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I could have the whole world. All the money, all the women and all the happiness that life could ever have to offer and it still wouldn't amount to how valueable you are to my very existence.The way i feel about you cannot be described with words, the best expressions of indearment still slight you in worth. When i stare deep into your eyes, it's like taking a dip into your soul, deep deep down i'm still diving because....your beauty is endless. Athough you're at beauty's peak phyiscally,the woman that you've become at heart will continue to grow to the point that one day, your inner beauty will catch up to your exterior beauty and you will be perfect in mind, body, and soul.:

Ben Hare August 21, 2001

If I surrendered my soul to your very purpose or being, I'd still be accomplishing everything in life i've ever wanted. If i lost all feeling, you'd be able to take over my body control, every movement, thought or emotion and i wouldn't miss a step. Yes i'd even gain a step or two, because we make each other better. You go beyond the definiton of any book, feeling, and all description. You possess in the palm of your hands all of my happiness. So to attain it i need you. You're my missing piece, together we form the greatest bond of completion ever:

Ben Hare September 1, 2004

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