McCue to the Rescue by mardel This would be a story about Robert Davi as his character McCue from the movie Bad Pack, action adventure, sex, violence and he at least gets the girl this time. NC-17 I don't own these characters they are owned by which ever production company brought us the Bad Pack. His life had finally calmed down. He could spend an entire day without thinking about the past. He hadn't been bothered with people needing his help with problems only he could solve. But the thing was he was starting to miss it all. He had always told Sims that all he really wanted was to be left alone. His business was making enough to keep a roof over his head and some money in the bank, he didn't need anything else. "Yeah, I hear you McCue but see I know you better. All this quite will get to you after a while and you'll be calling me again for some kind of adventure." he had laughed and driven off. " Don't hold your breath waiting for me to call." McCue had called after him. He was thinking about walking across to the dinner a few blocks over. He had worn out his welcome at the neighborhood lunch counter a few months back. But he just couldn't sit by and watch two creeps rob the place and not lift a hand in protest. He guessed he should have tried not to break so many tables and windows in the process. He was also thinking about calling his current lady friend. But he noticed that it was past five. Her schedule only had her in town three nights out of the week, so he guessed he would have to pass on her company for the night. He was walking pass the bus stop when his natural instinct for self preservation warned him something was about to go down. McCue stopped and backed towards the nearest solid building. He took a careful look at the people on the street and then the near by shops. He was about to dismiss the feeling and continue on to the dinner. When a car came careening around the corner, slammed into the light pole and ended up jumping the curb and landing on the sidewalk about ten feet from where McCue was standing. He looked at the passengers, the driver seemed to be unconscious, but the woman in the front seat was struggling with the man in the back seat. While McCue was deciding if he should step in and help her, she jumped out of the car and looked directly at him. That was enough to get him in motion so that when the man in the back followed her out of the car, McCue stepped between him and the woman. " Take it easy there man, I don't think the lady agreed." he said placing a large hand on the mans' chest to hold him back. "What business of it is yours ass hole?" " He kidnapped me from a parking lot, someone call the cops" the woman said. When she spoke up the man he was restraining reached for something in his coat. McCue prevented his reaching it, by quickly twisting his arm behind him and clamping his other hand on the mans' jaw. "Don't move unless you want a broken arm mister." McCue told him. "Thanks for your help, but I have to get out of here." the woman told him. "Wait a second don't you want to press charges?" "I can't wait around that long, if they grabbed me my daughter is in danger." "Wait a second," He applied pressure and the man he had been restraining passed out cold and he dropped him to the pavement. McCue grabbed her arm in a tight grip, but he didn't intend to hurt her. "Who are these guys and what is going on?" that was when he noticed the woman he was holding on to was hurt. She was also beautiful, scared and shaking. "I have to get to the school, Jenny is a target." she said pulling at his grip on her arm." Please let me go" "Your hurt, tell me where the school is." He didn't loosen his hold on her. "It's on Maple St. she's only nine, I have to protect her." "Look, you need medical attention, your head is bleeding. I have a friend who is a doctor, her office is just down the street." While he was explaining the woman passed out. So he picked her up in his arms and carried down the block to Katherine's office. He knocked on the back door of his friends office with his boot. "Bring her inside." the door was opened by a tall red haired woman. "What happened?" "She was in a car accident a few minutes ago, she said she was car jacked." Mac explained. Katherine checked her over but she didn't seem to be hurt other than the lump on her forehead. "She will be fine." Katherine was examining her when she came to. " What happened?" " You were hit on the head, how many fingers do you see?" " Two, where is Jenny?" "She's in school, what's your name?" McCue asked. " Patricia, thank you for your help, but I have to leave." She moved to sit up and she was at once dizzy. " I don't think you should be going anywhere, you have a concussion. You need to take it easy for the next twelve hours." Katherine told her, while pushing her back to a laying position. " Why don't you tell us what is going on?" he asked. " Those men you rescued me from, kidnapped me from my car." Patricia said. " So why does that put your daughter in danger?" he asked. " If they can't get to me they'll try and get her, it's a long story believe me I'm not crazy those men were trying to hurt me." she tried to sit up again. " I think we should call the police." Katherine said. " They won't be