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This part of my site will be dedicated to further chronicling the history of the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry and document the valor of this famed regiment of Georgia patriots. As told earlier in my effort to present the history fo the 18th Georgia, they served the first part of the war alongsde the 1st, 4th and 5th Texas Regiments, as well as Hampton's Legion. Together, they would fight and again prove their reputation as a tough and ready brigade. Again and again, asked to bear the front of the fight... they were always ready to serve the cause..
18th Georfia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry Battle Flag, while serving in the Texas Brigade
18th Georgia Regiment
of Volunteer Infantry
Battle Flag

General John Bell Hood
General John Bell Hood
In early August of 1862, General John Bell Hood's Division, which included his famed Texas Brigade, were ordered to leave fortifications near Richmond, Va., along with the rest of General James Longstreet's I Corps. The plan was to reinforce Gen. Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson's divisions, who had engaged the enemy north of the Rapidan River. General Jackson's divisions were tasked with flanking the "Army of Virginia", a large Union force under the command of General John Pope.

The Confederates moved along the track of the Virginia Central Railroad, leisurely moving towards Louisa Court House. Once word was received of General Jackson's engagement at Cedar Mountain, against the Union corps of General Nathaniel P. Banks, the pace was quickened. General Longstreet had received orders to move his corps to the south bank of the Rapidan River, where on August 15, 1862... I Corps reinforced General Jackson's beleagured troops. General Longstreet deployed his troops on General Jackson's right. Late in the evening, the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry, along with their Brothers-In-Arms of the Texas brigade, rested near Racoon Ford.

On August 20, 1862, General Pope had his Union army moving away from the combined Confederate forces, toward the Rappahannock River. Generals Jackson and Longstreet started their Corps forward, in pursuit of the withdrawing Yankees... with the Texas Brigade taking the point of General Longstreet's advance. On August 21, 1862... the Texas Brigade had a slight but violent contact with General Pope's rear guard at Kelly's Ford.

The next day, the Fifth Texas skirmished with Union troops at Freeman's Ford, clearing the way for the rest of the brigade to cross the Rappahannock River. It was not long after the brigade crossed the Rappahannock River, it began to rain. It rained so hard the supporting wagons were unable to follow the Texas Brigade.

My Great Great Grandfather, Pvt. George R. Smith, returned to the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry on August 22, 1862... after a 40 day convalesence leave in Cartersville, Ga. He had been recovering from a severe leg wound he received while charging Turkey Hill, during the Battle of Gaines Mill or 1st Cold Harbor, on June 27, 1862.

General John Pope
General John Pope
On August 24, 1862, the Texas Brigade recrossed the Rappahannock and marched northward, Their route took them along the river's west bank, past Jefferson and on to Waterloo Bridge. This is where Hedgeman's Creek and Carter's Run meet, forming the Rappahannock River.

Later in the afternoon of August 26, 1862... General Longstreet ordered the Texas Brigade to move from the area of Waterloo Bridge and move toward the Thoroughfare Gap, which was in the Bull Run Mountains. An 18th Georgia veteran would later recall, "We kept tramping, all that evening and all that night, and at 8 p. m. next day the 27th we halted within a few miles of Thoroughfare Gap, and bivouacked...tired and footsore..."

There, they once again were in support of General T. J. Jackson's command... who had gotten around Union General Pope's army and had cut it off from Washington.

Passing through Orlean, the Texas Brigade crossed the Manassas Gap Railroad at Salem that afternoon and bivouacked near White Plains. The next morning they moved again and finishing a forced march of more than 30 miles, they made it to Thoroughfare Gap by mid-afternoon of August 28,1862.

