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Metropolitan Museum of Art

Location: New York, N.Y.

Stalking Panther

The Stalking Panther was made by Alexander Phimister Proctor between 1894 and 1917. When Proctor was a young child, he was facinated with panthers. In 1894, Proctor made a plaster mold of a shaved cat, which he refined for some time. After that Proctor did a bronze cast of the Stalking Panther. The Metropolitan owns the second version of this bronze cast. This artwork is a psychological study of a predators movement towards unseen prey as well as the artists interest in showing the animal as an uncivilized force of nature.

Washington Crossing the Delaware

Washington Crossing the Delaware was an artwork completed by Emanuel Leutze. He began working on this painting in 1849, but the artwork was damaged in a studio fire in 1850. The painting was restored and displayed in 1851 at an exhibition in New York. Washington Crossing the Delaware was destroyed in a bombing in 1942.

Prancing Horse

The Prancing Horse was completed around 1391 to 1353 during the New Egyptian Kingdom. It was shortly before this time that the horses were actually introduced to the Egyptian culture by the Hyksos. Horses were then becoming popular amongst Egyptian art as well as amongst work. The Prancing Horse is made of ivory that is stained a red color and had inlaid eyes of garnet, which fell out. The curved back of the horse shows how sensitive the Egyptians were to the importance of good qualities in an animal.

Presentation Sword

The Presentation Sword was made by John Targee in 1812. The sword is one of twelve swords that is made up of gold and steal, which was presented to twelve military officers in 1812 who were in command. Many parts of the sword reflects an important aspect of other cultures. One aspect is the design, which is based on the French Empire models.

Square Piano

This piece of artwork was completed by Robert Nunns and John Clark in 1853. The square piano is a reflection of the Renaissance and Rococo eclectricism. The piano is the size of a billiard table and is built on elephantine legs. The keyboard is a seven octave keyboard, which is made of mother-of-pearl,tortoiseshell, and abalone. Rudolph Kreter invented machines which could have made the feltcovered hammers.

Stirrup Jar With Octopus

This piece of terracotta pottery was believed to have been made during the Hellidic period, which was during the 1100's and 1200's BC. The shape of the pot goes along with the decorations that are on the pot due to the rounded soft shape. This type of pottery was very handy when carrying water during this period.

The Potter's HandThere are no problems in life, only challenges!