As Nitro comes on the Air it goes straight to the back stage area where u see Jim Ross, and Phil Stevens in the back talking about some Stuff.
[Phil Stevens]----Okay Hold on one second before u go out there and do your job i got a job for u, and it invovles tonights show i got a annoucement, to do tonight and i want too make sure that u or Good Ol Jerry Lalwer, dont mess anything up so in this Segement has now Changed to this Segement, so Jr that means this week, dont fuck anything up u got me!
[Jim Ross]----Yees Boss i got it, but i did have a Question for you, and its this, what is going on with this PHW Thing?
[Phil Stevens]----Now like i siad go out there and do your job and also i want u to go and tell T- Money and all of your Broadcasting buddys, im not ever going to answer that Question, and also as far as the PHW goes its Over with!, Now if the PHW ever comes up, ill fire who ever says it Push me go tell all your buddys that my freind now its almost 8 Pm now lets go do our job jim or u may be fired tonight!
And then, right after that Nitro's Promo Hits the Air Waves, and then it shows all the Great Nitro Stars, and then u hear the Nitro Theme Music Which is Drowning Pool - Tear Away, and then u see the Nitro Logo come into the Picture and then u hear the Explosions, and then it goes to the sold out arena and then Jr and Jerry lawler start off the show for this Red Hot Night..
Then u see the Piro go off, and then the fans are standing as one, and then the Camea scans the crowd, and then Jr and Jerry Lawler, comes onto the Camera, and they start off the show for this Weeks Nitro...
[Jim Ross]----Welcome to the Great State of California, right here in good Ol San Fransico and we are live from the Cow Palace, and im Jim Ross and with me as always is Jerry The King Lawler, and Fans what a night we have for all of u tonight!!!
[Jim Ross]----Becuase tonight we have in the Mainevent its a 3 way dance for A Shot at the Worlds Championship!
[Jim Ross]----As you all well See in a night where Kevin Nash has 2 Matches as Kevin Nash well take on DDk And Jeff Jarrett of the Darkside, and i have to say King this is going to be a Very Intreasting Night on this Night as the Fallout of Blackout comes too right here!
[Jerry Lawler]----Ahh No kidding i mean the way we opened up u and phil stevens why did u ask him about the PHW, i mean that one fed i dont wanna get fired!
[Jim Ross]----Yeah well Phil has had a Long week, and i think he is ready for this weekend to start so he can Relax, But also fans tonight its already set Phil stevens has a Annoucement that is going to shock our Fed forever and it is too shock Nitro it self what could this be?
[Jerry Lawler]----Well i dont know but i got that feeling, its going to be good, and talking about Phil stevens ahh hes comming out to greet all of us ahhh whoo Hoo what a way to start off this show!!!
And then all of suddenly u hear Back in Black hit the Pa System, and then from the back with a Huge Smile on his face u see Phil Stevens make his Way out to the arena and he is all smiles as he comes from the back..
And then u see Phil look at Jr and the Fans and then he ducks down and he laughs, in a Cokcy way as he almost comes to tears, as he is laughing so hard...
And then, phil goes and then he looks around, and smiles and looks at Good Ol Jr, and then Phil has a Mic in Hand, and then he Puts the Mic, up to his Lips, and then he talks to the fans in the arena and most likely to all the stars of Nitro..
[Phil Stevens]----Now thank u all for comming to my Show Nitro!, thats right there well be more on this Subject later on tonight live on TNT'S Nitro, Now onto Business, First its about the Big News that did not Release anywhere til right now and it is this, tonight im here to Fire not one but Two or Maybe 3 People from the uwe, and when i mean Fire ill do it Publically, and trust me if im a Nitro Star i do not wanna be that Person, so tonight for the Good of this Show i gotta do this, becuase im sick of no one doing there part in the uwe so tonight it all ends!
[Phil Stevens]----Now also tonight i got another Annoucement and its about Randy orton, and its this next week he is due to come back to Nitro but also it is not yet Known When Triple H well be Due Back into the Uwe so that means tonight the UWE is going to make a new number one COntender to Randy Ortons UWE World Title so in tonights mainevent it can be anyones guess, on who could win that match, But Trust me tonight we all well find out who well face randy orton in the Near Future!
