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Chapter 118

"MAMA!" squealed the little boy as he rushed into Jesse's arms.

"OH MY GOD!"  I have missed your hugs!" Jesse held him tight as she fought the tears.  "I swear, you've grown four inches since I saw you."

"He's growing like a weed," commented Kevin as he joined Jesse, Stevie, and Ava.  "You look good, Jess."

Jesse looked up to see Kevin with Kristen and Mason close behind.  "The love of a good man does wonders."

"Mama, is this Ava?"

Ava stepped closer as Jesse answered, "Yes sir, it is.  Ava, this is Stevie."

"Hey, Stevie," greeted Ava.  "Daddy has told me tons about you."


"Yep, like how good you are at baseball."

"He told me you really like soccer."

"Yeah, I do."

Hugging Stevie again and kissing hi on the cheek, Jesse said, "THAT was from Pop.  He said to tell you he missed you and hopes you're having fun with your dad."

A tear trickled down as Stevie said, "I miss him A LOT, Mama, just like I miss you.  When can I see him again?"

"That's up to your father."

Ava spoke up seeing the looks being exchanged by Kevin and Jesse, "Come on, Stevie.  Show me your classroom."

When they were out of earshot, Kevin said, "She looks like her mom."

"Yeah, she does, but she's got Richie's smile."

"When did she get here?"

"Yesterday.  She's flying with me to London and will be spending most of the summer with us."

"Is she in the wedding?"

"She's one of my brides-maids."  Looking at her feet first, Jesse said softly, "I'd really like to have my son there give me away.'

"NOT going to happen," sated Kristen coldly.  "We are NOT flying to London just for Stevie to be in your wedding."

"Stay out of it, Kristen," glowered Jesse.  "He's MY SON, not yours."

"Both of you stop," said Kevin calmly.  "Jess, Kristen is just as involved..."

"NO, she's NOT!!  Richie wanted to adopt Stevie...make him his son legally.  Kristen wouldn't let you have anything to do with him until Richie stepped into the picture."

"Stop, Jesse," insisted Kevin. 

Jesse glared at Kevin.  "I'm going to find Ava and Stevie."

Kevin turned to Kristen, "Take Mason and go wait in the gym."

"No, Kevin.  Mr. Olsen told you...."

"Kristen, please.  It'll be okay," he reassured as he gave her a kiss.  with a gentle push, he watched her head to the gym.  With his wife and son gone, Kevin loped to catch Jesse.  "I'll go with you."

"I can find them without your help."

"You aren't supposed to be alone with him."

"And our attorneys don't want us together and alone either."

Kevin blushed as he shoved his hands in his pockets.  "I'm sorry, Jesse."

"If you really mean that, drop all this and let me have my son back."

"I can't do that."

"Can't or won't?"  Jesse could tell by the reaction that Kevin was holding back.  Softening her tone, she said, "Come on.  Let's go find the kids" and she reached out to take his hand.

Kevin took it as he asked, "Aren't you worried what Ava will tell Richie?"

"No, because I'll tell him myself."

As they walked holding hands, Kevin asked, "Jess, I really fell hard for you and I never meant for it to come to this.  Now it's all out of control and too many people are involved.  I can't stop it."

Jesse shook her head, "Now isn't the time or the place to get into this.  I wish we could just sit down together, alone, and this all out.'

"Do you have any feelings for me...other than to hate me?"

"I could never hate you, Kevin," she said softly.  "You will always be special to were my first and despite the aftermath, you made me feel special."

"Richie was right.  I did take advantage of you and you didn't deserve to be treated the way I've treated you."

"You can make it right, Kevin."

"No, I can't."

Again, Jesse saw something in his eyes that told her there was so much more to all of this than he was telling her.  Instead of pushing it, she pulled him along saying, "Let's go find the kids."

Kevin pulled her hand to her lips placing a soft kiss on the back.  "You look so happy when you say Richie's name."

"He really is a good man."

Almost at the pre-school building, Jesse spotted Ava and Stevie bouncing out of the room.

"Hey, Mama!  I showed Ava all my pictures."

"That's good, baby."

"It's time for Stevie to line up," said Ava.

"Stevie, you go with your teacher and Ava and I are going to go to the gym so we can get a good seat to record it for Pop."


"I'm going to go too, Stevie."

"Daddy, can Mama and Ava go with us to lunch?"

"If they want to.  We'll talk more about it after the program."

Jesse gave Stevie a kiss.  "We'll see you later, baby."

Jesse and Ava  headed to the gym and as they walked, Ava said,  "I called Daddy so Stevie could talk to him."

"Thank you!  He really does love Stevie and Stevie loves him."

"I could tell.  Stevie said he has his own cell phone. Why doesn't Daddy just call him?"

"It's a long, complicated story but basically, Kevin doesn't want Richie to have anything to do with Stevie.'

"WOW!  What a jerk!"

Jesse shook her head, "I don't think it's all his doings.  I get the impression that his wife is behind the majority of what is going on right now.  Do you mind recording this for your dad?"

"Not at all.  Jesse, are we going with them to lunch?"

"I don't want to upset Stevie but probably not.  Our attorney doesn't want me around Kevin and your dad is NOT going to be too happy about me talking to Kevin."


"What was your dad doing when you called?"

"Getting ready for the show."

Jesse shook her head.  Now wasn't the time to call Richie with this news.  She'd just have to wait until later...probably when she got to London.

The rest of the morning went well.  Stevie beamed with happiness having his mother and new 'sister' watching.  A couple times he managed to give Jesse a tiny wave and she had to fight the tears.

Chapter 119            Index