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Dogwood Clan - Cherokee

A special group of Little People live among the dogwood trees. These people are very delicate, both physically and emotionally. They look for only the good and beauty in everyone and in all things. They can be seen only when they choose to reveal themselves with the dogwood blossoms. They spend the rest of their time "dreaming" of good things for all people, animals, plants, those who swim, those who crawl and those who fly. They care for everything that mother earth provides.

When they do appear and look around, their tears become the dogwood blossoms. Some seasons the tears are scant and fall quickly, other seasons the petals linger and are full, depending on whether we are treating each other and all things with consideration, especially our mother earth. They are never known to be mischievous. All year they dream of helping each other, out of sincere and caring hearts, rather than for personal gain.
From the Archives of Blue Panther

Music Playing is 'Mystic'
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