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"sharing as they have the arduous fatigues and privations of many campaigns in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Tennessee, and participating in nearly every great battle fought in those States, ..... the officers and men displayed the most heroic bravery, fortitude, and energy, in every duty they have been called upon to perform"----Confederate Congress commending the Officers and men of General Longstreet's 1st Corps
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GORDON COUNTY, GEORGIA "Stephens Infantry"
The Men and Their Service Records

Alexander, J. T. (or J. L.) -- Private - June 11, 1861. Captured at Spotsylvania, Virginia May 12, 1864. Paroled at Point Lookout, Maryland in 1864. Received at Savannah River, Georgia for exchange November 15, 1864. No later record.

Alexander, T. P. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Discharged October 20, 1861.

Allen, John E. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Roll for August 31, 1864, last on file, shows him absent without leave. No later record.

Arnold, Martin -- Private - June 11, 1861. Wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland September 17, 1862. Captured at Burkeville, Virginia April 1865. Released at Newport News, Virginia June 25, 1865.

Ballard, Joseph -- Private - June 11, 1861. Captured at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania July 3, 1863. Paroled at Point Lookout, Maryland and transferred for exchange January 17, 1865. Received at Boulware Wharf, James River, Virginia, January 21, 1865. (Born in Campbell County, Tennessee December 5, 1820.)

Ballentine, Josiah J.(or Balentine) -- Private - June 11, 1861. Died at Richmond, Virginia September 28, 1861.

Ballentine, W. H.(or Balentine) -- Private - June 11, 1861. Died at Richmond, Virginia October 2, 1861.

Ballew, W. C. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Killed at Spotsylvania, Virginia May 10, 1864.

Baughan, B. F. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Appointed 2nd Sergeant July 12, 1862. Wounded at Wilderness, Virginia May 6, 1864. Absent, wounded, August 31, 1864. No later record.

Baughan, H. Alonzo -- Private - June 11, 1861. Wounded at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 30, 1862. Paroled at Lynchburg, Virginia April 13, 1865.

Baxter, Robert N.(or Robert A.) -- Private - June 11, 1861. Appointed 5th Sergeant September 5, 1862. In Rome, Georgia hospital November l, 1863. No later record.

Beauchamp, Joseph -- Private - June 11, 1861. Transferred to Company H, August 1862. Wounded at Chancellorsville, Virginia May 3, 1863. Roll dated January 31, 1865, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

Brooks, John B. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Wounded in right hip and captured at Sharpsburg, Maryland September 17, 1862. Paroled September 27, 1862. Admitted to U.S.A. General Hospital #5 at Frederick City, Maryland October 4, 1862, and died from wounds October 12, 1862.

Brown, E. L. -- Jr. 2nd Lieutenant - June 11, 1861. Elected 2nd Lieutenant April 7, 1862. Killed at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 20, 1862.

Bryson, John S. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Appointed 4th Corporal August 31, 1861. Died of tetanus in C. S. Hospital at Petersburg, Virginia April 3, 1862.

Caldwell, John W. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Wounded while on picket duty September 14, 1862; at Chancellorsville, Virginia May 3, 1863. Retired June 10, 1864. Appears on roll of retired men at Columbus, Georgia dated December 3, 1864. No later record.

Childers, H. Curtis -- Private - September 22, 1863. Paroled, Montgomery, Alabama May 31, 1865.

Collins, D. M. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Surrendered, Appomattox, Virginia April 9, 1865.

Collins, J. A. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Transferred to the 23rd Regiment Georgia Infantry in 1864. Name is not borne on any company of said regiment. Received pay as a member of Company E, l8th Regiment Georgia Infantry June 10, 1864. No later record.

Collins, M. S. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Appointed Corporal. Killed at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 30, 1862.

Collins, T. W. -- Private - July 22, 1861. Received pay September 7, 1864. No later record.

Cook, Benjamin F. -- Private - August 11, 1861. Captured at Knoxville, Tennessee November 28, 1863. Died of chronic diarrhoea at Rock Island, Illinois January 20, 1864.