[Phil Stevens]----Now Next is for all of the uwe and for nitro to understand, and its this, Tonight i have asked every single Gm to be here tonight, for a reson, and that reson is becuase there is going to be a Metting of the Powers with in the Show tonight and tonight i make the Power felt, of me Phil Stevens, so tonight there well be some Happenings that not even you the fans can even Imagine!
[Jim Ross]----Oh man this is not seeming to be a good night for anyone!
[Phil Stevens]----So tonight is being deemed of a night of change of a era, tonight things change and they change for the better, and also tonight live on nitro i well annouce the next pay per veiw lat on tonight, so for the people who do have a match id try to win your match, becuase tonight things are about to get alot Worse, and alot more Better either way u look at it, i Phil Stevens, is about to Better this Fed!
And then u see phil look around, and he is all smiles, and then his Music Hits, and then Nitro goes to a break and then comes back for the First match on Nitro....
April Summers - This match is a Standard Match for the Womens title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 134 pounds,, Natalya Bryan !!! (crowd cheers **************)
[Natalya Bryan comes to the ring. ]
April Summers - and his opponent, weighing in at 133 pounds, from Long Island, New York, "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens!!! (crowd cheers *************)
["Jessica Stevens Music Hits" And then from the back he makes his way down the ramp way, and then the fans are going crazy and then he Rolls into the ring, and then he poses and gets ready for the match. Natalya Bryan tests out the ropes. Charles Robision checks "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens's boots and knee pads. (ring, ring, ring) Natalya Bryan slaps "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens. ]
Jerry "The King" Lawler - Natalya Bryan with a slap.
["The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens gouges Natalya Bryan 's eyes out. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens rakes the face of Natalya Bryan in attempt to make a come back. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens pokes Natalya Bryan in the eyes. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens slaps Natalya Bryan . "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens pulls Natalya Bryan 's hair. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens hits Natalya Bryan with an earringer. ]
Jim Ross - "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens executes a earringer.
[Natalya Bryan piledrives "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens. Natalya Bryan and "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens go to the floor Charles Robision starts the count (.1) (..2) They lockup. Natalya Bryan sends "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens to the corner of ringside. (...3) "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens bites Natalya Bryan 's arm out of desparation. (....4) Natalya Bryan hits "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens with an earringer. (.....5) They head back into the ring. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens grabs Natalya Bryan 's head and hites him in the face. ]
Jerry "The King" Lawler - "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens executes a face bite.
["The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens pokes Natalya Bryan in the eyes. ]
Jim Ross - eye poke!
[Natalya Bryan suplexes "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens. Natalya Bryan chants start. ]
Jerry "The King" Lawler - If Natalya Bryan keeps using moves like that power move he could win the match!
[Natalya Bryan clotheslines "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens. Natalya Bryan grabs "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens's head and hites him in the face. Natalya Bryan rakes the face of "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens in attempt to make a come back. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens pulls Natalya Bryan 's hair. Natalya Bryan pokes "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens in the eyes. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens grabs Natalya Bryan 's head and hites him in the face. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens gouges Natalya Bryan 's eyes out. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens hits Natalya Bryan with an earringer. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens goes for a power move but Natalya Bryan dodges the attack. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens goes for a figure four. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... Natalya Bryan trys to escape. ... ... "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens breaks the hold. ]
Jim Ross - "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens is doing quite well at this point in the match.
["The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens bites Natalya Bryan 's arm out of desparation. Natalya Bryan gouges "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens's eyes out. ]
Jerry "The King" Lawler - eye gouge!
[Natalya Bryan bites "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens's arm out of desparation. Natalya Bryan pulls "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens's hair. Natalya Bryan pokes "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens in the eyes. Natalya Bryan bites "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens's arm out of desparation. Natalya Bryan pulls "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens's hair. Natalya Bryan sets "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens up DDTs him into the mat. Natalya Bryan chants start. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens gets up. Natalya Bryan sends "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens to ringside. Charles Robision starts the count (.1) Natalya Bryan piledrives "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens moves back to his feet. (..2) Natalya Bryan suplexes "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens. Natalya Bryan chants start. Now "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens standing. They head back into the ring. ]
Jim Ross - It was a smart move to the ring. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens no longer has to watch out for weapons.
Jerry "The King" Lawler - Natalya Bryan is doing quite well at this point in the match.
