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American by Birth -- Southern by the Grace of GOD!!

History of Updates to This Site

17 Aug 98 Finally started. Will be working hard for the next several weeks to create, edit and post a meaninful site.
18 Sept 98 Added Roster of 18th Georgia Volunteer Infantry
20 Sept 98 Joined the Civil War Virtual Ring and the Civil War Heritage Ring
20 Sept 98 Started work on page dedicated to the lives and brilliance of General Robert E. Lee and his Lieutenents, Generals Thomas (Stonewall) J. Jackson, James Longstreet, and J.E.B. Stuart
11 October 1998 Started work on page continuing the essay on the lives of General Robert E. Lee and his surviving Lieutenants, Generals Longstreet, J.E.B. Stuart, Richard Ewell, A.P. Hill, and George E. Pickett...after Gettysburg.
17 October 1998 Added a dedication to General William T. Wofford, Commanding Officer of the 18th Regiment Georgia Volunteer Infantry for much of its service during the war.
20 October 1998 Added pictures of my Maternal Grandparents to the Dedication Page
24 October 1998 Started final year of war, dedicated to the Petersburg seige, Appomattox and General Lee's farewell.
26 October 1998 Added pictures of my Mother and myself to the Dedication Page, now show six generations of my family. Will soon add pictures of my own children to make it seven generations.
10 January 1999 Added section dedicated to the life and times of General John Bell Hood, Commanding Officer of the enfamous Texas Brigade and later assigned as Commanding Officer, Army of Tennessee. He relieved General Joseph Johnston.
23 Jan 1999 Added section dedicated to the life and times of General James Longstreet, I Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, Commanding. Have added pictures and will continue with narrative documenting the long active life the General led after the war.
08 Feb 1999 Added section dedicated to the life, dedication, suffering, and fortitude of the Confederate Soldier. My Great Great Grandfather was a member of the 18th Regiment Georgia Volunteer Infantry, this section is dedicated to him and all the fine young men who fought for the Old South.
21 Feb 1999 Added section detailing the Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg) and the part the 18th Regiment Georgia Volunteer Infantry played in this battle, the "Bloodiest Day of the Civil War".
02 March 1999 Added section detailing the Overland Campaign, General Grant's attempt in wrestling the strong defensive hold that General Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia had on the Confederate Capital city of Richmond.
15 March 1999 Added section detailing the brutality and criminal responsibility of General William Tecumseh Sherman. He irreversably destroyed the state of Georgia and his behavior was presumptively criminal.
07 May 1999 Added section dedicated to the life of General James Ewell Brown Stuart, Chief of Cavalry, Army of Northern Virginia, Confederate States Army
22 May 1999 Added section describing the Battle of Chancellorsville and depicting the part in which the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry played in this battle as well as the ensuing defense of the Confederate army as General Sedgwick tried to come to the rescue of General Hooker in his defeat
15 December 2000 Added section dedicated to the life and times of Lieutenant General Thomas Jonathan Jackson.
08 February 2000 Updated "dedication" page by adding pictures of my own children and my Grandchildren. I now have seven generations in pictures.
12 July 2000 Added section to display some of my artwork I have done to pay tribute to the General officers and Soldiers of the Confederate Army.
June 2001 Received the "Southern Patriot Award".
June 2001 Received the "Georgia 8th Infantry Award".
15 June 2001 Added section dedicated to documenting the Battle of Fredericksburg and the part the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry played in this hotly contested battle.
17 December 2001 Added section to document our family's "Yankee Connection". Our Great Great Grandfather Henry H. Stancliff served with the 119th NY Regiment of Volunteer Infantry. Also added a brief history of the 119th NY and the part it played in the American Civil War.
03 January 2002 Received the 1st Louisiana Cavalry Regiment 2001 Excellent Site Award
03 January 2002 Received the 9th Louisiana Infantry Regiment Fighting Tigers Award of Excellence
05 February 2002 Added a section dedicated to the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry and the part in which it played in the Battle of Cedarcreek, October 19, 1864
15 May 2002 Updated family photos in Dedication page
22 June 2002 Received the Jackson Light Artillery Nice Site Award
15 August 2002 Added a section dedicated to family members whos served in the Confederate Armies in the defense of our country, people and way of life. The Family Roll of Honor