Cook, H. C. -- Private - August 11, 1861. Wounded at Spotsylvania, Virginia May 12, 1864. Absent, wounded, August 31, 1864. No later record.

Crawford, M. J. -- 1st Lieutenant - June 11, 1861. Wounded at Chancellorsville, Virginia May 3, 1863. Rolls for August 31, 1864, shows he "has authority to appear before Medical Examining Board for retirement." No later record.

Crawford, W. H. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Appointed 2nd Corporal. Discharged June 19, 1864.

Dooly, Thomas B. -- Private - June 22, 1861. Discharged on account of lameness caused by white swelling November 18, 1861.

Dover, Thomas C. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Appointed Corporal. Wounded at Chancellorsville, Virginia May 3, 1863. Captured at Cold Harbor, Virginia June 1, 1864. Paroled at Elmira, New York and sent to James River, Virginia for exchange March 2, 1865. Deserted at Richmond, Virginia March 11, 1865. Signed oath of allegiance to U. S. Government at Knoxville, Tennessee April 3, 1865.

Doyal, John L. -- Private - July 19, 1861. Discharged, disability, September 29, 1861.

Eddleman, Samuel -- Private - June 11, 1861. Wounded at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 30, 1862; Chancellorsville, Virginia May 3, 1863. Roll for August 31, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

Ellis, R. F. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Captured at Cedar Creek, Virginia October 19, 1864. Paroled at Point Lookout, Maryland March 28, 1865. Received at Boulware's Wharf, James River, Virginia for exchange, March 30, 1865. No later record. (Resident of Georgia since 1840.)

Ellis, W. H. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Died April 15, 1862.

Freeman, James -- Private - August 11, 1861. Appears last on roll for August 1862.

Fuller, J. T. -- 1st Corporal - June 11, 1861. Appointed 1st Sergeant. Captured at Wilderness, Virginia May 6, 1864. Died at Point Lookout, Maryland February 13, 1865.

Gibson, J. L. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Transferred to Company D, 23rd Regiment Georgia Infantry January 1, 1862. Appears last on roll for February 29, 1864.

Goodman, Coswell S. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Died at home in Georgia, while on sick furlough, August 17, 1861, or March 1862.

Grant, R. R. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Appears last on roll for October 31, 1861.

Green, F. M. -- Private - June 28, 1862. Wounded through right shoulder at Front Royal, Virginia September 19, 1864. On wounded furlough August 31, 1864. No later record.

Guyton, J. S. -- Private - August 11, 1861. Wounded at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 30, 1862. Captured at Cold Harbor, Virginia June 1, 1864. Paroled at Elmira, New York March 14, 1865. Received at Boulware's Wharf, James River, Virginia for exchange, March 18-21, 1865. No later record.

Guyton, M. J. -- Private - March 28, 1863. Captured at Cold Harbor, Virginia June l,1864. Released at Elmira, New York May 19, 1865.

Hall, Thomas A. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Missing since battle of Sharpsburg, Maryland September 17, 1862. No later record.

Harris, W. O. -- Private - August 11, 1861. Wounded at Cold Harbor, Virginia June 27, 1862. Roll for August 31, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

Hassett, John M. -- Private - June 23, 1863. Absent without leave August 31, 1864. No later record.

Hickman, J. O. A. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Discharged on account of epilepsy February 18, 1862.

Holcombe, Absalom -- Private - June 11, 1861. Appointed Sergeant. Wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland September 17, 1862; Cedar Creek, Virginia October 19, 1864. Received pay December 16, 1864. No later record.

Honk, William (or Houk) -- Private - June 11, 1861. Absent without leave August 31, 1864. Deserted in 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Government at Clarksburg, W. Virginia and released November 20, 1864.

Jarrett, John J. -- Private - July 30, 1861. Killed at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 30, 1862.

Johnson, Nathan -- Private - June 17, 1861. Appears last on roll for August 1862.

Kelley, Daniel -- Private - June 11, 1861. Absent without leave August 31, 1864. No later record. Died in 1907.

Kelley, F. M. -- Private - June 25, 1862. Absent without leave August 31, 1864.

