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Chapter 105

Monday morning came too quickly for Jesse.  She didn't want to leave but she was anxious to get started planning the honeymoon.  She also wanted to talk to Stevie.

Coming out of the bathroom, she found Richie already dressed and on the phone.  She wrapped her arms around his waist as he talked.

"We're headed that way today," said Richie.  "Yeah, it was a good weekend...we had a couple rough spots but we got through it."

"Who is that?" asked Jesse softly.


Standing on her toes, she said, "Hey, Jon."  Richie put the phone to her ear as Jon spoke to her.  "I've had a WONDERFUL time...."she laughed.  "Yes, he's spoiled me."

Richie took the phone back.  "She's EXTREMELY spoiled.  I can't stay at a hotel without room service any more!....I had to force her to put clothes on so we could go eat."  Richie laughed, "Nah, it was nice, just don't want to share.....I'll call you when we get to Mama's...yeah, I've got a song for you to hear...."  Looking down at Jesse, he smiled, "I had inspiration....she hasn't heard it yet.....I'll tell you about it later."

Richie closed his phone as Jesse asked, "You wrote a song about me?"

"Not necessarily about you but having that one someone to hold and share your dreams with.  I wrote it Saturday morning while I was out on the beach."

"When do I get to hear it?"

"Soon.  Maybe tonight before we go to bed."

"How about on our way to Jersey?"

"I can't play and drive."

"I CAN drive you know."

"Yeah, you can but I'm not going to let you do anything to wear yourself out."

"I'm FINE, Richie.  Please, I want to hear the song," she begged.

"You don't play fair, Jess," he smirked.  "That beautiful smile, that sexy voice....those beautiful, blue eyes.  How in the hell am I ever going to say 'no' to you?"

"I promise not to take advantage of you."

"I want you to take advantage of me....EVERY chance you get," leered Richie as he kissed her.  "Get dressed.  I want to get on the road so you can rest when we get to Mama's before we go into the city."

"When are you going to give me my phone back?" asked Jesse as she dropped her towel.

Richie watched, her perfect body moving gracefully as she dressed.  God he wanted her.

"Uh...RICHIE," she called as she touched his arm.

"Huh....oh, sorry.  I was thinking about having your body pressed against mine."


"Uh huh.  Did you ask me something?"

"Do you have my phone?"

"It's in the truck."

"Do you have Kevin's number on your phone then?"

"Yes, but Stevie's at school now."

Jesse took his arm to look at his watch.  "True, but I can talk to Kevin and see how he did."

"No, you won't," insisted Richie wrapping his arm around her holding her so she couldn't reach his phone.  "And you need a watch."

"I have a watch.  I just don't wear it because I can get you to hold me," she smiled and gave him a kiss.  Then, getting a serious, she asked, "Richie, why don't you want me talking to Kevin?"

"Because of the custody issue."

"I'm going to have to talk to him when I call to talk to Stevie."

"No, you don't.  I told Kevin to give his phone to Stevie when you call.  All communication with Kevin is through me, Tico, or Jack."

"Then will you call him?"

"Yes, I will," he answered as he opened his phone.  He pressed a few buttons and a second later, "Hey, Kevin...yeah, we've had a good weekend but Jesse wanted to know how Stevie did....sounds like his mom....we're headed to Jersey in a few minutes and into the city tonight....she'll call him this afternoon when he gets home from school...she'll be using her phone....if you do that, I'll pay half of it....just let me know how much."  Looking down at Jesse as she stood next to him he said, "She's doing as well as can be expected....she'll be fine as soon as all this is resolved the way it should be...I'll talk to you later."

As Richie put his phone in his pocket, Jesse asked, "Well?"

"He's fine for the most part.  He cried himself to sleep every night but that's the worst of it."

"I figured as much," sighed Jesse as she put her hand on his chest.  She stayed there for several minutes, then she asked, "Are you trying to protect me by not letting me talk to Kevin?"

"Mostly, but it was Jackson's idea after Friday.  Tico actually called Stevie each day over the weekend to check on him."


"Yeah, really.  Baby, I'd never have taken your phone so Stevie couldn't reach you if I didn't have a plan."

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Didn't need to, did I?"

Jesse looked up at him.  "No, you didn't.  I trust you completely and I should have known Friday night that you would take care of me."

Richie put his hand on the side of her cheek.  "I will always take care of you and Stevie.  Are you ready to go?"

Jesse laughed, "Richie, I'm not finished dressing.  Unless you weren't serious about not sharing me."

"I'm DEAD serious about not sharing you.  You're MY lady," smirked Richie.  "Get dressed while I get the rest of our stuff into the truck."

"Am I driving?"

"No!  You've got work to do.  I'll have your laptop out and your phone."

"When do i get to hear the song then?" pouted Jesse.

"Before Jon, I promise," answered Richie giving her a kiss.  "I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Okay."  She watched as he started to leave but at the door, she stopped him.  "Richie."

Looking back at her, he smiled, "Yeah, baby."

"Love me forever?"

"And a day."

Chapter 106        Index