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An Honor Unit with Distinction

"An Honor Unit with Distinction"



Junior Reserves Officers’ Training Corps




Ride The Mighty Wave!!

1 May 2003

The annual inspection is tomorrow. The battalion staff would like to wish each and every cadet good luck.

2 April 2003

To all cadets interested for running for Mr. and Ms. J.R.O.T.C, please see C/CSM Charles Hawthorne, C/SSG Shawn Debose, and C/MAJ Stuart Smith for the criteria. The Military Ball will be held next month on the 10th of May. Candidates for Mr. and Ms. J.R.O.T.C should not wait until the last minute. In addition, there will be a parade held on 26 April 03 in Colonial Heights. Please see your instructor for more information. Finally, the annual inspection is on 02 May 03. Be sure you are squared away with your uniform and general knowledge questions.

3 February 2003

On 3 February 2003, Petersburg J.R.O.T.C will host it’s 3rd Annual Drill Meet Competition in Petersburg High School’s Gymnasium. Everyone is welcome to attend. We encourage you to bring a friend. The meet will last from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.  If you are a cadet and want to assist at the meet, please see one of the Battalion staff members.

31 January 2003

On January 31, 2003 the Petersburg High School J.R.O.T.C Unarmed Drill Team and Cadet Captain Desmoine Boyd performed for Vernon Johns Middle School students. The Unarmed Drill Team was led by Cadet Command Sergeant Major Charles Hawthorne. Cadet Captain Desmoine Boyd performed individual drill with arms. This performance was done to motivate and encourage the students from 6th to 8th grade the importance in passing the SOL test. The school is shooting for 70% or better passing grade on these tests. Click here for pictures.

25 November 2002

Congratulations to the Drill Team for winning 2nd place Armed Inspection and 3rd place Armed Regulation Platoon at the American Legion Drill Meet on 16 Nov 2002. The team also won 3rd place Armed Exhibition Squad and 1st place Unarmed Exhibition Squad at the Prince George Drill Meet on 23 Nov 2002. Keep up the good work. The battalion wishes you all a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday. Click on the American Legion text for pictures.

16 September 2002

Last week September 11, 2002 Petersburg HIgh School had a ceremony to honor all the victims involved in the terrorist attacks one year ago. Principal Ms. Gail Alexander spoke about the importance on remembering those lives lost in the attacks. Our very own Petersburg High Crimson Coral sang the National anthem and the band played "America the Beautiful" with Anthony Chatman a junior band member playing "Taps". The drama club also said a few words during the ceremony. The colors were presented by none other than Petersburg High School JROTC Color Guard. Pictures are linked below. Click Here for pictures.

Mission Statement:

To motivate young people to becoming better citizens.

Webpage Created by S-5 Officer C/CPT Desmoine Boyd

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