Union General James B. Rickett's Division of General McDowell's Corps, were in position guarding the gap. General Hood's Division and two brigades of Gen. D. R. Jones' Division to clear the Gap, which they promptly did. Later, the evening of August 28, 1862... the Texas Brigade was guiding General Longstreet's corps through Thoroughfare Gap and on to the east side of the Bull Run Mountains.
Colonel William T. Wofford
Colonel William T. Wofford
18th Georgia Reg. of Volunteer Infantry
(Pictured here after promotion to Brigadier General)
Early the next morning, August 29, 1862... General Hood was ordered to lead the corps' advance to relieve General Jackson's troops, who were heavily engaged with General Popes Federals. General Hood's Division was deployed with the Texas Brigade on the south side of the road and Law's Brigade on the north side. General Longstreet's remaining divisions lined up to the right of General Hood's division. At this time, the brigade's commanding officer was Colonel William T. Wofford of the Eighteenth Georgia.

The remaining divisions of General Longstreet's command took most of the day to get into position. General Hood's division remained in position, where they were able to watch General Jackson's command repel assault after assault by the massed Federal divisions.

As the sun was setting, General Longstreet ordered General Hood to move his division, along with the added troops of Col. Nathan G. Evans' Brigade, to attack the Federal left and relieve General Jackson. However, before General Hood put his men in action, they were attacked by the Federal troops. General Hood ordered his men to counterattack and the Texas Brigade valiantly drove the Federals before them, nearly a mile behind their own lines, as darkness impeded their progress.

General Wofford would later report, "My regiment opened a well-directed fire and charged into a ravine, silencing the enemy and completely routing them..."

The Atlanta Southern Confederacy reported, "A hand to hand conflict is awful enough in day time, but amid pitch darkness it is absolutely diabolical. Bayonets, butts of muskets, and even fists were used freely. The yells of the victors, the shrieks of the wounded, and the groans of the dying, together with the rattle and flash ofmusketry in the darkness...made up a scene which beggars all description."

Private T.H. Northcutt of the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry captured the flag of the 24th New York and the regiment captured captured 53 prisoners.

General Hood's division had moved so rapidly and enjoyed such quick success deep into the enemies lines, that they were nearly surrounded by the Union troops. General Hood ordered his division to withdraw back to its original positions and safety.

General Pope observed the withrawl of General Hood's division and mistook it for a general Confederate retirement. He would telegraph Washington on the morning of August 30, 1862... that General Lee's Army of Northern Virginia was in full retreat. He then ordered the divisional assaults against General Jackson's men to resume. General Jackson's troops were entrenched in an unfinished railroad cut, which was just north of and running parallel to the Warrenton Pike.

The Union troops were not aware of General Longstreet's presence on the field, nor that they were crossing his front, exposing thmselves to a deadly enfilade fire from General Longstreet's artillery. The Texas Brigade, made up of the 1st Texas, 4th Texas, 5th Texas, Hampton's Legion and the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry, watched and waited for the order to come.... to advance.

Late in the afternoon of August 30, 1862... near 4:00 PM, General Longstreet finally gave the order to move against the unsuspecting Federals. The trap was sprung, General Hood's division moved enmasse with the other Confederate divisions. The Texas Brigade moved along the south side of the Warrenton Pike. Law's Brigade moved along on the north side of the pike. Colonel William T. Wofford had deployed the Texas Brigade with the First Texas holding a position at the far left, then the 4th Texas, the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry, Hampton's Legion and finally, the line was completed with the 5th Texas.

After moving through a wheatfield, the Texas Brigade engaged skirmishers of Col. Gouvernor K. Warrens 10th New York, The Union troops were no match for the advancing Confederates and along with the rest of the 10th New York, fell back into heavy woods... the Texas Brigade on their heels. As the Texas Brigade continued to move forward, they lost their alignment and soon the 1st and 4th Texas were isolated commands, the 18th Georgia, Hampton's Legion, and the 5th Texas somehow maintained their line of battle and continued on.

The two errant regiments, First Texas, under Col. P. A. Work, and the Fourth Texas, under Col. B. F. Carter continued their attacks against the enemy, alone. The 1st Texas was brought under murderous artillery fire, until reaching the safety of the valley of Young's Branch.

