be fine." she protested. "I'll walk you home, other wise I'd just worry about you all night." he told her. They couldn't really talk in the rain, but when they reached her porch. She turned to him. "Thank you again, it was nice having dinner and talking with you and your daughters." Jan told him. "It was nice of you to come. I was wondering if you would mind if I called on you sometime. Just me." he added. "I'd like that." she smiled "Goodnight then." he smiled back. "Goodnight Mr. McNeal." she called. He was back then, " Call me Dan, or even Daniel anything is better than Mr. McNeal." Jan had a hard time getting to sleep that night. She kept remembering how he looked with his clothes wet and plastered to his body. :::::::::::::::: Dan only let one day pass before he stopped by the school at closing time again. He had read all of one book already and it was his pretense for stopping. He had a flight scheduled for the next day and he might be gone over night. He didn't think he could wait that long to see her again. Jan was busy with a student at her desk, so he waved the book in the air and moved towards the small library to choose another. He sent the girls on ahead, as he wanted to speak with Jan alone for once. "You're a fast reader." she said coming to stand near him. "I've not had much to do this week but read. I have a flight tomorrow." he explained. "Daniel I was wondering if you weren't busy if you could help me with a problem I've been having." she might as well forage ahead with her plan now since they were alone. In for a penny in for a pound as they said. "Daniel I like that, I like the way you say it." He interrupted her. "I'm sorry you were saying." he smiled at her and she was lost. She was about to proposition him. He noticed she was quite, she looked about to panic. Jan took a deep breath forced herself to look at his eyes and not his build, and started again. " I was wondering if you would like to come back to my place with me this afternoon." "Sure, does something need fixed?" he asked not picking up on her pass. Jan was about to scream was he really not understanding her suggestion or was he toying with her. "Yes, something does need attention." she tried to look lasciviously at him. " You have all the tools, you'll need with now." she made a direct stare at his considerable equipment. Dan suddenly realized she wanted him. Well duh, he'd been out of the game so long as far as meeting regular women he'd missed her intentions until she practically was saying lets do it stud. "OH, sure I can come over." he finally got it. Dan was not normally so slow on the uptake. Living with the girls had put him off his usual high state of awareness he guessed. Jan welcomed him into her house. "Make yourself at home, can I get you a cool drink?" she offered. "No, I'm fine." he looked the room over, it was open and airy. She had a few personal things but mostly books and school stuff. He had to remind himself this was a date type thing not a hooker type thing. Jan came back into the room and came to stand close to him. "I'd like for you to kiss me." she asked. He didn't need more encouragement than that. He covered her mouth with his, stroking his tongue over her lips, nibbling at the corner of her mouth. Pushing inside once she opened for him. He stroked and sucked, their tongues learning the landscape of each others mouths. He was holding her close as they kissed, one hand gripped the back of her head, the other started at her waist and ended up lifting her bum so she could feel the front of him. He was fully aroused and showing her was after only a few minutes of being lipped locked. Jan pushed away for a moment and gasped for air. He continued to kiss, moving down the slender length of her neck, pushing aside her blouse. He managed to lift it off while it was still buttoned. He found her breasts bare and standing up for his attention. She'd never been full in that area but he didn't seem to find them lacking. He drew first one rosy nipple into his mouth and then the other. Making her arch into him. He was moving against her with his arousal while fondling her. He was more than ready to move on to the best part. Jan groaned when his mouth left her breast. But he was removing his shirt, pushing her skirt down around her ankles. His pants followed, his erection proud, arched long and full against his taunt belly. She hadn't expected there to be such abundance. Dan moved her towards the bed, his mouth covering hers. His tongue showing her what he had planned for the rest of her in a few moments. Jan struggled for some control of the situation, but he wasn't slowing down. Once she was on the bed, he did look her in the eyes once and say. "If this isn't what you had planned you had better speak up now, Jan because it's going to be to late." he waited a heart beat for her to push against him. Say stop any sigh of protest. She made none, it might not be quite as romantic as she had thought, but then she hadn't been able to wait. She'd been the one to offer herself up to him. Dan checked her with a wide finger, she was ready. She was as ready as he was. "Tell me you want me." he asked. "I want you Daniel I want this very much." she looked him in the eyes as he pushed forward and buried his length in her. She was tight, hot and wet. He was moving slowly seeking to ease his way deeper, he stilled for a moment. Kissing her deeply, and