05 December 2002 Added a section continuing the chronicaling of the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry and their part in the Siege of Knoxville (November 1863)
16 February 2003 Added a section with documents obtained from the National Archives which chronicle the Service record of my Great Great Grandfather, 1st Lieutenant George R. Smith.
27 February 2003 Added a link to the web site of Robert W. Ford, author of "Dr. John Perley Ford (1794-1869), His Life, Times, Ancestors, Descendants, and Allied Families 1635-1993", a valuable researcher of the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry and Great Grandson of George W. Ford, who served in Co. K, "Rowland Infantry".
03 March 2003 Added a section continuing the chronicling of the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry. This time, the subject is the 2nd Battle of Manassas, where as part of the famed Texas Brigade, the Georgians proved themselves to be a formidable force against the troops of Union General John Pope's "Army of Virginia".
04 March 2003 Became a member of "The History Ring" and placed html code on site index.
05 March 2003 Completed adding a section that documents the part played by the 18th georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry during the Battle of Gaines Mill, while part of the Texas Brigade's charge of the artillery stronghold on Turkey Hill.
10 March 2003 Received Sharps Carbine Sharp Site Award from Theo Rojo. This prestigious award is very much appreciated.
12 March 2003 Reorganized "main.html" page to place 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry battlefield reports and articles in chronocological order and give page a fresh look.
02 June 2003 Added section on 2nd Battle of Cold Harbor June 1-June 3, 1864 and chronicled the part in which the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry played in this very violent and bloody battle.
29 December 2004 Added excerpts from "Official Reports" from General Jubal Early and from the detailed journal of Colonel Hotchkiss of General Early's command, concerning the Battle of Cedar Creek.
28 February 2005 Added "Official Reports" of Lieutenant-Colonel S.Z. Ruff, commanding the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry as part of the Texas Brigade, during the Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam).
22 January 2006 Added article concerning the author of General Order No. 9 (General Lee's Farewell Address), written by Norman Bell of General Lee's Headquarters staff.
16 February 2006 Included additional relatives that served with the Norfolk Light Artillery Blues, on the "Family Roll of Honor".
10 April 2006 Updated "Tafel" list to include Wife's ancestors more completely and new information concerning my own ancestors.
08 Sept 2006 Updated "Family Role of Honor" to include Monroe Strickland, Marshall Strickland, John Washington Strickland (all three are Great Great Great Uncles, brothers to our Great Great Grandfather), William Kinley Parker (maternal Great Great Grandfather on Father's side), and William Riley Coldiron (wife's maternal Great Great Grandfather).
17 Feb 2007 Updated "Tafel" list further, with new information recently found, documenting ancestry on mine and wife's side of far back as in the 1400's. Updated "List" of names researching.
17 April 2008 Added a section to my site dedicated to documenting the history of the 24th Regiment North Carolina Troops, of which our Great Great Uncles John Washington Strickland and Marshall Strickland, were a part.
31 March 2010 Updated section covering the Battle of Knoxville, Tennessee, with documentation describing the attack on Fort Saunders on the 29 November 1863.
28 December 2010 Updated references to each Company assigned to the 18th Georgia Regiment of Volunteer Infantry; Companies A through K, as earlier references were no longer available .
01 January 2011 Updated article on the Battle of Cedar Creek, by adding Battle Maps from the Civil War Preservation Trust. Also, added more info from the Journal of Captain Jed. Hotchkiss,Topographical Engineer,Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia (Valley District), of operations August 4-December 31.
25 February 2011 Added article concerning the Battle of Sailor's Creek, in which a large number of General Lee's Army of Northern Virginia surrendered while fighting a rear guard action, protecting the withdrawl towards Appomattox Court House.
04 March 2011 Updated article on the Battle of Antietam, by adding Battle Maps from the Civil War Preservation Trust.
21 March 2011 Updated article on the Battle of Fredericksburg, by adding Battle Maps from the Civil War Preservation Trust.
06 April 2011 Updated article on the Battle of Gettysburg and the Wheatfield, by adding Battle Maps from the Civil War Preservation Trust.

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