able to help." she protested. " Are you some kind of protected witness?" McCue asked recognizing that she was not telling them who was after her. "Please I have to find Jenny" Patricia said and attempted to stand. "Mac why don't you go to the school and see if anything has happened there?" " Schools are very strict about stranger these days, they won't let me near a little girl." he said. "Just go see if there has been a commotion there, the police will be around if something when down. Take my car." she handed him the keys. Mac drove the few blocks to the school but it looked peaceful and quiet. He returned to Katherine's office. Patricia was calmer upon his report that her daughter was fine and safe. " I still have to pick her up from school soon. Thank you for all of your help, but I really have to go." she told them both. "Look, your in no shape to drive. I'll take you to pick up Jenny." Mac told her. " You don't mind if I borrow your car a little longer?" he smiled at Katherine. " Sure other wise Patricia is going to go out there and make herself worse." Katherine shook her head at him. As she watchmen them drive off, it was plain that she cared about him. McCue and Patricia was sitting in the car waiting for the end of school. " You want to give me a hint of what that was all about?" " I saw something that I shouldn't have, and the people my boss worked for think I'll tell the Feds. My boss has turned up missing. He was an accountant, and I went back to work for him when my husband was killed three years ago. I never had any idea he did books for a crime syndicate. I accidentally saw the books, and now people want to kill me." "Have you been in touch with any kind of police, about this?" he asked. "I contacted the local District attorney but he didn't seem interested." she told him. "I'll have a friend of mine check into who these guys are and then we will know who would be the most interested in offering you a protection deal." Mac told her. Mac noticed a large black car pull up to the far side of the parking lot. He was beginning to wish he had gone home for his gun. The bell that let school our for the day rang, and a man got out of the black car. "Where do you usually wait for Jenny?" Mac asked pulling the car forward. "There by the bike rack." she pointed. Mac was waiting to pull the car forward again, when he saw the guy from the car move towards the line of children exiting the building. "Oh my God, no! Jenny." Patricia tried to run to her daughter. But she was to dizzy to make very much speed. Mac didn't want to put the rest of the kids in danger, so he refrained from chasing the man who had grabbed the girl. "Come on we have to follow them." he helped Patricia back into the car. Mac was able to follow the black car and learn where they were taking Jenny. They did try to lose him once and he fell back enough so that he let them think they had lost him. The problem was they ended up at a house that was more like a walled compound. With security cameras, gates and alarms. Patricia was silent, she was so frightened for her little girl. "I have a friend that can get all the information we need about this place." Mac told her. "But we are going to need more that just his help." They returned Katherine's car to her and picked up Mac's truck. Mac put a call into Britt for him to start checking out the house. Then he made two more calls. "Kurt how are you these days?" "I'm working, what is going down Mac?" "I need a favor. How busy are you?" "I can be there the late tomorrow. What do I need to bring?" Kurt asked. "Just your personal weapon of choice. There is a little girl in trouble and it's up to us to rescue her." Mac told him. "I'll be there." "Thanks, Kurt I knew I could count on you." Then he had almost the same conversation with Sims. "I told you, you would be calling me soon." Sims laughed when he heard the explanation for the call. "You were right, but it's not like I had a choice. I couldn't let these punks hurt Patricia or her daughter." Mac said. "I'll be there tomorrow to help you case the place." Sims said. "I'll be here, thanks." Britt came over with the information he had gathered. He even had the blueprints of the compound. "Good work, Britt I knew you could find out anything we needed." Mac pounded him on the shoulder. "Your not going to be so happy when you see who is behind all of this." Britt opened his computer and opened a file. "These guys are into drugs big time, the mafia's got nothing compared to this syndicate." Mac looked over the information, he knew every organization had a weak spot. Katherine stopped by to check on Patricia. "Mac I know you think you have to help her get her daughter back but don't you think the police would stand a better chance of helping her?" "Not in this case, we are going to have to break a couple of laws to free Jenny. The police aren't very good at breaking their own laws. No matter how good the cause." Mac told her. "Well Patricia was is still shaken up from this afternoon, so I'm going to check back with you in the morning." She touched Mac on the arm. "Thanks for all your help Katherine." He nodded. Mac stopped in to see if Patricia was handling things any better. "I know you want to just go over there and get your