[Natalya Bryan sets "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens up DDTs him into the mat. Now "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens standing. Natalya Bryan piledrives "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens piledrives Natalya Bryan . "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens chants start. Natalya Bryan stands up. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens piledrives Natalya Bryan . "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens executes a neck breaker. "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens goes for a pin. Charles Robision counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]
Jim Ross - We've got ourselves a winner!
April Summers - The winner of this match, and new Womens champion, "The Extrem Bitch" Jessica Stevens!!!
After the Match u see Jessica raise her Newly Won Womens Championship, high in the air, and then as she is Celebrating, out of no where, u here Paul Heymans Music Hit, and then he comes out, and he has a Cocky Look on his face, and then he looks on at the New Champion, and then he talks to the fans...
[Paul Heyman]----So if it aint the Queen and u see Jessica i wanna say Congratulations on winning the uwe Womens championship and u see me and Brock seen what u siad about how u were not happy with what happen, and u know what we dont give a damn, oh no we dont becuase you know it and i Know it and Brock knows it tonight you well make the Right Choice am i right Jessica?
And then u see Jessica put her hair up, and then she ask for the mic, and then u see heyman all smiles, and then he waits for Jessica to talk to paul....
[Jessica Stevens]----Now PAul, i have to say u got some Balls to come out here and call me out the way u just did, but you know something is it me, or is it these fans becuase the last time i heard my Dad Phil is out to fire some people tonight and well u just talked down a Stevens, and now for u doing that you well pay tonight, oh yea Heyman u are the Gm of this show, so you know what, tonight ill get my Revange in a way that not even u well be ready for, so for that, ill see u real soon, Paul!
And then u see heyman turn away and he has a scared look on his face, and then u see Jessica smile and then she celebrats her win with the fans, and then she rolls out of the ring, and then heads to the back as Nitro goes to the Next Segement...
And then all of suddenly u see the Camera right on Nash as he is in the back waiting to talk to T-Money...
Eroption for nash...
And then u see T-Money start off the Interveiw with Kevin Nash in the back area...
[T-Money]----Okay Kevin tonight is a big night, for alot of people, and i have to ask how do u feel about what phil stevens said to start off this show?
[Kevin Nash]----Well it is Easy, i think Phil has head on too tight, becuase im not liking how everything is Playing out becuase u see phil needs to relize, he cant Controll everyone he Has working for him...
[T-Money]----Okay now onto tonight and your Two Matches first u got, a Title Match with Brock Lesnar and then later on in the night u got Jeff Jarrett and DDK your thoughts on this matter?
[Kevin Nash]----Well it is easy, i think phil or soeone is trying to pull there Strings to screw me and my Group Over, but im here to tell u this tonight i show the UWE just what im all about becuase u see Brock u are going to learn that no one gets up from the Jacknife!, and then Jeff i show u what its ment when your a outsider, your always a outsider if u know what i mean, becuase tonight i finish what i started and that is Out to Destroy the Darkside!
[T-Money]----Well fans i think this may be the Start of a new era but for nash its a start of payback and the Ruff ryders are all in the House tonight!
And then after u see the Nash Interveiw u see another Reporter in the back as he is about to talk with Brock Lesnar...
[Reporter]----Okay Brock tonight its u and the man we just seen in Kevin Nash Your THoughts?
[Brock Lesnar]----my Thoughts?, My Thoughts? well first i wanna talk about that Bitch in Jessica Stevens, Hey Bitch, tonight u may have gotten Paul but you have not seen nothing yet, becuase tonight Brock makes u feel the Real pain, hahahaha!!!
[Brock Lesnar]----And Now onto Nash, hey Punk u may be a Legand in this Business, but guess what this is a new day, and boy your going to be in the ring with the North American Champion and when its all siad and done Kevin Nash well be Flat down on his face and Boy i hope u are ready to feel the pain becuase the big Thing is comming for u tonight live on Nitro. And Oh yeah also to Jessica im Closer than u think so watch your back tonight!!!
And then brock walks away, and then he is all smiles, and then the scene Cuts to the Back in Phil Stevens Office...
Then as the Camera comes into Focuse, and then u see Phil Stevens in the back with one member of the Ruff Ryders, in Scott Hollywood..
[Phil Stevens]----What do u want?
Then u see Scott Just look down at Phil as he is talking to him and he just smiles as he wears his Ruff Ryders T-Shirt...
