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Senior Band Trip - May 1962

Apple Blossom Time

Shenandoah Valley

Arlington House,

Arlington National Cemetery

Arlington National Cemetery

Washington Monument

White House - President's Office

Green Room - White House

Buster Vest ('63), amidst a group of seated girls, including flagtwirlers Juanita Hayes ('62) and Wanda Thornhill ('62), plus three unidentified, having his shoes shined by one of a group of dancing shoeshine boys

Wayne Gilman ('63) approaching in the background, as Dickie Moore ('62 or '63) and Mary Lou Knowles ('63) take a break

Five of the shoeshine boys performing, with Buster Vest ('63), Tony Benton ('64), Bill Gilbert ('64), and Clinton Price ('63) clearly enjoying the show

The entertainment continues, with Brenda Bass ('65), Douglas Nelson ('64), Vickie Hankins ('63), Jerry Harvey ('63), Billy Roberts ('63), and George Rowe ('64) identifiable among the spectators

Smithsonian Institution