withdrawing slightly only to thrust back again with more force. She moaned her desire for more of that feeling. " That's so good, your so hard." she whispered to him. He arched towards her with the next thrust, rubbing his chest across her tender nipples. The coarse dark hair, teasing her into even more arousal. It wasn't just the hard length of him inside her that was bringing her to climax it was the whole experience. His hard muscled body, his skillful kisses, his magnificent arousal. She was so close to her finish. Dan was near his own end, he wanted to make sure Jan reached it before he did. He quickened his pace his thrusts bringing his pelvis hard against hers. She was writhing beneath him, in a mixture of pleasure and need. He brought her to the edge and pushed hard once to send her over, she moaned his name in response. "Daniel, Daniel that's perfect." she praised him. He wasted no time in following her his own climax shattering his ability to think for the moment. He was still braced above when he came back to himself. His cock still jerking to a finish, his hips still rocking over her. He stayed balanced over her, she was wilted beneath him, her eyes closed as she recovered from her own powerful climax. He exhaled and moved to slide free from her body. Dan was exhausted for the moment, but then he wasn't a young man anymore. He lay next to Jan and caught his breath. She moved to sit up and he watched as she pulled the sheet up to hide he nakedness. " Are you alright?" he asked. "Yes, that was wonderful, you were wonderful." She reached for a cigarette and lit it taking a deep drag. "Your not bad your self under that schoolmarm exterior." Dan reached for the cigarette when she moved to put it out. " May I?" He took it from her and inhaled deeply, blowing the smoke back out after it had been gone a long time. 'Was this what you wanted, or are we going to keep seeing each other?" he asked. He'd wanted to have a real relationship with her. He liked her, he was sure he could love her and they were a hot item in the sack together. "I would like to keep company with you, as they say back home. I was just a little to greedy today to wait for the formalities. I hope you don't think any less of me for rushing." she lay back next to him and touched a hand to his hard chest. Dan half smiled again, she was really starting to love that about him. "No I like a lady that knows what she wants. I haven't had much experience with dating since I left the states. You might have to make allowances for me at first." he covered her hand on his chest with his own large hand. "This is something I've been missing." he moved her hand a fraction higher where he was especially sensitive. Jan made circles on his skin, stroking her hand over the mass of muscle that was part of his wide chest. "You tell me if I do something you don't like." She moved on to caress him in other places. Tracing her fingers over his entire body almost before she was done. He was fully aroused and throbbing when she finally reached that portion of his anatomy. But he had also reached his tolerance level. He rolled her onto her back and pressed himself against her softness. "I'm going to be the greedy one now." he told her and covered her mouth with his, his tongue pushing into the warmth of her mouth as his cock pushed into her softness. Jan moaned in pleasure at his entry, she arched to meet his thrusts. They were both ready for the journey and it took almost no time for them both to reach a powerful finish almost in unison. Dan was remembering the day before as he was flying his special cargo to Rio Blanco. He'd never have thought he would ever fall in love, and he wasn't yet but he thought it was a definite possibility now. Jan was smart, nice, seemed to like both him and the girls. He didn't think it was because he was the only while male with in a hundred mile radius. If she had only wanted sex, he'd given her the chance to tell him so. She'd said she wanted more than that, he knew he did, he'd had that, this was better. Liking your partner, caring about her, knowing something about her was better than just sex. They saw each other almost everyday after that. Sometimes only kissing, and holding one another. The first time she requested it he'd been worried but it had been nice, he'd become aroused but he'd ignored it and it had passed. "You know we are going about this backwards." he told her one night. "I know, but I didn't want to miss out on it altogether, you don't want to go to bed every time we see each other do you?" "I want to yes, but I don't have to," he touched her cheek with his left hand holding her still so he could see her eyes. "I think it's because I love you that I'm willing to wait until you want me again." he confessed to her. "I love you too Daniel. I never dreamed I would ever even have a man of my own. Let alone one as wonderful as you." she leaned towards him for a tender kiss. "Why do you say that Jan I mean the part about a man of your own?" "Being the bookworm I am and being kind of tall and skinny, I was never much in demand back home." she told him honestly. "I'm sorry about that, but I'm glad it brought you here." he kissed her again. She turned in his arms and leaned her back into his broad chest to watch as the sun set behind the mountains. His arms wrapped around her, feel more right than anything she had ever experienced. end