[Phil Stevens]----Now Look what gives u write to come into my office and look at me like im some bad guy huh? Now make Your Way or tell me what i can help u with?
[Scott Hollywood]----oh you know what this is about, its about the fact that you have yet put me on the Roster, and Secondly you have not put my Girl on the Roster Dawg whats going on around here?
[Phil Stevens]----First of all im not no Dawg i guess is how u say it, and Secondly you dont come to me like im some Thug, well you know what im phil stevens dammit, and the next time you want to come at me like some thug then u better come at me like a man u got me now make your leave now!
[Scott Hollywood]----well i guess all the boys are right, about the great phil stevens you run from everything!..haha!!
[Phil Stevens]----Wow wait one Damn Second??
[Phil Stevens]----What did u just say!
[Scott Hollywood]----Yeah You Heard me!!
[Phil Stevens]----Well i guess they all are right about u smackdown guys all u guys are useless now make your leave right now before i fire your ass!
And then as Phil is in the Young Mans, Face out of the Blue u see the Co Gm of Nitro come into the Picture and its non other than Adam Browne and he gets invovled with this Convo in the back...
[Phil Stevens]----What do u want?
[Adam Browne]----oh you know what i want, and going to start to take Controll hey kid what did u want tonight im the man u should be talking to not this fool he is just the boss of the entire fed im the man on nitro i make the matches not this clown what can i do for ya man?
[Phil Stevens]----Whoa hold on one damn Second first of all, the both of you have no right at all to come into my office and start to tell me what to do so u know something Tonight!
[Adam Browne]----Whoa hold on there phil, stop it with this Tonight crap becuase ive had to set back too long to listen to it, so im going to tell u what tonight is going to Include, Nothing on Phil Stevens Dish becuase u see tonight is the Night i gain Controll i mean hell there are all kinds of rumors to why u wanna talk to Heyman so phil im going to tell u something tonight this Young Man gets what he wants and tonight i get what i want so what do u got to say about that?
And then phil steps back, and then he Smiles, and then he talks to ADAM...
[Phil Stevens]----You Know something your right, you know what tonight you are right u are going to get what u want becuase tonight, its not over yet, and Adam if i were u id gain all the Boys up becuase tonight i got a real Big Shocker for all of you Okay, i got to make my Leave Now!
[Jim Ross]----Whats the Suprise?
And then u see Phil look on as Scott and Adam leave the office and nitro goes to the next match..
After the match u see Scott Hall and Chris Jericho, celebrating there win, and then all of suddenly u see Devastor walk out of the ring like he did not give a shit and then out of no where u hear Phil Stevens comes out and he is on the mic, and he talks on the Stage.
[Phil Stevens]----Hold it right there dammit!, Cut the Music hey Devastor Guess what, YOUR FIRED!, thats damn right, im not taken this shit no more, and im not running a fed for guys like to come in here and dont give a shit so guess what your gone Security take him out of here right Now!
[Phil Stevens]----And Scott and Chris i wanna Say sorry for this, not to Rain on Your Victory, and Chris tonight me and u talked and i promise to make this up to u my freind, get him out of here, you suck Devastor u are a no Good Peica of Shit!
[Jim Ross]----Oh Man i think The Evil is going to come out of phil stevens right now King!
And then u see Phil look at Devastor getting lead out of the arena as phil looks evil as he only can...
And then as it cuts from that scene you see DDK in the back talking with Paul Heyman about some Stuff in Heymans Office.
[Phil Stevens]----Okay Hold on one second before u go out there and do your job i got a job for u, and it invovles tonights show i got a annoucement, to do tonight and i want too make sure that u or Good Ol Jerry Lalwer, dont mess anything up so in this Segement has now Changed to this Segement, so Jr that means this week, dont fuck anything up u got me!
[Jim Ross]----Yees Boss i got it, but i did have a Question for you, and its this, what is going on with this PHW Thing?
[DDK]----hey Boss hey i got to say whats going on tonight is phil on a Power Trip or what?
[Paul Heyman]----Okay look what do u want man?
[DDK]----Look paul tonight i want some Insurance i want to make sure tonight is a fair fight with this darkside, becuase i need this man!!
[Paul Heyman]----you need this, oh that is nice becuase u see i dont give a shit i need this job so all i want u to go do is go out there and do your hardest to give these people a good show Okay, im scared shitless right now, the boss is on my ass right now i dont know what he wants with me and we have seen one Person already fired tonight i may be Next hell u may Be Next he is not in a good mood, i mean phil is not in a good mood tonight!
