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Chapter 100

Jesse was quiet as Richie drove.  Her mind was so busy processing the conversation they'd had before dinner last night.  Richie had told her it wasn't a bad thing to be selfish from time to time but she couldn't shake the guilty feeling she had at the moment.

Richie held her hand in his playing with her fingers as he drove.  He would glance at her from time to time and knew that she was thinking about something.  He also knew that she'd eventually tell him.

There was a paleness in the east as Richie paid the toll for the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel.  Jesse looked around to see where they were and realized what Richie was planning.

"Sunrise, over the water!"

"Yep.  There's a restaurant on one of the islands where we're going to eat breakfast."

"Good because I'm hungry."

"Bottomless pit," teased Richie.

Jesse laughed, "You like it though."

"Yes, because I like working it off you," he leered.

Jesse leaned to him kissing him quickly, "I love you, Richard Stephen Sambora."

For the rest of the way to the restaurant, the couple listened to music.  Richie had put in a CD with a mixture of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin and would from time to time, sing along.  Jesse loved hearing Richie's voice no matter what the song was.

Pulling into the restaurant, Richie said, "They aren't open yet.  Let's go watch the sun come up."

Jesse grabbed her camera and climbed out to be greeted by Richie.  With his arm around her shoulders, the couple walked to the pier and out to the end.  They spoke to the handful of fisherman they passed and when they reached the end, Richie wrapped his arms around her from behind pulling her against him.  They stood in silence as the sky changed colors.  Jesse took pictures as they watched but that was all she did.

Finally, Jesse said, "Richie, you said something last night that I've been thinking about."

"What's that, Jess?"

"You said that sometimes being selfish is a good thing.  I've been selfish for the last three weeks and it cost me my son."

"You didn't lose him forever, Jess.  He said he'd revisit the custody issue in six months and I'd bet every one of my guitars that you will have Stevie back."

"How am I going to get him back if I'm following you on tour?"

"Baby, most couples have time to get to know each other before they have children.  We didn't have that.  The judge saw that and is giving us a chance to get comfortable in our relationship."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because he told you what a good job you'd done with him; he complimented you on preparing for his future; and he said he could see how loved Stevie was."  Richie turned Jesse to face him.  "I'm being selfish this weekend."


"I took your cell phone and your laptop so that I had your complete attention.  For the next six months, I want you to be selfish.  Focus on us; focus on our relationship and our life with the music.  When you're comfortable with our life, you'll be comfortable being a mother too and you'll be able to provide Stevie a stable environment."

"Tell you what.  I'll be COMPLETELY selfish IF you tell me where we're headed for the rest of the weekend and how many more surprises you have in store for me."

"That's blackmail."

"Blackmail is such an ugly word.  Now, if I were to tell you I wasn't going to make love to you the rest of the weekend if you didn't tell me, THAT would DEFINITELY be blackmail," she smirked.

"Okay!" he laughed.  "I am taking you to Chincoteague Island where we're staying at a bed and breakfast called The Channel Bass.  We're going to relax for the next two days....just you and me."

"Mmmm, I like the sounds of that."

"No TV, no cell phones, no laptops....just you..." he placed a kiss on her lips...."and me."

"I definitely like THAT."

"And I have a few more surprises for you."  Richie leaned in to kiss her slowly.  When he pulled back, he looked into her eyes and said, "Tell me one thing you love about me?"

"Just one?!"

"For now."

"I love your romantic streak; wanting to see the sunrises and the sunsets; walking on the beach holding hands; playing love songs for me," she answered as she touched his cheek.  "Tell me one thing you love about me."

"I love your smile, the way it lights up your face and your eyes," he said as he too touched her cheek.  "I want to see it every second we're together.  I want to be the one to make you smile like that."

The couple kissed again, slowly.  The depth of their love washed over them the way the water was washing over the rocks on the island.

Arm in arm, they walked to the restaurant where they talked and held hands as they enjoyed a hearty breakfast; then it was on to the bed and breakfast.

Chapter 101        Index