The 4th Texas continued to bring the fight to the 10th New York, scattering them along their front. Now the 4th Texas brought its weight to bear against a Union artillery battery stationed on a hill beyond Young's Branch. While the federal artillerists were firing grape shot and double cannister at the attacking Rebels, the 4th Texas advanced at the double quick. They overwhelmed the artillerymen and scattered their supporting infantry. However, the Union infantry soon rallied and brought their guns to bear on the 4th Texas. Colonel Carter ordered his brave Texans to seek shelter in a valley near Young's Branch. They were soon joined by the 1st Texas and remained their until relieved by the troops of General Evans' Brigade.

Brigadier General Gouvernor K. Warren
Brigadier General Gouvernor K. Warren
Meanwhile, the 18th Georgia, Hampton's Legion and 5th Texas continued to advance against Union Colonel Warren's second line of defense. This line was held by the Fifth New York Infantry west of Young's Branch. Union soldiers from the 10th New York fled across the front of the advancing Confederates and the 5th New York, for fear of hitting their own men, fired a high volley of musketry, doing little damage. The three regiments of the Texas Brigade quickly fired directly into the 5th New York, killing nearly half of the Union soldiers. The remaining New Yorkers turned about and ran, entering the water of Young's Branch where they were cut down.

The Fifth Texas, Eighteenth Georgia, and Hampton's Legion moved on, overrunning an artillery position just a few hundred yards beyond Young's Branch and then moved forward to charge another battery posted on Chinn House Hill. General Hood sent orders to Colonel Wofford to halt his advance and wait for relief from Colonel Nathan Evans' Brigade.

In his official report of this action (sent to General Hood), Colonel Wofford wrote, "I halted my regiment as soon as my left was covered by the woods, and moved in line to the second battery through the woods, and over a slight declivity to within forty yards of the enemy's guns and their lines of support... At this point I had no support except a mere fragment of a regiment (supposed to be the Holcombe Legion which fought with much spirit and gallantry)... Seeing my men falling rapidly... and no reinforcements ariving, I withdrew my regiment..."

By nightfall, the combined forces of General Jackson and General Longstreet had accomplished a total and complete victory over the Union forces of General Pope. However, the Texas Brigade had wounded and dead men strewn over nearly a two mile area. As they regrouped, the survivors pillaged the dead Union soldiers for anything of use, weapons, ammo, food, shoes, etc... On August 31, 1862 the Texas Brigade was bivouaced near Henry House Hill.

The Texas Brigade lost 628 of its number, the First Texas suffered 10 killed, 18 wounded; Fourth Texas suffered 22 killed, 77 wounded; Fifth Texas suffered 15 killed, 245 wounded, with 1 missing; the Eighteenth Georgia suffered 19 killed, with 114 wounded; and Hampton's Legion suffered 11 killed, with 63 wounded.

The 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry moved to Fairfax Courthouse on September 3rd, to rest and regroup from the battle. Colonel Wofford sent captured flags of the 24th New York and the 10th New York Zouaves, to the Governor of Georgia, Governor Brown...accompanied by a letter which read, "I present to the state of Georgia two stands of colors captured by my regiment in the battles of the 29 & 30 August. The plain one belonging to the 24th N.Y. Regt was taken by T.H. Northcutt of Capt. Oneill's Co. from Cobb. The other belonging to the 10th NY Zouaves by Wm Key of Capt Ropers Co from Bartow Co. My Regiment took a battery of four splendid brass pieces on the 30th."


General John Bell Hood
General John Bell Hood

Report of Brigadier General John B. Hood, C. S. Army,
Commanding Division,
of operations August 22-31,
including Freeman's Ford, Groveton, and Manassas.


September 27, 1862.

