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Chapter 124

Richie and Ava returned to the hotel where Ava headed straight to her room.  Richie was surprised to find Jesse curled up on the couch.  She was wearing one of his T-shirts and a pair of shorts and was sound asleep.  On the coffee table was her laptop with papers for the wedding and his business scattered all around.  The television was on and as they walked in, Morgan had jumped up from his seat across from Jess.

"Hey, Boss," greeted the burly bodyguard.

"How long has she been asleep?" asked Richie looking down at Jesse.

"I've been here about half and hour and she was asleep when I came in."

Richie pushed the stuff on the coffee table to the side so he could sit down.  He reached out to feel her forehead only to realize she was running a fever.

His touch woke her and Jesse reached up to take his hand.  "Hey you!  You're early," she smiled, her voice gravely with sleep.

"Baby, it's almost five.  We were supposed to be at the restaurant by now."

"Oh crap!  I'm sorry!" panicked Jesse jumping up.  "It won't take me....."

"Slow down, Jess," soothed Richie putting his hand on her to stop her.  "We can stay here and go out another night."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive.  Besides, you aren't feeling well, are you?"

Jesse cast her eyes away from his intense gaze.  "I've been running a fever all day."

"How much have you slept?"

"A lot.  I didn't wake up until almost noon and after I got a shower and something to eat, I tried to do some work but fell asleep.  The last time I remember looking at the clock, it was two."

Richie shook his head.  "You were exhausted.  Do you feel better now?"

"I guess so...just really hungry."

"I'll order room service for us."

"M 'kay."  Jesse moved over so Richie could sit beside her.  "Richie, how upset would you be if I stayed here tonight?"

"I wouldn't be.  You need your rest."

"Thank you."

"Now, what would you like for dinner?"

"I don't care, Rich," she answered as she leaned against him.

Richie reached behind them to get the room service menu and with his arm around her, they looked it over.  When they'd made up their minds, he called in the order.

"What about Ava?" asked Jesse as he hung up.

"A friend of mine who has a daughter Ava's age is coming to get her for the night and they're going to a movie."

"Oh!"  Realizing Richie was wearing one of the T-shirts and the necklace, she smiled.  "You opened your gift."

"I couldn't wait and it's killing me not to unwrap my other present," he answered hugging her tighter.

"We could make love after we eat.....if you want," suggested Jesse.

Richie knew she meant it and he wanted to but he also knew she wasn't feeling well so he said, "Maybe tonight after the show."

"Wake me if I'm asleep?"

"Only if you make me two promises."

"Which are?"

"Wear the gown you wore last night and GO to bed.  Don't wait up for me."

"I promise...on both counts."

"Thank you!  Now, tomorrow, we need to be out of here by...."

"Whoa!  I'm not going with you tomorrow."

"Why not?"

"First, I'm going to sleep in and then your friend Stephanie is coming to get me for lunch before we go take care of the flowers for the wedding.  It's already going to be a rush job so I need to do this as soon as possible.  I SHOULD have done it today but Tico told me to hold off until a day after I got here so I could rest."

"Damn!  When are we going to get to spend time together?"

"I don't know.  I guess once you're finished in the studio."

"I'd hoped you'd go with me.  They're all looking forward to meeting you."

"I'm sorry, Rich, but I really need to take care of the flowers.  I can come by when I'm done."

"That's okay.  At least I have you to hold at night," conceded Richie hugging her to him.  "I'm glad you're here with me."

"I'm glad I'm here too, Richie.  I really don't like being apart."

"Tell me how things went with Kevin.  You did keep Ava with you so you weren't alone with him, didn't you?"

This was the first chance the couple had really had to talk about Kevin and Stevie's graduation.  Jesse hadn't wanted to tell him on the phone knowing he was going to be upset with her about it.  Yesterday had had more than enough drama and it now looked like there was about to be more tonight.

Jesse hesitated answering and she wouldn't look up at him as she said, "Everything was fine with Kevin.  It was Kristen who was the pain in the ass."

"Were you alone with them?" insisted Richie.

"Ava saw that things were getting nasty so she took Stevie back to his classroom and called you.”

"Jessica, I told you I didn't want you alone with Kevin," said Richie, anger lacing his voice.

"I couldn't help it, Richie."

"Why didn't you get Ashley or Carly to go with you?"

"They both had something to do.  Kevin told Kristen to leave after telling us to back off. When we were alone, just Kevin and me, everything was fine.  In fact, I got the impression he was holding the whole custody issue wasn't his idea."

"Jess, he's playing you," said Richie with frustration.

"No, I don't think so.  It wasn't like the other times.  I really think Kristen is the one pushing him."

"What did you and Kristen get into it about?"

"I wanted Stevie at the wedding and I asked Kevin if he'd bring him.  Kristen said they weren't going to drop their plans just to bring him to London."

"What did Kevin say?"

"He'd think about it."

"Jessica," breathed Richie, stopping to get control of his voice.

"I'm sorry, Richie," she apologized knowing he wasn't happy.  "I wasn't going to miss Stevie's pre-school graduation just to avoid Kevin and Kristen."

"I didn't expect you to."  He shook his head.  "I should have left Tony with you."

"But you didn't and I survived.  Now, I have my 'Superman' to protect me," purred Jesse as she looked up at him adoringly.  "The next time we see Kevin, we'll be married."

Richie kissed her.  "How about we call Stevie?"

"Sounds wonderful," answered Jesse as a knock sounded on the door. 

Richie handed her his cell phone as he said, "Call while I get Ava off."

"I can wait.  I want to meet your friends," she replied as she got up with him.

Wrapping his arm around her, he said, "Woman, I love you."

Chapter 125        Index