[DDK]----Whoa hold on im not getting fired, becuase u see im my Extrem, and Also, tonight im going to show the World that im next in line for the UWE World Title and kevin nash and Jarrett have no Shot in winning this match tonight Boss!
And then u see Heyman smile, and then DDk leaves his office, and then Heymans Door Opens and then u see Heyman get a scared look on his face and then all of suddenly Phil comes into the Office and he Smiles Evily and the Two Talk back in the Office..
Then u see All smiles, as he looks at the Co Gm of Nitro, and then he Pulls His Hair back and then he Turns and then Laughs, and then u see Heyman get a evil Scared Look on his face, and then Nitro goes to a Commercial Break.
After the Commercial Break u see all Vince and Phil and Heyman in the back talking
[Vince McMahon]----Okay Phil tonight i was told to be here and now give it to me and the Uwe why are all the Gms here tonight?
[Phil Stevens]----Oh you see tonight oh man im going to shock the world tonight!!
[Paul Heyman]----Just tell us dammit, and what is this clown doing here this is my show!
[Vince McMahon]----Now dammit calm down Phil whats going on tonight?
[Vince McMahon]----Now paul stand back PHIL U BETTER TELL ME!
[Phil Stevens]----Oh Vince dont worry it has nothing to do with you Directly, But one Down and 2 More to go hahaha, hey Paul ill see u later oh yeah u well see me Later on tonight!
And then u see heyman get in phils face, and then they stair down each other in the back and vince leaves the room..
And then u see Paul leave the Backroom from phil and then all of suddenly Tommy D comes into the Picture, and he and phil talk in the back as well..
[Phil Stevens]----What do u want now, did i say u can be here tonight?
[Tommy D]----Whoa now im not one of your puppets and u know it, so back off Stevens!
[Phil Stevens]----oh really well you know what tonight if u dont watch it, u may the same Faith as another Certain person in this Arean tonight u got me!
[Tommy D]----Oh am i supposed to be Scared and u know what tonight im here for another reson and that is to talk to u about someone in the arena that u fired a while back i seen him come in.
[Phil Stevens]----Who are u talking about?
[Tommy D]----Sweet Justice!
And then u see Phils Face get a Real Shock Look on his face, and then u see tommy do give phil a hand Shake and then he leaves Phil alone, as Phil is just still in Shock!
[Jim Ross]----Oh My Sweet Justice is back in the uwe?? since When?
And MeanWhile in the back u see Scott Hall and Chris Jericho in the back talking after there big win...
[Chris Jericho]----Whooo Hooo, yeah daddy, yeah u like that huh, i mean who would of Thought, Scott Hall and Chris Jericho would win the UWE World Tag Team titles, u like that dont ya Big Man well guess what i got another Suprise for ya!!
And then all of suddenly Chris Jericho nails his Tag Team Partner and then he kicks him while he is down and then he Stands back and then halls gets up Slowly, and then jericho nails halls with the Tag Team Title, and then Jericho throws the Tag Title on Halls Body, and then Jericho gets in his face.
[Chris Jericho]----Hey Jackass, guess what i dont need the tag titles, becuase tonight im making yet another Impact, so Scott the tag titles are Yours u Ass Clown!
[Jim Ross]----Oh Man King Jericho fooled him hell he Fooled Everyone what does this mean for the tag titles?
then all of suddenly Nitro goes to the Next Match...
And then after the match u see Nash all smiles and then u see Scott Hall get into the ring, and then he Hands Nash the UWE North American Championship, and then the outsiders celebrate Nash's Win, and then nash gets on the Turnbuckle and then he Raises his newly won title, and then all of suddenly as Nash Puts his arms out to Celebrate u see hall go under nash and then he OUTSIDERS EDGE HIM OFF THE TURNBUCKLEand then u see hall get up, and then from out under the ring u see jeff Jarrett come in and then the Two Members of the Darkside attack UWE SUPERSTARs, Brock Lesnar, and Kevin Nash and then as the Trash is getting Thrown into the ring u see Paul Heyman with Adam Browne and other Uwe Superstars hit the ring, and then u see Jarrett, and Hall leave the Ring, and then u see Browne looking on as the Darkside leaves around the ring and heads towards the stage and then all of suddenly u hear Phils Music Hit again, and then he comes out onto the stage and talks to all the stars on what is going on in the ring...