SIR: I have honor to submit the following report of the operations of this division, composed of two brigades - Fourth Alabama, Second and Eleventh Mississippi, and Sixth North Carolina, Colonel E. M. Law commanding; my own brigade, First, Fourth, and Fifth Texas, Eighteenth Georgia, and Hampton Legion; and [James] Reilly's [W. K.] Bachman's, and [Hugh R.] Garden's batteries, Major B. W. Frobel commanding - in the engagements at Freeman's Ford, on the Rappahannock River, August 22; Plains of Manassas, August 29 and 30; Boonsborough Gap, Md., September 14, and Sharpsburg, Md., September 16 and 17:

On August 22, agreeably to orders of the commanding general, I proceeded to Freeman's Ford to relieve General Trimble's brigade. On my arrival in the afternoon I found the enemy had crossed over the river and were in the immediate front of General Trimble. The Texas brigade being placed on the right and Colonel Law's on the left, the attack was made at once, General Trimble leading off in the center. The enemy were driven precipitately over the Rappahannock with considerable loss, not less, I think, than from 200 to 300. During engagement Major D. M. Whaley, Fifth Texas, fell gallantly discharging his duties.

The next night the command marched to Waterloo Ford and relieved General A. P. Hill's division. From this point, having joined the main body of General Longstreet's forces, the march was continued in the direction of Manassas. On arriving at Thoroughfare Gap the enemy were drawn up in line do dispute our passage. After a spirited little engagement with them by General D. R. Jones' troops, on the evening of the 28th instant, our forces were able to bivouac for the night beyond the Gap.

The next morning at daylight the march was again resumed, with the plains of Manassas, engaging General Jackson's forces. Disposition of the troops being made, the Texas brigade advanced in line of battle down and on the immediate right of the pike leading to the stone bridge, and Colonel Law's brigade on the left. Arriving on a line with the line of battle established by General Jackson, the division was halted by order of the general commanding.

About 4 o'clock in the afternoon the enemy made a fierce attack upon General Jackson, his noble troops holding their ground with their usual gallantry. At sunset an order came to me from the commanding general to move forward and attack the enemy. Before, however, this division could come to attention it was attacked, and I instantly ordered the two brigades to move forward and charged, and I instantly ordered the two brigades to move forward and charge the enemy, which they did most gallantly, driving them in confusion in front of them. Colonel Law's brigade, being engaged with a very heavy force of the enemy, captured one piece of artillery, three stand of colors, and 100 prisoners, and the Texas brigade three stand of colors. It soon became so very dark that it was impossible to pursue the enemy any farther.

At 12 o'clock at night orders came to retake our position on the right of General Jackson, in which the battle of the plains of Manassas commenced by a most vigorous attack by the enemy upon the right of General Jackson. After a severe struggle the enemy gave way in great contusion on the left of the pike, and by direction of the general commanding I moved forward this division, with the Texas brigade on the right of the pike and Colonel Law's advancing on the left and passing over to the right. Within 150 yards after leaving their position the Texas brigade became engaged with a heavy force of the enemy, but with their usual daring and enthusiasm they charged gallantly on,driving a largely superior force a distance of 1 1/2 miles, causing terrible slaughter in their ranks, capturing a battery of four guns crowning the heights near the Chinn house.

Colonel Law's brigade having moved forward on the left, driving the enemy and accomplishing most noble work in their immediate front; the Texas brigade having gained the heights, and being a long distance in advance of the remainder of our troops and very much exhausted, I ordered them to halt and hold their ground. Soon after General Evans' brigade came up and became engaged. I passed on to the heights and assisted in placing other brigades in position as they arrived on the field, and so soon as my own troops were sufficiently rested they were brought forward and slept upon the field of battle near the Sudley Ford road. The noble troops of this division captured four pieces of artillery and eight stand of colors, and as to their gallantry and unflinching courage they stand unsurpassed within the history of the world.

