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Pinky's Shout Outs

*Doc - No one has ever put up with me the way that you have the last two years. You have supported me, made me laugh, made me cry (good tears, of course), and been there when my tears weren't so good. Your shoulder has been my comfort for so long now, it's hard to imagine life without ya. I know I'm hard to live with, and I know I drive you crazee sometimes, but know that you're one of the two people I truly trust. Thank you for being there for me, for loving me, and for tolerating my neurotic ass for so long! I love ya juggla.

*Momma - I love you more than life itself. You've taught me so many things, and brought me up to be an independent, strong woman. Without you, I would not have made it through some of the obstacles that I have faced in my life. You've always supported me, even when I didn't know what it was I wanted. You've always stood by me, even when I didn't deserve it. Thank you for loving me and raising me to always "be me." Thank you for telling me I was good enough when no one else would. I wish there was something I could do to make your life perfect. I really do. I love you Momma. I'm always gonna be "Momma's Baby Girl."

*Casey - Gurllllllllllllll.. hehe. It's been like 8 years since we hooked up and started causing trouble. I can't believe you went and got married and moved away. I'm so MAD at you for that, but I'm also so happy for you, too! I can't wait to be aunt Jenn Jenn. Love you hunny.

*Brandee - Don't get hype. Don't get hype. Hehe. Gurl, you were one of the first people to admire my voice and tell me to go for it. You are one of the only friends I've had of the female gender that didn't totally fuck me over. Thanks for the karaoke, the threats of kidnapping me and taking me to American Idol, and the chill times. I'm so happy for you, and yes, envious, of the life you have now. I'm so glad you're my girl. I love ya!

*Missy - I've known you since I was 7. Our birthdays are 11 days apart. Does that tell you anything? That's a lot of joint b day celebrations! I'm so proud of you and happy that you're still in my life. You are a blessing to this world, and your voice is one of sanity in my insane world. I love you hunny.

*Christina - Gurl, you don't know how much I appreciate you. I know I'm a bitch most of the time, and I tend to vent to you all the time and make it seem like I'm taking everything out on you, but damn.... You're one of the only ones who'll listen man! LOL... Thank you for being sunshine in my night, being there to calm me down and hype me up. You're a great friend and an even better sister. I love you chica.

*Mark - I know, I know. You're a pimp, and I hate you because you get more play than me, but I still love ya. Thanks for putting up with my shit and being so damn smooth. I'm still waiting for you to give me the booty, but all good things come in time, eh? Just playing, but not really. Love you.

*Joey - You're the fucking coolest man. You can play the drums, put up with me, AND you're always there when I need a pep talk. Again, I say, you are the fucking coolest. And I love you!

*Everyone at Rooney's and Goodfellas - Ya'll have given this lil pink haired punk somewhere to go. Thank you for chanting my name, thank you for loving me and my voice, and thank you for being so damned cool. I will not dissappoint.

*Everyone at Sparetimes - You guys are like my family. Since I was 15, it's always been something. I've met my best friend, adopted a daddo, met and dismissed the worst mistake of my life, gotten hired, gotten fired... Anything you can think of, I've done within those walls, and I wouldn't trade a minute of it. Thank you for being my family.

*Precious, Liz, Kisha and all the rest of you crazy ass people at APAC - YOU'RE FUCKING INSANE. I love it. That is all. :)