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The Horse People

The Horse People
Arriving from the underworld, the sky world and the Four Sacred Directions, animals were placed upon the earth by the Creator. Among them were the horse, buffalo, deer, coyote, wolf and dog. These sacred beings are part of every aspect of the daily life and the spiritual beliefs of the people of the Plains and Plateau.

Buffalo and Deer — Sustainers of Life
When treated with respect, the buffalo and deer allowed themselves to be killed to provide food and materials for clothing, shelter and tools. They communicated with people of the Plains and Plateau through dreams and were called upon during periods of hunger or war, the hunt and at other times of need. Every member of the community engaged in the hunt, contributing his or her special skills and gifts. Dogs sometimes assisted in the hunt and worked as pack animals. Horses made it possible to cover more territory and increased the chances of a successful hunt. The horse's strength and endurance also allowed hunters to carry home more meat.

The people of the Plains and Plateau expressed their special relationship with these sacred beings through stories and images. Stories tell of the time when these animals could speak. Images of the animals were carved, painted or depicted in symbolic form in beaded and quilled designs added to war and medicine tipis, clothing and sacred objects. Such images reminded people of the gifts of these sacred beings.

The relationship between humans and animals was also expressed through ritual observance. Sacred ceremonies, vision quests, prayers and songs were opportunities for people to thank sacred beings for their gifts and to seek their assistance in future endeavours. Objects that carried symbols of the horse, buffalo, deer, coyote, wolf and dog were used on these occasions to call upon the spirits of these animals.

Dress Proudly
The horse played a special role in the life of Plains and Plateau peoples as people made the transition from hunting to ranching and working as cowboys. People devoted time and money to honouring the horse by decorating saddles, bridles, cruppers and martingales, reflecting their pride in their animals.

The relationship with the horse, dog, coyote, buffalo and deer has changed over time, but the spiritual and everyday encounters with these sacred beings remain an important part of many people's lives. Throughout the ages, Northern Plains and Plateau peoples have had a special relationship with the horse, dog and buffalo. This relationship enabled them to adapt to ranching and rodeo life. Today, the pride and spirit of the "Horse People" live on.

For thousands of years, the Native people of North America have had a close relationship with the natural and supernatural beings who occupy the sky, earth and underworld.

These beings shared their knowledge with humans, teaching them a means of subsistence, the importance of respecting themselves and the spirit world, and the ceremonies required to sustain themselves and future generations.

The buffalo, deer, coyote, dog and horse are among those beings. They have played a significant role in the daily life and history of the Plains and Plateau peoples. The accounts of their relationships with humans are transmitted from one generation to another through songs, dances, ceremonies and stories. These are the "legends of our times" that link the people to their past and give meaning to the present.

The relationship between Native people and these special beings was altered forever by the rapid occupation of the North American West. The disappearance of the vast buffalo herds and the confinement of Native people to reservations and reserve lands destroyed the traditional way of life. Native buffalo hunters and horsemen had no choice but to adapt. Using their skills and knowledge of horses, they became ranchers and cowboys, and found employment in the motion picture industry, and as entertainers in Wild West shows and rodeos.

Despite the hardship, Plains and Plateau peoples survived the devastating period of dislocation and epidemics. Their stories of perseverance are also the legends of our times. Today, they proudly continue a long tradition of "cowboying" and maintain - artisans, poets and artists, they enrich North America's economic and cultural life. As performers and athletes, they entertain millions.

Music Playing is 'Cherokee 2'
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