Many gallant officers and men fell upon this memorable field, and our country had cause to regret the loss of none of her sons more than that of Lieutenant Colonel John C. Upton, Fifth Texas. Major [W. P.] Townsend, of the Fourth Texas; Lieutenant-Colonel [S. Z.] Ruff and Major [J. C.] Griffis, of the Eighteenth Georgia, and Captain K. Bryan, acting their duties. Of the different regimental commanders too much cannot be said. Colonel J. B. Robertson, Fifth Texas, was wounded while directing his regiment far in advance of the crest of the hill, when the brigade was ordered to halt. Colonel W. T. Wofford, of the Eighteenth Georgia; Lieutenant Colonel B. F. Carter, commanding fourth Texas; Lieutenant Colonel P. A. Work, First Texas; Lieutenant-Colonel [M. W.] Gary, commanding Hampton Legion; Colonel [J. M.] Stone, Second Mississippi; Colonel P. F. Liddell, Eleventh Mississippi; Lieutenant Colonel O. K. McLemore, fourth Alabama, and Major R. F. Webb, Sixth North Carolina, although not wounded, were conspicuous upon this hotly contested field, leading forward the many brave men of their commands. After all the field and acting field officers of the Fifth Texas Regiment had fallen, Captain I. N. M. Turner gallantly led that regiment through.*

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Brigadier-General, Commanding Division.

Major G. MOXLEY SORREL, Assistant Adjutant-General.


General James Longstreet
General James Longstreet

Report of Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet,
C. S. Army, Commanding First Corps,
of the Battles of Groveton and Manassas

October 10, 1862.
Col. R. H. CHILTON, Assistant Adjutant-General.
GENERAL: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my command in the late campaign:

In obedience to the orders of the commanding general the command marched from Gordonsville on August 16, crossing the Rapidan on the 20th at Raccoon Ford.

The next day at Kelly's Ford I received orders to move up the Rappahannock to Rappahannock Station. As we were withdrawing from Kelly's Ford the enemy crossed the river and made an attack upon the rear brigade (Featherston's), under the command of Colonel [Carnet] Posey. After a sharp skirmish Colonel Posey drove him back with considerable loss. Arriving at Rappahannock Station, General Hood, with his own and Whiting's brigade, was detached to relieve a portion of General Jackson's command at Freeman's Ford. About the moment that General Hood reached this ford the enemy crossed in considerable force and made an attack upon the commands of Brigadier-Generals Trimble and Hood. They, however, drove him back across the river in much confusion and with heavy loss.

Meanwhile I had ordered Col. J. B. Walton to place his batteries in position at Rappahannock Station and to drive the enemy from his positions on both sides of the river. The batteries were opened at sunrise on the 23d and a severe cannonade continued for several hours. In about two hours, however, the enemy was driven across the river, abandoning his tete-de-pont. The brigades of Brig. Gens. N. G. Evans and D. R. Jones--the latter under Col. George T. Anderson--moved forward to occupy this position. It was found untenable, however, being exposed to a cross-fire of artillery from the other bank. The troops were therefore partially withdrawn, and Col. S. D. Lee was ordered to select positions for his batteries and joined in the combat. The enemy's position was soon rendered too warm for him, and he took advantage of a severe rain-storm to retreat in haste, after firing the bridge and the private dwellings in its vicinity. Colonel Walton deserves much credit for skill in the management of his batteries, and Colonel Lee got into position in time for some good practice.

The next day (August 24) the command, continuing to march up the Rappahannock, crossed Hazel River and bivouacked at Jeffersonton.

On the 25th we relieved a portion of General Jackson's command at Waterloo Bridge. There was more or less skirmishing at this point until the afternoon of the 26th, when the march was resumed, crossing the Rappahannock at Hinson's Mill Ford, 6 miles above Waterloo.

