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Pray With Cedar

"Here's the reason I pray with cedar. At one time we all used cedar. I don't care what kind of ceremony we had, all over the world, we used cedar. Cedar at one time said to us, 'When you put me over a rock, the fire, or whatever, or when you breathe me, I'll cleanse you from the inside, because I've got a clean root. I'm the one that gives the good smell to whatever is out here. I was here before you, and I'll continue to grow alongside you'.

Now everybody carries cedar with them. Wherever you go, you see a lot of people carrying little pouches with cedar in them. I even saw that over there in Stockholm, some people carrying little tiny pouches of cedar.

Cedar is something that continues to grow right alongside of us. Cedar was here before we became human beings. We have to use cedar, to cleanse ourselves, smoke ourselves, and smoke our homes."

"I ask you, Cedar, to give us here all that clean smell inside us, to cleanse us, purify us, purify our thinking, purify our homes."
From "The Way It Is"...Corbin Harney. (Spiritual Leader of the Western Shoshone Nation.)

Music Playing is 'Swans Dance' by Elan Michaels
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