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Casa Rosa Plant Profiles

Mme. Ernst Calvat


Garden Location

The Garden Gate


The Roses

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Mme. Ernst Calvat

Class: Bourbon
Height: 6-7' Width: 4-5'
Hardiness:to zone 5
Bred:Schwartz, 1888, France

Description: Double, repeat flowering, fragrant light pink flowers.

Comments: This rose was planted in the Fall of 2000 in Rose Bed Two. It is the lighter pink sport of Mme. Isaac Perierre, but has not bloomed or grown as prolifically and is not quite as fragrant. The flowers are a little more prone to brown and ball from rain, perhaps because of the lighter color, and it has had a little more blackspot than Mme. Isaac Perierre. The flower form is exactly that of MIP, however, very lush and packed full of petals.