A dash of several squadrons of Federal cavalry into Salem, in front of us, on the 27th, delayed our march about an hour. Not having cavalry, I was unable to ascertain the meaning of this movement; hence the delay. This cavalry retired and the march was resumed, resting for the night at White Plains. The head of my column reached Thoroughfare Gap about 3 p.m. on the 28th. A small party of infantry was sent into the mountain to reconnoiter. Passing through the Gap, Colonel [Benjamin] Beck, of the Ninth Georgia Regiment, met the enemy, but was obliged to retire before a greatly superior three. The enemy held a strong position on the opposite gorge and succeeded in getting his sharpshooters in position on the mountain. Brig. Gen. D. R. Jones advanced two of his brigades rapidly and soon drove the enemy from his position on the mountain. Brigadier-General Hood, with his own and General Whiting's brigade, was ordered by a foot-path over the mountain to turn the enemy's right, and Brigadier-General Wilcox, with his own and Brigadier-Generals Featherston's and Pryor's brigades, was ordered through Hopewell Gap, 3 miles to our left, to turn the right and attack the enemy in rear. The enemy made his attack upon Jones, however, before these troops could get into their positions, and after being repulsed with severe loss commenced his retreat just before night. In this affair the conduct of the First Georgia Regulars, under Major [John D.] Walker, was dashing and gallant.

Early on the 29th the columns were united and the advance to join General Jackson was resumed. The noise of battle was heard before we reached Gainesville. The march was quickened to the extent of our capacity. The excitement of battle seemed to give new life and strength to our jaded men, and the head of my column soon reached a position in rear of the enemy's left flank and within easy cannon-shot. On approaching the field some of Brigadier-General Hood's batteries were ordered into position, and his division was deployed on the right and left of the turnpike at right angles with it, and supported by Brigadier-General Evans' brigade. Before these batteries could open the enemy (discovered our movements and withdrew his left. Another battery (Captain Stribling's) was placed upon a commanding position to my right, which played upon the rear of the enemy's left and drove him entirely from that part of the field. He changed his front rapidly, so as to meet the advance of Hood and Evans. Three brigades, under General Wilcox, were thrown forward to the support of the left, and three others, under General Kemper, to the support of the right of these commands. General D. R. Jones' division was placed upon the Manassas Gap Railroad to the right and en echelon with regard to the three last brigades. Colonel Walton placed his batteries in a commanding position between my line and that of General Jackson, and engaged the enemy for several hours in a severe and successful artillery duel. At a late hour in the day Major-General Stuart reported the approach of the enemy in heavy columns against my extreme right. I withdrew General Wilcox, with his three brigades, from the left and placed his command in position to support Jones in case of an attack against my right. After some few shots the enemy withdrew his forces, moving them around toward his front, and about 4 o'clock in the afternoon began to press forward against General Jackson's position. Wilcox's brigades were moved back to their former position, and Hood's two brigades, supported by Evans, were quickly pressed forward to the attack. At the same time Wilcox's three brigades made a like advance, as also Hunton's brigade, of Kemper's command. These movements were executed with commendable zeal and ability. Hood, supported by Evans, made a gallant attack, driving the enemy back until 9 o'clock at night. One piece of artillery, several regimental standards, and a number of prisoners were taken. The enemy's entire force was found to be massed directly in my front, and in so strong a position that it was not deemed advisable to move on against his immediate front ;. so the troops were quietly withdrawn at 1 o'clock the following morning. The wheels of the captured piece were cut down and it was left on the ground.

The enemy seized that opportunity to claim a victory, and the Federal commander was so imprudent as to dispatch his Government by telegraph tidings to that effect. After withdrawing from the attack my troops were placed in the line first occupied and in the original order.

During the day Col. S. D. Lee, with his reserve artillery placed in the position occupied the day previous by Colonel Walton, engaged the enemy in a severe artillery combat. The result was, as the day previous a success.