[Jim Ross]----What in thee hell is going on now?
[Phil Stevens]----Hold on dammit, who in thee hell do u guys think u are, dammit, that is not what u were supposed to do, now dammit do it!
[Jim Ross]----Do what OMG!!!
and then all of suddenly u see the Lights go out, and then with the Camera Flashes going on, and then the Lights come back on and then u see all the Members of the Ruff Ryders out cold on the matt, and then u see Jeff And Hall laughing on the stage with Phil and then u see a Big Masked man in the ring and he has Heyman buy the Neck, and then the fans are going crazy, and then all of Suddenly the man Lets heyman go and holds him back in the Corner and then u hear phil talk on the Stage...
[Jim Ross]----What in thee hell is this all about dammit stop it now!!!
[Phil Stevens]----Hey Paul guess what u damn Tradtior that is damn right the Handler of Paul Heyman is non other than a PHW STAR hey Ron u fucking ass Clown YOUR FIRED!
[Jim Ross]----What in thee hell Ron Handles Heyman??@@??
[Phil Stevens]----Thats Right Your gone i dont deal with PHW scum u fucking Tradtior i heared what u siad about me, and this fed so go back your gone hey do it to him right now end his Career!
And then all of suddenly the masked man Slams Heyman aka Ron down onto the mat, and then the man stands over heyman and then the masked man takes off his mask, and then all of suddenly its Sweet Justice and he has a evil look on his face, and then u see Phil smile and then u see Jeff and Hall smile, and then Nitro goes to a Commericial Break as u see Sweet Justice look Evily towards phil stevens and then he Looks Down at Ron, aka Heyman who is out cold on the mat...
[Jim Ross]----Dammit what in thee hell is going on what does Sweet Justice and Stevens have to do with all of this and is Sweet Justice with the Darkside?....Dammit well be back fans
After the match u see Scott Hollywood still hurt from the beaten he got from the darkside and then in this match he shows so much Emtion after his win and then he gets the mic and then u see Nash, and Company in the ring congrats him and then scott gets the mic, and then talks to stevens and the darkside
[Scott Hollywood]----Hey Darkside and hey STEVENS!!!, It aint over yet Boys bring yours ass's out here right now dammit no one Mess's with the Ruff Ryders so Bring your ass's out right now!!
And then all of suddenly you see Phil stevens come on the Tron and he is all smiles and he talks to the Ruff Ryders..
[Scott Hollywood]----Bring your ass out here right now dammit!!
[Phil Stevens]----hello, oh come on its just a little Fun, Now hey Scott Tonight i told u not to mess with me, and look what happen and i have to say your a good Talent u won your match i mean wow, but guess what i got a suprise yet again for u guys and its called Security and i want Scott HollyWood and the Rest of u Ruff Ryders out of this arena right now dammit so Security Get them out of here now i want them in Jail Right now!
and then u see the Police come from the back and then they walk down to the ring, and then u see the Officers surround the Ruff Ryders and then phil talks
[Scott Hollywood]----oh i see Phil your going to Throw Your Power but we aint going easy man!
[Phil Stevens]----oh yeah u well becuase if u dont well Nash well loose his title and he wont make it to the last match so if i were u guys i would go easy, dammit Get them out of my ring but keep the tall one he has a match but the rest of them i want out of here now dammit!!
and then u see the ruff ryders getting hand cuffed, and then the Police escort them to the back and out of the arena and then nash is following them as they are getting escorted to the Police cars, and then phil goes off the tron and then Nitro Goes to a break...
After Match Segement
and then as Nash goes after the ref Who Dqed him, and then he goes after Jarrett and he Leaves the ring, and then the scene cuts to the back and then u see the Ruff Ryders being stopped from getting into the arena and then it cuts back to the ring and then u see Nash Powerbomb DDK, and then nash is standing tall in the ring, and then out of no where u see Scott Hall with a Sludge Hammer, and he Nails him in the back of the head and then nash falls, and then he is layed out in the middle of the ring, and then hall stands over him and then the camera man pans on nash as the Show goes off the air...
[Jim Ross]----dammit this was a damn Set up what is going to happen on next nitro dammit this was a Darkside Night here on Nitro well see u next week fans!