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Reunion 2001


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When we came to the gate, who was taking money but Mr. Jim Hines! He didn't try very hard to place us, and after twenty years I wouldn't expect it. Let it suffice to say, though, that some things never change and Jim Hines would definitely fall into that category! We got into the gate and met up with Natalie Dellinger Roy, who for some reason didn't know where we were gathering. At that point we were met by Sonja's Husband, "Zeke" Miller (Class of 1980) who had furnished a rollback truck, replete with hay bales for us to ride in the parade. There was some miscommunication as to how it would be decorated. Everyone thought I was making signs for the truck. I thought I was only making directional signs to the reunion! (Ooops)

After arranging the bales, we threw the kids and spouses up on the rollback and tried our best to fit everyone up there. Just as it got comfortable, more classmates showed up!

Lynne Funkhouser Hoye came and jumped on the back corner. Then Mary Perault Murray- who said her kids thought I was her "boyfriend" because of all the e-mails I sent them. Debbie Sine, who is expecting a baby, and Terry Smith, who just wanted to go out and quarterback one more time. Just when the float seemed full to capacity, I looked back to the gate and saw a familiar silhouette with red hair and a beard... "Radar" Swann had arrived! Horace held down (almost literally) the back end of the truck, and we were off for our circuit around the track.

As we lined up for the parade, we were chided by the current SJHS classes to "show our spirit".. They screamed at us, and it was Ray's idea to chant in reply "geezers, geezers, geezers!". We took our obligatory ride around the track, and except for our introduction in front of the grandstand, we were strangely quiet. I guess the whole thing was a little surreal. While on our circuit, we noticed Mark Jordan, who had gotten there late and missed the ride. Also, to our surprise was Cathy Silvia MacConnell! She came down to visit family and managed also to spend time with the class.

After the parade, we spent a half-hour trying to get everyone together. We eventually decided to sit on the stands (after much coaxing). Lynne Foley Reynard soon showed up, followed by Jon Bonadies, Kim Miller, Alvin "Groovy" Romick and David Myers- and we all had a great time as we watched the Generals trample over Wilson Memorial, 21-6. We were visited during the game by Bill and Brownie Ritenour. It was great to see the two of them after all the years!

Some of us decided to meet at the Sandtrap at Shenvalee for drinks afterward (but we'll save that discussion for later) while everyone else prepared for Saturday...

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