At 3.30 o'clock in the afternoon I rode to the front for the purpose of completing arrangements for making a diversion in favor of a flank movement then under contemplation. Just after reaching my front line I received a message for re-enforcements for General Jackson, who was said to be severely pressed. From an eminence near by one portion of the enemy's masses attacking General Jackson were immediately within my view and in easy range of batteries in that position. It gave me an 'advantage that I had not expected to have, and I made haste to use it. Two batteries were ordered for the purpose, and one placed in position immediately and opened. Just as this fire began I received a message from the commanding general, informing me of General Jackson's condition and his wants. As it was evident that the attack against General Jackson could not be continued ten minutes under the fire of these batteries I made no movement with my troops. Before the second battery could be placed in position the enemy began to retire, and in less than ten minutes the ranks were broken and that portion of his army put to flight. A fair opportunity was offered me, and the intended diversion was changed into an attack. My whole line was rushed forward at a charge. The troops sprang to their work, and moved forward with all the steadiness and firmness that characterizes war-worn veterans. The batteries, continuing their play upon the confused masses, completed the rout of this portion of the enemy's line, and my attack was therefore made against the forces in my front. The order for the advance had scarcely been given when I received a message from the commanding general anticipating some such emergency, and ordering the move which was then going on, at the same time offering me Major-General Anderson's division. The commanding general soon joined me, and a few moments after Major-General Anderson arrived with his division. The attack was led by Hood's brigades, closely supported by Evans. These were rapidly re-enforced by Anderson's division from the rear, Kemper's three brigades and D. R. Jones' division from the right, and Wilcox's brigade from the left. The brigades of Brigadier-Generals Featherston and Pryor became detached and operated with a portion of General Jackson's command. The attacking columns moved steadily forward, driving the enemy from his different positions as rapidly as he took them. My batteries were thrown forward from point to point, following the movements of the general line. These, however, were somewhat detained by an enfilade fire from a battery on my left. This threw more than its proper share of fighting upon the infantry, retarded our rapid progress, and enabled the enemy to escape with many of his batteries which should have fallen into our hands. The battle continued until 10 o'clock at night, when utter darkness put a stop to our progress. The enemy made his escape across Bull Run before daylight. Three batteries, a large number of prisoners, many stands of regimental colors, and 12,000 stands of arms, besides some wagons, ambulances, &c., were taken.

The next day, like the day after the first battle of Manassas Plains, was stormy and excessively disagreeable. Orders were given early in the day for caring for the wounded, burying the dead, and collecting arms and other supplies. About noon General Pryor, with his brigade, was thrown across Bull Run, to occupy the heights between that and Cub Run, and at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the balance of the command marched to cross Bull Run at Sudley Ford. Crossing the run on the following day, the command marched for Chantilly via the Little River turnpike. The enemy was reported in position in our front as we reached Chantlily, and he made an attack upon General Jackson before my troops arrived. He was repulsed, however, before my re-enforcements got up and disappeared during the night.

