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Wild Pond Lily

Some herbs are known to react with your medication. Please consult your physician before starting on any herb.

Wild Pond Lily

Biological Name:
Nymphaea odorata

Other Names:
Wild Pond Lily, white water lily, sweet-scented pond lily, sweet scented water lily, toad lily, pond lily, water lily, cow cabbage, sweet water lily, water cabbage

Parts Used: root

Remedies For:
Deobstruent, astringent, vulnerary, discutient, demulcent, antiseptic.

This herb is taken traditionally internally for leukorrhea, diarrhea, bowel complaints, scrofula, mucous troubles, inflamed tissues in various parts of the body and for bronchial troubles.

Very effective in dropsy, kidney troubles, catarrh of the bladder, or irritation of the prostate. Excellent for infant bowel troubles.

powder, tea, poultices

No information available.

Music Playing is 'October Moon' by Elan Michaels
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