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Shamanism - Tsimshian

Curing Shamans
The search for supernatural power is a cultural trait common to most North American Native cultures. Shamans often had survived a serious illness, thereby gaining the power to heal others.

Shamans were usually called upon for their curing powers after all known herbal remedies and purification rites (sweat-baths) had failed. By this time, the patient could be very ill.

After making a preliminary examination, shamans could refuse to treat the patient, saying their spirit power could not handle that particular type of illness. In difficult cases, shamans informed the family that the patient would probably die, but that they were willing to attempt a cure, as long as it was understood that there was no guarantee of success. This protected the shamans if the patient died.

Tsimshian healing shamans did not usually wear masks while performing curing ceremonies. They wore bearskin robes, aprons, and crowns of grizzly-bear claws.

They also used a number of aids, including round rattles, skin drums, and charms. When shamans fell into a trance, they called on supernatural powers to cure the sick.

Tools of the Curing Shaman
Shamanic charms were small, carved figurines, as well as natural objects or animal parts. These were worn or carried by the shamans. Some of the shamans' tools - especially their rattles, staffs, and containers for their equipment - were decorated with paint or carvings representing their spirit helpers.

The Soul Catcher
Soul catcher, a medicinal charm for curing ceremonies, decorated with a figure representing a double-headed serpent. Personal health depended on the condition of the soul. If the soul became lost while separated from the body during a dream, or was driven out by witchcraft, a curer was hired to find it, capture it in a soul catcher, and restore it. This prevented illness from invading the "empty" body. Loss of soul was not the only cause of illness, however. The introduction of a foreign object into the body, or the casting of an evil spell, could also bring sickness. If the illness could not be cast out, or if the shaman was not strong enough, the sick person would die. Soul catchers were usually made of hollowed bear leg-bones, carved at each end to resemble the shape of an open-mouthed creature. Large soul catchers were sometimes mounted in the smokeholes of the houses to prevent souls from leaving prematurely.

The Rattle
The shaman's rattle was used to call up power from other worlds. The rattle was round and usually plain. Carvings or decorations made the world of supernatural beings visible.

The Staff
The shaman's staff was representative of the spirit helper, and was a visualization of the world axis that joined the upper world and the underworld.

The Head Scratcher
Head scratchers were usually made of bone, and were sometimes carved with figures representing the shaman. They were used for scratching the shaman's head, since a shaman's hair is thought to contain power and must not be touched.

The Drum
The drum was used to mark rhythm in shamanic chants.

Music Playing is 'Blood Brothers'
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