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Chapter 116

"So?" questioned Jon as Richie closed his phone.

Richie shook his head.  "She'll only tell that a pregnancy isn't out of the questions."

"When is she going to tell you if she's pregnant?"

"When she gets to London and can be in my arms."

"Sounds like she's not and needs you to reassure her."

"Sounds more like she is but knows I'm worried."

"Do you want to know now?"

"Sure, but you heard me.  I promised her she could surprise me and that I could wait until she got here."

Jon watched Richie for several minutes and could see the frustration in his guitarist.  This was just the kind of thing to send him back into the bottle and without Jesse here to reassure him, Jon was worried.

"Richie, I love the outlaw to death; she's like a kid sister, but this is serious and it's not fair to keep you in the dark.  If she's pregnant and it's a high risk pregnancy, she probably shouldn't be touring with us."  Seeing Richie about to speak, he cut him off.  "I'm not talking about the time in London.  We won't be going from town to town.  You've also got to remember that she does have mono!  You need to know exactly what is going on.  You need to call her doctors."

"It's going to piss her off."

"Without a doubt but you know how to handle her."

"And you still think I should call?"

"You'd already know if you'd been with her today," Jon pointed out.  Seeing Richie thinking it over, he added, "I'll be here for the fall out.  Call."

Richie pulled out a slip of paper with his phone and began to dial.  Seconds later, "yes, I'd like to speak with Dr. Parrish....Richie Sambora."  A slight smile danced on his lips as the secretary had to contain herself realizing who she was talking to.  "Dr. Parrish, hi....yes, my fiancĂ©e' is Jessica James....Jesse....please, could you check her files?  I should be listed as someone you can release information to as well as the party responsible for the bills.....Thank you......I need to know your results from this morning....I'm extremely concerned given her heart problem......can she travel?....I appreciate you talking to me....I'm the lucky one....I'm going to be with her for as many appointments as possible....thank you again."  Richie closed his phone and looked at Jon, his emotions dancing across his face.

"I take it she's pregnant."

"Six weeks.  She's due Christmas Day.'

"Can she travel?"

"For now, yes.  Jon, how the hell do I leave her at home knowing that I could have to return to bury her?"  he asked in complete frustration.

"It's your job, Rich, and Jesse knew full well what she was getting into.  Look at the positive.  Jesse's having YOUR baby."

That brought a smile to Richie's face.  "Yeah, I'm thrilled about that."

"See, there IS a positive that you're happy with.  I would strongly recommend talking to Tico about all this too."

"Already decided to do that."

"Let's go grab some dinner and come back here to work on some music."

The two men stood and Richie put his hand on Jon's shoulder.  "Thanks."

"You two look good together and she's good for you.  Hold on to her."

"With everything I have."

Chapter 117        Index