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Casa Rosa Plant Profiles

Glamis Castle


Rose Bed Two

The Garden Gate


The Roses

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Glamis Castle

Class: English
Height: 3' Width: 2'
Hardiness:to zone 5
Bred:Austin, 1992, UK

Description: Double, repeat flowering, white, fragrant.

Comments: This rose was planted in Rose Bed Two during the Fall of 2000. The flowers are lovely, full, and cup shaped with a mild myrrh fragrance (which to me smells like baby powder). The plant as a whole however leaves much to be desired. It is the most blackspot prone plant in my garden and is often nearly leafless.

UPDATE: After all the rain we had late in the year of 2003 and in 2004, this rose is pretty much dead. The two or three inches of green left above the soil will be hanked to make way for a more vigorous and healthy rose.