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The Beacon, Friday, November 13, 1964


"That was a real neat joke, but I still don't get it."

This mighty senior, Mr. A, is literally number one in the senior class and the student body. He is a member in-good-standing and a past president of the class when they entered in '60 as mice. He is a political hound with a background of conventions and legislative work under his belt.



"In this costume I should get a lot of candy on Halloween."

Years of work in drama and public speaking head Miss B's list of activities. As can be expected, honor and public service are a great part of this senior's life.

"Mother! My diaper needs changing."

Mr. C is named for the holiday on which he made his entrance into the world. He made an appearance in the Homecoming parade, and has been known to take part in athletics.

"No! No! I said smile for the camera."

Miss D seems to be telling us she doesn't have any cavities; so why go to the dentist.

"Watch how high I can jump, Grandma."

Miss E who is active on the BEACON staff demonstates the twist for Grandma.

"I'll never get over this wall to freedom unless I grow about three feet."

Miss F sings in the senior chorus. She demonstrates how it is done in the picture.

"Do you like my dress? I like yours, too."

This little beauty, Miss G, is watching cheerleaders try out. She is a former cheerleader, and is active in other activities.

"Don't tell my parents I did it. If you do, I can't watch Mickey Mouse."

Miss H, who is active in the National Honor Society, finds time in between to be Mr. Conn's secretary.

"I bet my stroller is faster than yours!"

Miss I seems to be full of pep. Maybe she evn twirled a flag then!

"I just came back from the hairdresser where I got a Toni."

Miss J seems very happy after finding an outside job and getting an A in second year shorthand. She even looks the very same now as she did when she was little.

"Someone is following me."

Miss K should have tried out for track, but instead she serves our school by actively participating in the Latin Club and working on the BEACON staff.

"That's as wide as I can get it open, Doc."

Miss L seems very contented, just as she is at NNHS.

"Mother! Please! I'd rather do it myself!"

Miss M is all excited. She sometimes gets excited while participating in various activities with the GAA's.

"Mother is buying me some Weejuns."

Mr. N is very active in many school activites. Just two of them are the Key Club and the Hi-Y.

"Do the hokey-pokey and turn yourself around; that's what it's all about."

Miss O is all dressed up for the occasion. She is an active member of the French Club and the Creative Artists' Club,

"Think I'll jump in my beach buggy and pick up Alice."

Mr. P siisms very puzzled but not at all puzzled about NNHS. He knows the football team will be the champs.

"I like you, too."

Miss Q marches toward the house. She (at one time) marched with the Typhoon Marching Band.

"O boy! All my very own."

Miss R looks as though she is thrilled about being an active member of the PTA, ANCHOR staff, French Club and Latin Club.

"Hi out there, fellows."

This litle ballerina, Miss S, ia an active member of the Latin Club, Keyettes, FTA and ANCHOR staff.

"Are you sure you feel all right?"

Miss T looks so very tired, surely she didn't work on the BEACON staff then.


"Aw, gee, I ain't that cute, Daddy!"

Miss U looks as though she may be preparing for Homecoming festivities!!


"I'm an embittered young woman!"

Miss V is usually found running around the halls muttering, "Boy, I'll probably never get married." She is active in the band.