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Salep Orchid

Some herbs are known to react with your medication. Please consult your physician before starting on any herb.

Name: Salep Orchid

Biological Name:
Orchis mascula, Allium Macleani, Orchis latifolia, Orchis laxiflora

Other Names:
Salep Orchid, Salam-mishri, Salabmishri

Parts Used: Root

Medicinal Applications
Restorative, invigorative, tonic

diabetes, diarrhea, dysentery, hemiplegia, paralysis, general weakness, impotence, nervous or sexual debility, wasting diseases

This herb is found in Iran and Afghanistan.

One teaspoon of powdered root to one cup of boiled milk

Avoid chilies, acids, very spicy foods, intoxicants, staying awake through the night, and sexual acts, when taking this herb. No other information about the safety of this herb is available.

Use caution. Ayurvedic herbs are often taken in combination with others to neutralize the toxicity one herb with the opposing effect of other. Do not take except under the supervision of a qualified professional

Music Playing is 'Temptuous Seas' by Elan Michaels
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