Chrysalis Connections
General information about Chrysalis
How to Attend/Sponsor someone for a Southside Virginia Chrysalis Weekend
Community Calendar of Events
Teaming on a Southside Virginia Chrysalis Weekend
Participating in the Southside Virginia Chrysalis Community
Message from the Community Lay Director
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new
creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV
Welcome to the Southside Virginia Chrysalis Community's place on the web! Contact me if you have any questions or suggestions!
I pray you will recognize the blessings of today as you visit our website. Always remember that you have been transformed from a piddly ol' caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly, guided on your flight by the Holy Spirit.
This community site has undergone a transformation of its own. We hope you will find the information useful and visit it as often as you need in order to stay current with the continued flight of this community.
Prayerfully consider your role in sponsoring, teaming, working behind-the-scenes, or participating as a community member on the two upcoming flights. Christ is Counting on You!
Love and Prayers,
Alissa Baldwin