daughter out, or even give yourself up so that at least you and she will be together. But I promise you if your patient, we will get her back." "Thank you, I'll keep it together." She nodded. Sims arrived the next morning driving his Ferrari. "Hey, Mac your looking good, tell me all about this caper." "Good to see you Sims, come in and I'll show you the plan." Mac greeted him with a hug and pound on the back. Kurt arrived that evening and he stayed with Patricia while Mac and Sims cased the layout of the house and grounds. "Mac will think of a plan to get your little girl." Kurt told Patricia. "He is a genius at finding the weakness of his opponent." " How do you all know each other were you in the service together?" she asked. "You could say that." He half smiled. Sims and Mac were driving back from the house, in Mac's truck. "So how did you really get into this? Is Patricia your current lady friend?" "No, I just met her two days ago." "You expect me to believe we are risking our necks for a woman you just met? Who isn't paying us for our services?" Sims asked. " Yes." " Well then when we get back, maybe I'll see if she would like some company." Sims said just to see if it would goad Mac into a reaction. "You keep you big paws off of Patricia, she's not your type." "OK, no problem." He laughed. Katherine stopped in again the following morning, she had patched up every member of Mac's team at one time or another, so she knew them all. "Hi, Kurt how's your leg?" she asked carrying in a box of cinnamon rolls. "Good morning Katherine, that isn't what I think it is?" he asked hugging her gently then taking the box from her. "You are an angel to bring these." "Good morning Katherine, your patient is still sleeping this morning." Mac greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "Hello Mac, I'll go and check on her anyway." She placed a hand on his chest as he leaned to kiss her. "Are you sure those two have never gotten together?" Kurt asked Sims who had just entered the kitchen. "He said he needed her as a friend more than he did a lover. I guess he thinks if they get together and then it ends. She wouldn't want to patch us up anymore." Sims explained. Kurt nodded but he didn't understand. Kurt and Sims went out that afternoon and stole a van as a diversion vehicle For the big operation that evening. Mac had recovered Patricia's car from the parking lot where she had been kidnapped, he had made sure it looked like it was being impounded. He borrowed a friends tow truck and brought it to his garage. Patricia was so worried about Jenny she couldn't sit still. Mac was attempting to get a few hours rest. But she was to much of a distraction. Not that she had so much as batted an eye lash at any of the men helping her. He had never met a woman as beautiful as she was, that seemed totally unaware of her appeal. But after hearing of her back ground he wasn't surprised. Sims was catching up on his sleep after his long trip and Kurt was out meeting with one of the contacts. Mac stood and blocked her path across the room. " Why don't you try to relax, we are doing everything we can to prepare for getting Jenny out tomorrow." He stopped her pacing, by gently taking hold of her by the shoulders. " I know, I just feel so helpless." she confessed to him. " I understand that but you need to keep up your strength, so that when we do get her free you'll be here for her. You can't make your self sick." he told her. Patricia nodded, then for the first time looked at him. Really noticed his calm manner and control. Mac saw the emotions inside her reflected in her eyes. She had just noticed him as a man for the first time. It scared her, he could feel her tense up under his hands. He lifted a large, strong hand to her cheek, " She'll be fine, we will get her back." Patricia nodded, her eyes locked with his, she was feeling more calm now. "Thank you, I don't know how I can ever repay your kindness." she told him. Mac thought if she only knew, but he didn't give her any indication of his thoughts. "I'm glad to help." he smiled and released his hold on her shoulders. Patricia put her arms around him and hugged him her face pressed into his neck and shoulder. Mac was slightly taken back by her sudden switch in behavior. But he returned her embrace, his arms coming around her to hold her tightly. Patricia felt a sense of safety and security in his arms that she had not known was possible. Mac felt his protective instincts kick into over drive. There was something about this woman that pulled at him, more than just her outward beauty. She was both naive and wary. She was kind hearted and trusting. He wanted to hold her, protect her and make her his own. He was also willing to stand there with her in his arms all night if that was what she needed from him. So much for the tough guy image. Patricia sighed after a time and looked into his eyes, she saw warmth, compassion and desire. The desire caught her off guard, but she was beginning to feel more than just gratitude for Mac, so she lifted her mouth to his and they shared a tentative kiss. The moment his lips touched hers, a jolt of pleasure ran down her spine. She had known from the first time she had seen him that he was going to test her ability