Kelley, John W. -- Private - May 4, 1864. Captured at Cedar Creek, Virginia October 19, 1864. Paroled at Point Lookout, Maryland February 18, 1865. Received at James River, Virginia for exchange February 20, 1865. Paroled at Kingston, Georgia May 12, 1865.

Kelley, W. J. -- Private - July 29, 1861. Killed at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 30, 1862.

Kennedy, Charles L. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Discharged, disability, at Richmond, Virginia October 31, 1862.

King, F. R. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Wounded at Chancellorsville, Virginia May 3, 1863. Absent without leave August 31, 1864. No later record.

Langley, John J. -- Private - August 3, 1861. Appointed 5th Sergeant December 9, 1861. Elected Jr.2nd Lieutenant September 5, 1862. Dropped from roll May l, 1863. (Born in Campbell County, Georgia May 4, 1839.)

Ledford, Milas -- Private - June 11, 1861. Wounded at Fredericksburg, Virginia December 13, 1862. Absent without leave August 31, 1864. No later record.

Lowry, A. J.(or Lowery) -- Private - June 11, 1861. Wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland September 17, 1862; Chancellorsville, Virginia May 3, 1863. On wounded furlough August 31, 1864. No later record.

Lusk, John -- Private - August 11, 1861. Discharged September 20, 1864.

Martin, Malachi -- Private - June 11, 1861. Wounded at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 30, 1862. Absent, wounded November 1862. No later record.

Murdock, Ellett F. M. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Appointed Sergeant. Released at Nashville, Tennessee May 12, 1865.

Nally, Benson -- Private - June 11, 1861. Discharged September 1861.

Nave, D. W. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Discharged, disability, December 8, 1861.

Nave, J. A. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Captured near Knoxville, Tennessee November 29, 1863. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Government and enlisted for frontier service in U. S. Army at Rock Island, Illinois October 4, 1864.

Nave, W. R. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Deserted July 20, 1861.

Nesbit, J. W.(or J. S.) -- Private - May 4, 1864. Captured at Burkeville, Virginia April 6, 1865. Released at Newport News, Virginia June 25, 1865.

Norwood, F. W. -- 2nd Corporal - June 11, 1861. Appointed 1st Corporal in 1862. Died July 1862.

Norwood, Joseph W. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Died April 25, 1862.

Pannell, J. L. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Discharged, disability, August 2, 1861. Rejoined company December 1863.

Pannell, William M. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Wounded at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 30, 1862. Roll for August 31, 1864, shows him present. No later record.

Patton, A. H. -- 2nd Lieutenant - June 11, 1861. Appointed Adjutant April 7, 1862; Captain and A. A. G. of Wofford's Brigade February 17, 1863. Killed at Chancellorsville, Virginia May 3, 1863.

Perkins, William -- Private - July 2, 1861. Captured at Cold Haror, Virginia June 1, 1864. Sent from Elmira, New York to James River, Virginia for exchange February 20, 1865. No later record.

Pritchett, James R. -- 4th Corporal - June 11, 1861. Elected Jr. 2nd Lieutenant of Company I,23rd Regiment Georgia Infantry August 31, 1861; 2nd Lieutenant July 1862. Captured at Chancellorsville, Virginia May 2, 1863. Paroled at Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D. C., May 18, 1863. Wounded at Ocean Pond, Florida February 20, 1864. Died of wounds February 25, 1864.

Putnam, O. W. -- 2nd Sergeant - June 11, 1861. Elected Jr. 2nd Lieutenant July 12, 1862; 2nd Lieutenant August 30, 1862. Wounded at Sharpsburg, Maryland September 17, 1862. Wounded in left arm, necessitating amputation above elbow, and captured at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania July 2, 1863. Paroled at Johnson's Island, Ohio March 14, 1865. Exchanged at James River, Virginia March 22, 1865.

Ramsaur, D. H. -- 1st Sergeant - June 11, 1861. Elected 2nd Lieutenant May 12, 1863. Roll for August 31, 1864, last on file, shows him present. No later record.

