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The 4 Circles Part 2 - Hopi Prophecy (Reunification)

Thomas Banacyca said, (con't.): "Related to the Big Mountain issue -- it is their duty/reponsibility to their family, animals and all of nature, to keep this land protected and in harmony. Everything in nature has a power in it. Water represents purification of human beings. All spiritual people should unite on a spiritual path. To save this land is a mission assigned by the Great Spirit.

One of the prophecies:
All Indians and Non-Indians would one day (now) begin to understnd a great problem facing all people. Someday a white brother who went away to record things will return to this land and bring spiritual life to the continent. When White Brother returns, Hopi must keep their spiritual ways so they can show others how to live the right way. Very important job.

Elders know ancient knowledge, which also will be shared at the right time with all. Based on prophecy, Indians welcomed the white man. White man destroyed privilege. Indians gave hospitality and whites took everything. Indians do not lie - Whites tricked Indians with lies.

By prophecy
Four Corners will be area of confrontation bewtween White and Red. Indians will be pushed into Four Corners. Great Spirit told Hopi - live in harmony.

The power under the land would be used for destruction (natural radium modified and used as radioactive energy) by the White powers to be. There would be a) Terrible punishment if give up Four Corners (Hopi Elders also know about the prophecies of earth changes and Space Brothers - side note).

Recent events at the "Four Corners": Over 6,000 (in 1997) Hopis and Navajos are being forcibly removed to a barren, uninhabitable area through the wanton passage of Public Law 93-531.

While science is discovering that radioactive minerals and rushing underground streams, along with solare radiation (all present at the Four Corners), are the main sources of positive and negative ions in the atmosphere, which are essential to humanity for physical and mental health, a newly erected barbed wire fence is cruelly separating these Native Americans from their homeland and their trust.

Unthinkably, these sacred lands are being mined to remove the varualble radioactive mineras, the water table is drastically being reduced through wasteful stripmining (at 1, 110 gallons per minute), and the area is being contaminated by radioactive wastes.

Because of the Hopis' deep spiritual qualities and sensitivity to nature, they know that the essentail electromagnetic balance of life forces is maintained not only through nature's gifts of minerals, water, and sunlight and by the atmospheric currents and charged ion fields, but also by their sacred rituals and ceremonial dances. Their very presence in Hopi land, their demeanor and theri reverence for life, is a protection for the people of the earth, for all are bound together in a global grid pattern of energy.

Despite their warnings, a resource-hungry civilization is unwittingly and unknowingly moving in upon itself, to destroy the very life's breath of the planet that embraces it and alter the earth's delicate bio-electric balance (This information is indeed correct and has been substantiated by many leading Physicists/Geologists around the world). And fear for all of humanity, as well as for their own people and the Navajos, grips the Hopis.
**Anyone wishing more information on this topic can buy the Internationally recognized history novel titled: Dresden Codex (original version in German, but now available in English, French, Spanish) or go to:

The Hopi Website

Music Playing is 'Waterfall'
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