to resist him. But she had never expected wanting to surrender to him at the first touch. Mac kissed her tenderly, but he kissed her with controlled hunger. At first it had been only a kiss, then it was a joining of their mouths. When she opened her mouth to him he took advantage of the opportunity to show her his desire. That she responded to it so completely made him even more sure of his goal. That first kiss ended and he said. " I think you should go and get some sleep." he was offering her a choice. " I would rather you come with me." she smiled. Now it was his choice, he could have sex with her, or he could make love to her. He smiled, " Ladies first." Patricia took him to the bedroom she had been using. She was suddenly shy and didn't know what to do next. Mac lifted a hand to her chin and lifted it, so he could see her eyes. " Are you having a change of heart?" "No," she told him. He kissed her again and she melted into him. Mac took control of the situation, and lay her back on the bed, he lay beside her, kissing her and building a desire in her to match his own. He lifted her sweater up so he could taste her breasts, her head fell back as he nuzzled her, his tongue making circles around her nipples that brought them to arousal. He removed his own shirt and she saw that he was well muscled, his shoulders powerful, his chest accented with dark hair. He grazed his hair roughened chest over her now sensitive breasts and she moaned her pleasure. Mac liked that feel of her softness against his chest as much as she did, he kissed her deeply and moved over her. He buried his hands in the thickness of her hair and moved his groin against her for the first time. He was so hard he was past aroused. He was bulging with need for her, he moved against her and she arched to meet him. She opened her legs to better feel his solidness. Mac was thrusting his tongue deep inside her mouth, showing her what was to come next. Patricia was pulling his groin even closer and arching into him. She was searching for his zipper. She unfastened his jeans and was rewarded with the feel of his distended member filling her hands. She stroked him greedily, making a noise deep in her throat that told him of her own need. Mac slide her out of her pants and moved to join his body to hers. The first touch of his hardness made her quiver with excitement. She lifted her legs to receive him as he thrust forward with a powerful movement of his hips. Patricia gasped as the full length of him was buried inside of her. Mac stilled for a moment to let her adjust to him, then he began the rhythm that would bring them both to fulfillment. Patricia was experiencing pleasure so intense she was lost to it. He let her experience her first climax before working to achieve his own, but he carried her along with him to a satisfying finish. She was able to sleep then, laying beside him, she felt safe and cherished. Mac was examining this connection he felt with Patricia. He had never fallen for a woman so quickly. Not his feelings, sure he had been in lust with women before, but the desire to comfort, and protect was new. He had liked her before he had gotten all hot and bothered by her presence. He was enjoying the simple act of holding her while she slept. He supposed it was because he had finally matured past the point of use them and forget them. Not that he had been like that since his twenties. He had learned that a relationship of sorts with a woman was more satisfying for him than just a quick roll in the hay. When Patricia woke Mac was still in the bed with her. He was awake and just thinking. One of his hands was covering the hand she had pressed to his chest. He felt her eye lashes brush his skin when she opened her eyes. "Good morning." he spoke his voice sounding even deeper than before. "Mac you were wonderful, and thank you for staying with me." " We are good together, and your welcome. Do you want to sleep a little longer?" he asked, while he passed a large hand down the softness of her slender back. Patricia moved into his caress, the hand on his chest flexing to feel him better. She lifted a leg over his thigh and was not rewarded by the feel of a morning erection. Mac chuckled, he had not expected her to want more so soon. " Looking for something?" he whispered. He was fully aroused but his member was laying distended and throbbing along his belly, stretching from his groin to his navel. Patricia nodded and he pulled her leg up so she could feel his pulsating hardness, she gasped. " Did I take all of that last night?" " You did and you liked every inch." he told her sliding himself between her legs and pushing up and inside of her hot wetness. Patricia moaned her liking of his actions. "Oh, Mac use it all, it feels so wonderful." He replied to her request by thrusting deeper using the entire length of his member. He rode over her with long slow strokes, building her need for climax, until she was begging him for it. He provided her release several times before finally taking his own pleasure pounding into her hard and fast at the end, his breathing quick and his own deep groan of male completion a joy to her ears. His voice was even deeper as he told her, he had enjoyed sharing her bed. Sims and Kurt were