Author's Notes on Chapter 7
Well, some of you have noticed that Tenchi and Company are giving Sasami a
really tough time for what might be argued as a very minor incident. I
wanted everyone to understand why I was writing all this rough work on
Sasami, so I figured I better write a note or two.
Primarily, there is a long tradition amongst almost all martial arts, be
it empty hand or kobudo(weapons) arts, of training the mind along with the
body. In many cases this involves a test in which the body is pushed
beyond its limits under harsh conditions. It is at this point where the
student realizes there is an inner spark of the mind which can make the
body continue on even when that body has given up.
The Mind leads the Spirit, and Spirit leads the Body.
At any rate, one might still ask, geeez why would anyone be masochistic
enough to do this to other people, much less allow it to happen to
Well, in answer to this, I have posted a little parable called the
Moth Story in the Martial Arts section of my
webpage. Hopefully, it will answer your questions. If you
have any
other concerns, feel free to write me!
Mike McAvoy