The name of every officer, non-commissioned officer, and private who has shared in the toils and privations of this campaign should be mentioned. In one month these troops had marched over 200 miles upon little more than half rations and fought nine battles and skirmishes; killed, wounded, and captured nearly as many men as we had in our ranks, besides taking arms and other munitions of war in large quantities. I would that I could do justice to all of these gallant officers and men in this report. As that is impossible. I shal1 only mention those most prominently distinguished. These were Maj. Gen. R. H. Anderson, on the plains of Manassas, at Harper's Ferry, and at Sharpsburg, where he was wounded severely. Brig. Gen. D. R. Jones, at Thoroughfare Gap, Manassas Plains, Boonsborough, and Sharpsburg. Brig. Gen. R. Toombs, at Manassas Plains, in his gallant defense of the bridge at Antietam, and in his vigorous charge against the enemy's flank; he was severely wounded at the close of the engagement. Brig. Gen. C. M. Wilcox, at Manassas Plains on August 29 and 30;afterward absent, sick. Brigadier-General[Richard B.] Garnett, at Boonsborough and Sharpsburg. Brigadier-General Evans, on the plains of Manassas both on August 29 and 30, and at Sharpsburg. Brigadier-General [James L.] Kemper, at Manassas Plains, Boonsborough, and Sharpsburg. Brigadier-General [John B.] Hood and Cols. E.M. Law and W. T. Wofford, at Manassas Plains on August 29 and 30, Boonsborough, and at Sharpsburg on the 16th and 17th. Col. G. T. Anderson, commanding D. R. Jones' brigade, at Thoroughfare Gap, Manassas Plains, Boons-borough, and Sharpsburg. Brigadier-General [William] Mahone, at Manassas Plains, where he received a severe wound. Brig. Gen. R. A. Pryor, at Sharpsburg. Brig. Gen. M. Jenkins, at Manassas Plains on August 29 and 30; on the last day severely wounded. Colonels [Eppa] Hunton, M.D. Corse, [William D.] Stuart, P. F. Stevens, John C. Hately (severely wounded), and [Joseph Walker (commanding Jenkins' brigade after the latter was wounded), at Manassas Plains, Boons-borough, and Sharpsburg. Colonel Posey, at Manassas Plains and Sharpsburg, where he commanded Featherston's brigade. Col. Henry L. Benning, at Manassas Plains and Sharpsburg. At Sharpsburg, Capt. M. B. Miller, of the Washington Artillery, was particularly distinguished. Colonel Walton, of the Washington Artillery, at Rappahannock Station, Manassas Plains (August 29), and Sharpsburg; and Major [John J.] Garnett, at Rappahannock Station. Lieutenant-Colonels [Fred. G.] Skinner and [Morton] Marye, at Manassas Plains, where they were both severely wounded; and Maj. R. L. Walker, at Thoroughfare Gap and Manassas Plains. In the latter engagement this gallant officer was mortally wounded. It is with no common feeling that I recount the loss at Manassas Plains of Cols. J. M. Gadberry, Eighteenth South Carolina; [John H.] Means, Seventeenth South Carolina; [John V.] Moore, Second South Carolina; [Thomas J.] Glover, First South Carolina; W. T. Wilson, Seventh Georgia, and Lieut. Col. J. C. Upton, Fifth Texas. At Boons-borough, Col. J. B. Strange, Nineteenth Virginia Volunteers, and Lieut. Col. O.K. McLemore, Fourth Alabama; and at Sharpsburg, Col. P. F. Liddell, Eleventh Mississippi; Lieutenant-Colonel Coppens [Louisiana Battalion] and Lieutenant-Colonel [William R.] Holmes, Second Georgia Volunteers. These valuable and gallant officers fell in the unflinching performance of their duty, bravely and successfully heading their commands in the thickest of the fight.

To my staff officers--Maj. G. M. Sorrel, assistant adjutant-general, who was wounded at Sharpsburg; Lieut. Col. P. T. Manning, chief of ordnance; Maj. J. W. Fairfax; Maj. Thomas Walton, who was also wounded at Sharpsburg; Capt. Thomas Goree and Lieut. R. W. Blackwell--I am under renewed and lasting obligations. These officers, full of courage, intelligence, patience, and experience, were able to give directions to commands such as they thought proper, which were at once approved and commanded my admiration.

Lieutenant-Colonel Blount volunteered his services to me at Boonsborough, and was both there and at Sharpsburg of material service to me.

The medical department, in charge of Surgeon Cullen, were active and unremitting in the care of the wounded, and have my thanks for their humane efforts.

My party of couriers were zealous, active, and brave. They are justly entitled to praise for the manly fortitude and courageous conduct shown by them in the trying scenes of the campaign.

The cavalry escort, commanded by Captain Doby, have my thanks for meritorious conduct and valuable aid. Captain Doby, Lieutenants Bouncy and Matheson, Sergeants Lee and Haile, and Corporals Whitaker and Salmond were distinguished in the active and fearless performances of their arduous duties.

I am indebted to Col. R. H. Chilton, Colonel Long, Majors Taylor, Marshall, Venable, and Talcott, and Captains Mason and Johnston, of the staff of the commanding general, for great courtesy and kindness in assisting me on the different battle-fields.

I respectfully ask the attention of the commanding general to the reports of division, brigade, and other commanders, and approve their high encomiums of their officers and men.

Reports of killed, wounded, and missing have already been forwarded.

I remain, sir, most respectfully, your obedient servant,


Lieutenant-General, Commanding.

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