already in the kitchen cooking eggs and coffee when Mac entered. " Good night?" Kurt asked him, a smile on his mouth. He knew Mac didn't make a habit of bedding the women they helped, but if the opportunity presented it's self. " Good morning in more ways than one." Mac told them. " Did you find Britt OK, last night?" " Yes, he is sleeping still." Kurt answered. " What about the cops getting in they way during our escape, have you covered that?' Sims asked him. "Your driving skill should be good enough to keep them from cornering us." Mac told him pouring himself a mug of coffee. "Not if four or five cars converge on us at once." " I have faith in you." Mac patted him on the back as he went past. That evening they were gathered outside the security area of the house Jenny was being held in. Mac was the one who was going to actually retrieve her from the room they were holding her in. Sims, was to help Britt draw the guards to the rear entrance, while Mac and Kurt went over the wall. Patricia was to stay in the truck, incase the first team had any trouble. She could pick them up sooner if things went badly. Mac went up onto the wall with a leg up from Kurt. Then he assisted Kurt on to the wall and dropped down inside. They had learned that there were not any guard dogs inside the walls. Which was a big help, dogs were always more trouble to work around than electronics. Mac disabled the alarm system to believe it was still working but it was really shut down. Then he waved to Kurt to join him, " The diversion should start in about two minutes I'll move into position." Mac whispered. Kurt was to watch his back. Mac moved along the wall to the window on the second floor that was Jenny's room. He climbed the grill over the ground floor window and took up his position on the ledge. When gun fire sounded at the back of the house, he counted twenty and broke the window. Jenny was hiding in the corner of the room, but she was alone. Patricia had given him a small stuffed animal that she loved to show her that he was a good guy. "Jenny, I'm here to take you to your mommy. Remember Hoppy, this is your favorite bunny you always sleep with him." Mac took a few seconds with her to try and not scare her any more. The terrified child saw her own favorite toy and reached for it. Mac scooped her up in his arms and looked for Kurt below. He gave him the sign that the coast was still clear. Mac made his way one handed back down the window grill. Jenny was hanging on to him for dear life, around the neck. Sims and Britt had rammed a stolen garbage truck into the back gate, and every alarm in the neighborhood had gone off. They had re tuned fire when the bad guys came out of the house, shooting indiscriminately. But they had orders to not kill unless absolutely necessary. "Hold it right there." a loud male voice called to Mac as he was carrying Jenny towards the wall. But Kurt was still covering his back, and the man was dropped with a quick blow to the neck. "Keep going." Kurt called to him. Once Mac reached the wall, he covered Kurt's crossing of the yard. Again Kurt assisted him up onto the wall, and Sims was there to take Jenny from him. Then he turned back to get his partner out. There was gunfire from the house, as Kurt climbed the wall, but they had poor aim, and he was only hurt by some pieces of brick that broke off during the rain of bullets. "Mommy," Jenny cried when Sims placed her in her mothers arms. He took her place behind the wheel of the truck and Kurt and Mac climbed on board. Sims did have to out run the police, but they seemed to only be making a show of chasing the truck. Because after following them for six blocks they turned off and shut off their lights. 'Do you figure they cops don't care what happens at that house, if it looks like the other bad guys are just giving back what they deserve?" Britt asked laughing. Katherine was there to patch up Kurt's shoulder, but he insisted it was nothing. Patricia was crying with joy that her daughter had been rescued safe from the men who had taken her. Katherine came to patch up the holes in Kurt from the flying brick. "He's fine, he won't even notice he was wounded until morning." Katherine reported to Mac. "Thanks again Katherine, I owe you one." he embraced her. Katherine went into his arms willingly her face reflecting her emotions, she was wanting more from him than just a hug. Britt reported to Mac that the contact he had made with the Feds about Patricia and Jenny. They had offered to provide her protection in exchange for her testimony against her boss and his crime boss. "The only catch is they want her now, they have agents to send over to pick her up waiting now." " What does Patricia say" Mac asked. "She thinks she should accept their offer." Britt told him. Mac nodded, he should have known better, he wasn't about to rescue the lady in distress and then get to live happy ever after. "I don't know how I can ever thank you for all you have done for us." Patricia said. " We were glad to help, you take care now and listen to your keeper once your relocated he'll be your most important friend." Mac touched her cheek, with one large hand. "Come on Mac I'll buy you a drink, we could both use it." Sims slapped him on the back. end