Rassau, R. H. V. B.(or Russau) -- Private - July 2, 1861. Wounded at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 30, 1862. Absent without leave August 31, 1864. No later record.

Richey, J. A. -- Private - November 14, 1861. Captured at Cold Harbor, Virginia June l,1864. Released at Elmira, New York July 7, 1865.

Sampson, F. M. -- Private - August 11, 1861. Wounded in right arm, necessitating amputation, at Cold Harbor, Virginia June 27, 1862. Discharged, disability, July 18, 1862.

Sanders, B. F. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Wounded at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 30, 1862. Appointed Sergeant. Absent without leave August 31, 1864. Deserted in 1864. Took oath of allegiance to U. S. Government at Clarksburg, West Virginia and released November 20, 1864.

Satterfield, J. L. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Discharged July 1861.

Shipman, Samuel -- Private - June 11, 1861. Wounded at Chancellorsville, Virginia May 3, 1863. Absent without leave September 1863-August 1864. No later record.

Silks, William B. -- Private - June 24, 1861. On detail duty August 1862. No later record. (Born in Greenville District, South Carolina in 1833.)

Smith, E. M. -- Private - Enlisted as a private in Company D, 23rd Regiment Georgia Infantry August 31, 1861. Transferred to Company E, l8th Regiment Georgia Infantry November 1861. Killed at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 30, 1862.

Smith, J. M. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Wounded at Cold Harbor, Virginia June 27, 1862. Died of wounds July 4, 1862.

Smith, J. S. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Discharged, disability, July 6, 1861.

Smith, T. J. -- Private - Enlisted as a private in Company D, 23rd Regiment Georgia Infantry August 31, 1861. Transferred to Company E. l8th Regiment Georgia Infantry January 1, 1862. Killed at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 30, 1862.

Smith, W. S. -- Private - July 22, 1861. Deserted July 14, 1861.

Smith, W. T. -- 3rd Corporal - June 11, 1861. Transferred to Company I, 23rd Regiment Georgia Infantry December 1861. Appointed 1st Corporal January 1862. Captured and paroled at Warrenton, Virginia September 30, 1862. No later record.

Starr, E. J. -- Captain - June 11, 1861. Retired February 1865.

Swann, M. S. -- 3rd Sergeant - June 11, 1861. Transferred to Company H, December 9, 1861. Wounded at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 30, 1862. Appointed 2nd Sergeant in 1864. Absent without leave January 31, 1865. Pension records show he was detailed in machine shops at Atlanta, Georgia, and surrendered at Kingston, Georgia May 12, 1865. (Born in Rhea County, Tennessee March 9, 1833.)

Thompson, C. C. -- Private - July 2, 1861. Deserted July 14, 1861.

Underwood, E. J. -- Private - September28, 1862. Absent without leave August 31, 1864. No later record. (Born in Habersham County, Georgia in 1830.) Pension records show he was at home on sick furlough spring of 1865, to close of war.

Vernon, J. C. -- Private - September 28, 1862. Absent without leave from January 9 to August 31, 1864. No later record.

Walker, M. L. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Discharged July 6, 1861.

Warwick, Thomas G.(or Thomas J.) -- Private - June 11, 1861. Discharged, on account of disability resulting from rheumatism, November 18, 1861.

Weems, Francis A. -- 4th Sergeant - June 11, 1861. Wounded at 2nd Manassas, Virginia August 30, 1862. Appointed 1st Sergeant May 1863. Captured at Cartersville, Georgia September 28, 1864. Released at Camp Chase, Ohio. June 12, 1865.

Weems, Samuel C. -- 5th Sergeant - June 11, 1861. Appointed 3rd Sergeant December 9, 1861; Sergeant Major June 11, 1864. Elected 2nd Lieutenant of Company K, January 1865;1st Lieutenant January 30, 1865; Captain February 21, 1865. Captured at Sailor's Creek, Virginia April 6, 1865. Released at Johnson's Island, Ohio June 20, 1865.

Willis, D. -- Private - June 11, 1861. Died at Richmond, Virginia May 19, 1862.

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