Source: Federal Register, Vol 60, No. 49, Tuesday March 14, 1995, page 13750

Federal Highway Administration

Environmental Impact Statement: City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County, VA

AGENCY: Federal Highway Administration, DOT.

ACTION: Cancellation of the Notice of Intent.

SUMMARY: This notice rescinds the previous Notice of Intent issued on October 3, 1984, to prepare an environmental impact statement for a proposal to provide a four-lane divided facility from the intersection of existing McIntire Road and Preston Avenue to an intersection with Rio Road. The proposed highway project involved in part the upgrading of an existing two-lane facility to a four-lane divided roadway. The remaining part of the proposed highway project called for a four-lane facility on new location.

Mr. Bruce Turner, Transportation Planner, Federal Highway Administration, 1504 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 205, Richmond, Virginia 23229, Telephone (804) 281-5111.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: When the Notice of Intent was published, there was reason to believe that one or more of the alternatives might significantly affect the environment. However, after conducting exhaustive environmental studies of all the alternatives under consideration, documenting this information in a draft Environmental Impact Statement, circulating the draft EIS for comment, and holding the location public hearing, a reduced alternative without any significant environmental impacts was selected to meet the proposed project's purpose and need.
    Therefore, in accordance with Federal regulations, the selected alternative is considered a Class III Action, and the assessment of the environmental impacts will be finalized and documented with an Environmental Assessment.

J. Bruce Turner,
Transportation Planner, Richmond, Virginia.
[FR Doc. 95-6182 Filed 3-13-95; 8:45 am]