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Premise and Credits

Inspiration can really hit you in a lot of places, but none is better, I feel, than while traveling for many hours on a highway. Somewhere several hours down the road, your mind enters a very open state where ideas and fancy ebb and flow with spectacular clarity... or you zone out and totally miss the past two hundred miles. Either can happen, actually.

Anyhow, while driving down the highway through the Appalachian mountains, I just started wondering what I would do if I was given a wish. To my surprise, I really could not think of anything at all. I mean, sure we would all like to line our pockets with a few zillion dollars, but seeing as how I'm not really money hungry or driven by similar egocentric appetites, I had a real problem deciding what I would wish for. Then I thought, wow, what an interesting dilemma that would be for a mortal, if a god or goddess came to Earth and offered to grant one wish, and that mortal could not decide what to wish for. Moreover, what if that mortal accidently wished to find out what her heart's desire really was? How would the god or goddess in question go about fulfilling that contract?

Throw in a demon or two, plus a few other characters, and you have a plot. I think it'll be an engaging one, but certainly not as long as NNFS has turned out to be. And unlike NNFS, this fan fiction is not based off of someone else's work, so there is nothing else to run out and read! The only credit I need give here is that all the AMG! characters are the concept of Kosuke Fujishima.

Hope you enjoy the story as it progresses.


Michael McAvoy.

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